
Firefox all but freezes during large file upload; Ajax progress bar infeasible; IE6 works fine

I want to provide a progress bar for my users who upload very large files. I did some reading and implemented what should be a pretty straightforward solution: I have a <form> element that contains an file input element; its target is set to the ID of a hidden iframe. On the server side, there's some Spring magic that attaches an obje...

Updating a progress bar while wpf data binding is taking place (in c#)

EDIT - After playing around with a bunch of potential solutions (using backgroundworker and separate threads) I've found the key issue here is getting the data binding to be 'interrupted'. Since the progress bar is an animated circle (not a percent complete) it needs to respond to a timer event at consistent intervals to smoothly animate...

Multiple ajax request and progress bar

Hi, In a following piece of code i am create a progress bar and showing its progress as the ajax request get processed. i am faking the progress shown here just by adding 5 in to cnt counter variable after that i made a check when counter reach to 90. at this point if the request is not executed successfully then i will pause/disable ...

Force element.innerHTML update before javascript sort call

Hi, what is the best practice for this scenario: 1) User clicks "Sort huge javascript array" 2) Browser shows "Sorting..." through element.innerHTML="Sorting" 3) Browser sorts huge javascript array (100% CPU for several seconds) while displaying "Sorting..." message. 4) Browser shows result. Pseudo code: ... <a href="#" onclick="sortHu...

Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog

Reading the limited documentation that goggle has provided, I get the feeling that it is possible to change the look (drawable) of a ProgressBar/ProgressDialog by simply creating a new style an assigning it to the style property of the ProgressBar. But I cannot get this to work properly. Here is what I did so far. I created a shape like...

Is there a black progress bar to be visible on a white background?

The default progress wheel on Android doesn't display well when the background is white, it's barely visible. How can I fix this? ...

Python Four steps setup with progressBars

I'm having a problem with the code below. When I run it the progress bar will pulse for around 10 secs as meant to and then move on to downloading and will show the progress but when finished it will not move on to the next step it just locks up. import sys import time import pygtk import gtk import gobject import threading import urlli...

ProgressBar not reset to "0" when opening the second time.

In an Android application I run a task in a separate thread. While the thread is running it updates a progress bar in the main window to let the user know what's going on. The problem is, that if a user starts the thread a second time the progress bar won't be reset. It will just sit on 100% without doing anything. The whole source is a...

Showing a progress bar while SFX archive is extracting

Hello, I'm writing a program with C++ and by native Win32 API. I'm creating a process from a SFX archive EXE in silent mode that no GUI is shown to user. But I want to show a progress bar in my application, while the SFX archive extracting. How can I do that? Thanks. ...

Show fileprogress while fileupload

How to show file upload progress in ...

Turning a refresh ImageView into a ProgressBar

I am doing a custom title for my android app and I want to have a refresh button like the Twitter app. I am using a RelativeLayout an my ImageView is defined by: <ImageView android:id="@+id/title_refresh" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/ic_menu_refresh" andr...

How many FPS should I have for updating a custom progress bar?

I just wrote a custom progress bar, it's single buffered and will remain so. How many frames per second are desirable for something like this? I don't want to waste too much CPU updating the screen unnecessarily. ...

Flex ProgressBar component problem

I am trying to use the ProgressBar Flex component inside a custom Actionscript 3.0 component derived from the UIComponent class. I have set the minimum and maximum values etc. _progressBar = new ProgressBar(); _progressBar.label = "Loading"; _progressBar.minimum = 0; _progressBar.maximum = 100; _progressBar.direction = P...

PyQt:How to Place Progressbar in Splash Form

Guys any one can please help me in doing this -> I need to place a progress bar (QProgressbar) in a QSplashScreen . How can i do this in design?..can i really implement it? Using pyqt3 ...

wpf progress bar slows 10x times serial port communications... how could be possible that?

I know that this could look a dumb question, but here's my problem. I have a worker dialog that "hides" a backgroundworker, so in a worker thread I do my job, I report the progress in a standard way and then I show the results in my WPF program. The dialog contains a simply animated gif and a standard wpf progress bar, and when a progres...

file upload in existing site with jquery and codeigniter

I am a new bee to ajax world. I am working on a site which uses jquery and codeigniter which processes big files like 2GB. It basically parses file and stores some extracted data from it, it uses ajax to show how far the files have been processed etc. Now I want to change the way we process files. I want to first store the file on serve...

Wpf progressbar not updating during method calculation

Hey guys, In my app, i have an import option, to read info from a .csv or .txt file and write it to a database. To test, i"m just using 200-300 lines of data. At the beginning of the method, i calculate number of objects/lines to be read. Every time an object is written to the database, i want to update my progressbar. This is how i do ...

Download file with progress bar in cocoa?

Hello, I need to have a progress bar that responds to the percent complete of a download in cocoa. I think this might use things like NSProgressindicator and possibly NSTask. I'm not sure if theres an "official" method to download file in cocoa because up until now I just used curl with NSTask. Thanks for any replies. ...

Remove the "blockiness" in Progress Bar in WPF

Hi All, I want to remove the spaces between the blocks showing the progress. I need it to be solid. Code: <ProgressBar Name="probar" Minimum="0" Height="40" BorderThickness="0"/> Geetha ...

Custom progress bar label text via binding

I was playing with progress bar customization in Silverlight application. What I want to reach is to have progress bar label to show current its state in the following format: "Value / Maximum". So, user will see what is the current value, and what is the maximum possible value. Here is a style for progress bar I use: <Style x:Key="Prog...