
run threads on server side & show progress on client side possible???

I want to run a thread pool on server side & want to show threads work progress on client side. Is this possible. If so kindly guide me. thanx in advance ...

Progress during large file copy (Copy-Item & Write-Progress?)

Is there any way to copy a really large file (from one server to another) in Powershell AND display it's progress? There are solutions out there to use Write-Progress in conjunction with looping to copy many files and display progress. However I can't seem to find anything that would show progress of a single file. Any thoughts? ...

Do you ever create fake progress bars?

Do you (and would you) ever create progress bars that are just there to keep the client happy and moves without reflecting the true progress of the program? I remember reading about this somewhere, and am wondering if there are other developers that do it too... ...

Updating a status on a Winform in BackgroundWorker

I have a multi-step BackgroundWorker process. I use a marquee progress bar because several of these steps are run on a iSeries server so there isn't any good way to determine a percentage. What I am envisioning is a label with updates after every step. How would you recommend updating a label on a winform to reflect each step? Figured I...

How do I update a webpage with the progress of a server-side task?

Hi everyone, I'm working on a web project that takes the results from a survey type application, and runs them through a bunch of calculations to come up with some recommended suggestions for the user. Now, this calculation might take a minute or so, so I'd like to be able to give the user some update on it's progress. Obviously, the ...

Calculate total batch upload transfer percent with limited information

Hi there, I have a system which uploads to a server file by file and displays a progress bar on file upload progress, then underneath a second progress bar which I want to indicate percentage of batch complete across all files queued to upload. Information and algorithms I can work out are: Bytes Sent / Total Bytes To Send = First pro...

Build a nice progress bar

Hi, I need some inspiration on how to build a nice progress bar for the iPhone. What I want to build is a custom progress bar, as I've drawn here: My approach up to now is to use a PNG (gray in the figure above) with a transparent rounded rectangle. Through this rectangle, users see the moving bar. It would be nice to draw this bar ...

how can i show progress bar while sending an email in java

hii every one I want to show progress bar while my program sends email how can i do it? ...

How to change the value of progressbar in C#?

Hi, I want to add an progress bar into my C# based application. I would like to know what is the good way of updating its value at particular events? My problem is, I have single function in UI which does all the processing.This function in turn calls many more functions, creates objects, updates database, etc. (basically performs al...

What is the easiest way to get an embedded upload progress bar using Ruby/Sinatra/Haml/Passenger/nginx?

I have a website where people can upload 30+mb of data in a single block, and I want to be able to show them the progress of their upload without causing the web page to become unresponsive, similar to how flash uploads work in gmail. There's this question here, but I don't know if that progress bar is embedded in the page or if it's us...

WPF Best point to update a progress bar from BackgroundWorker

I have a task that takes a long time executing. In order to inform about the progress to the user I have a progress bar that I update inside DoWork but I would like anybody tells me if it is the best way to update the progress bar. I have heard that there is a ReportProgress event handler but I am confused because I don't know what is th...

Progress Bar design patterns?

The application I'm writing performs a length algorithm which usually takes a few minutes to finish. During this time I'd like to show the user a progress bar which indicates how much of the algorithm is done as precisely as possible. The algorithm is divided into several steps, each with its own typical timing. For instance- initia...

wpf window refresh works at first, then stops

I've got a routine that grabs a list of all images in a directory, then runs an MD5 digest on all of them. Since this takes a while to do, I pop up a window with a progress bar. The progress bar is updated by a lambda that I pass in to the long-running routine. The first problem was that the progress window was never updated (which is n...

cannot display progress bar at the time of loading another Activity in Android

hi group This may be a simple question but i am a beginner ,i need your suggestion on this. i have two Activities A1 and A2 .When i click the image on A1 screen i have to display progress bar until A2 screen appears(A2 activity has huge task to do).I tried image.setOnClickListener(new ImageView.OnClickListener() { publi...

Is there a way to make PHP progressively output as the script executes?

So I'm writing a disposable script for my own personal single use and I want to be able see how the process is going. Basically I'm processing a couple of thousand media releases and sending them to our new CMS. So I don't hammer the CMS, I'm making the script sleep for a couple of seconds after every 5 requests. I would like - as the ...

progress bar is not showing progress results??

i have used progress bar in my application is working fine but the progress bar is does not show the working progress what is wrong?? ...

Java Fx Data bind not working with File Read

Hi I am using a very simple JavaFx client to upload files. I read the file in chunks of 1 MB (using Byte Buffer) and upload using multi part POST to a PHP script. I want to update the progress bar of my client to show progress after each chunk is uploaded. The calculations for upload progress look correct but the progress bar is not up...

How to do loading dialogs in Android?

Those dark spinning progress dialogs in the Amazon and Engadget apps - are those standard in Android? ...

ASP.NET - Update progress while processing data

Hope I can explain this correctly. I have a process, that outputs step by step messages (i.e., Processing item 1... Error in item 2 etc etc). I want this to be outputted to the user during the process, and not at the end. I pretty sure i need to do this with threading, but can't find a decent example. Thanks in advanced. ...

Android WebView progress bar

I have looked at a question similar to this here but as I am a newbie could someone explain how to get this to work in a WebView or at least how to set a 10 second time delay so people know that it's loading? ...