
Is there a freely available "Spinning Wheel"-like control anywhere for Windows Forms?

We've all used the ProgressBar control, and it's great. Sometimes, though, you want to indicate to the user that work is being done, even though you can't determine what percentage of the work is finished or how long it will take to complete. On some operating systems, you can set Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; but this isn't suppor...

Progress bar, c#

Hi, I am currently working on a app that has multi web browsers on a tab control with progress bars on them. To save me duplicating code i wanted to create a method where i pass the progress bar name into a function. I have created the following below but i am getting this error. 'string' does not contain a definition for 'Maximum' and...

Image of progress bar (Full) with fade in background

I want to show progress bar just lightbox image shows and it should display 100 % progress bar status when i'm posting data from one page to other. How can i do that? ...

Progressbar in lightbox

I have an animated progress bar and i want to show it on lightbox using onclick event in drupal. So that when i click on submit button it shows a progress bar inside the lightbox. Please tell me how can i do that? ...

Change view dynamically from controller - Progress bar with threading in Rails

I have a time taking task in my controller for which I want to trigger a simple progress bar/progress status in my view. In my controller I have something like threads = [] total.times do |x| { the_time_taking_task(x) #Something here to trigger the progressbar in the view } end threads.each { |aThrea...

VB6 Progress Bar - Resetting Maximum Value

I've set up a simple progress bar in a VB6 form using the Microsoft Common Controls 6.0 component, and everything seems to work correctly. However, I use the progress bar for several different parts of the form, each of which use different (and variable) maximum values. When I try to change the maximum value at run-time after the bar h...

VB.Net Asynchronous background worker inside a loop.

Im using visual studio 2008. i have got a process(system.diagnostics.process) to be run in background and it updates the Ui thread progressbar and a label and i have worked it using backgroundworker.runworkerAsync. Now the problem is i have to work the same process for a number of time with different inputs. The code block is : ...

Silverlight mediaelement progressbar

Hi, I am trying to create a custom media player in Silverlight. I am working on the Progress Bar. I want the progress bar to display the current Download Progress as well as the Current Position of the mediaelement while it is playing. To do this I have a Progress Bar to display the download progress and a Slider laid over top to displ...

VB.NET - Windows Taskbar Progress with embedded DLL?

Hi forum. I asked a question earlier asking how to use the Windows 7 taskbar progress bar without the .dll files, but I realized that in VS2010 you can embed a .dll into your application. I set this option to embed to true, but when trying to use the code for said .dll, I get this error: Interop type "Windows7ProgressBar" cannot be e...

How to get Block Style Progressbars in Aero / .NET 4

I have three ProgressBars of the three styles. Blocks and Continuous are now rendering the same, whereas I remember Blocks used to render as Blocks. is this unique to .NET 4, Aero Glass, or Windows 7? How can I tell my app to use the classic Blocks? ...

Upload progress using javascript only

Is it possible to make a upload progress using javascript only? (maybe with some ajax to a server-side code) Having a form such as <form method="post" action="upload.html" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p>Select file to upload: <input type="file" name="selected_file"></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Upload the file"></p> <div id="p...

Flex progress bar setup....

Hi guys I am trying to make a progress bar to show the my application loading status. I google a lot but it only shows how to use progress bar for elements (ex: images, datagrid). I need to know the progress bar setup for the entire application. I am sorry if this is a noob question. My brain is not working now. Thanks for any help. ...

WPF asynchronous invoke question.

What's wrong in my code? It's not updating the TextBox and the ProgressBar while deleting files. Imports System.Windows.Threading Imports System.IO Class MainWindow Private Sub bt_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles bt.Click Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim files = IO...

Store Application Progress to Database

Hi, I have a daily launched multi-threaded loading service. I would like to keep tack of the percentage progress of the loader. I was thinking that it would be good to have an update column on a database table that writes the %Progress. Is this a good idea or will there be a large overhead(5k updates per minute). Is there a better way t...

Using ProgressBar as a wait bar - how to avoid freezes?

I'm creating a custom charting control and I would like to have the possibility of displaying some sort of wait bar while other commands are running (i.e. chart is being created). I'm using ProgressBar (System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar in marquee mode) as a part of this control. I do not need to update the state of the progress bar, I ...

In Android, displaying ProgressBar in a ListView

Hi, I'd be very thankful if someone would give me a hint on how to display a static ProgressBar (or any widget that displays a percentage in a bar format) within a ListView in an Android app. Here's my code: startManagingCursor(c); String[] from = { "category", "amountPercentage" }; int[] to = {, };...

How to use a WebServices to display Progress Indication?

0 down vote favorite I have a daily launched multi-threaded loading service. I would like to keep tack of the percentage progress of the loader. I was thinking that it would be good to have an update column on a database table that writes the %Progress. However, I have learned that this may not be a good idea as there will there be a ...

Updating UITableView after displaying

Hi, I have problem updating cells in tableview. My aim is present tableview with cells and after that I want download files one-by-one and display progressbar in each cell. I have managed download files and show progressbar. Now I have problem, because I dont know which method is called after the end of loading all the stuff. Should I ...

How Can I Add a Progress Bar to an Image in a Custom Component?

Hi, I'd like to add a progress bar to my image. The problem is that the image is in a custom component. In the Application, I make server call to get the pathway to the photo. I set photo1 in the Application. Please find below the custom component: <mx:Metadata> [Event("change", type="")] </mx:Metadata> <mx:Script...

I want a progressbar but get a spinner progressdialog

I am using a public AsynTask to download data, and I am trying to show a progress bar which would show the download progress. I think I have the code right, but all I get is a spinner progressdialog. Am I missing something? Why isn't the progress bar showing up? Here is the code. Thanks for any pointers. public class FileDownloader exte...