
Faking progress bar

Hello everyone. As a total beginner in Flash, I am on an assignment where I should create a fake progress bar that should go from 0% - 98%. Right now I have my line of progress with a total white tween over it that goes from left to right to indicate the fake download. See picture. While the tween is running I want to increase the ...

Progressbar in splash while copying a file on program load.

OK, here is the complete code for the Splashbar.pas, still have three progressbars, as I want to see what they look like before I choose one. It also includes some stuff that's disabled, as I can't get them to work. unit Splashbar; interface uses ExtActns, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ...

Android ProgressBar not animating

I'm drawing a ProgressBar in a custom View (SurfaceView) to it's Canvas, and it's drawn as expected. Except that it's not animating, no matter what I do. My custom view is animated properly, but I cant change the progress of the ProgressBar. I've created the ProgressBar like this: mImageProgressbar = new ProgressBar(context); mImagePro...

Winforms Updating UI Asynchronously Pattern - Need to Generalize

Setup: Main MDI form with a progress bar and a label. Code in Main form. public delegate void UpdateMainProgressDelegate(string message, bool isProgressBarStopped); private void UpdateMainProgress(string message, bool isProgressBarStopped) { // make sure we are running on the right thread t...

ASP.NET MVC Displaying and automatically refreshing a progress bar for donations

Hello there, I am building a simple ASP.NET MVC site to record and track donations. We have a set goal of $2,500,000 and will be entering donations into a database as they come in. We need to have a meter or progress bar on the homepage to show how close they are to the goal. Right now I have a partialView that has the donationGoal and t...

How to change a background color of jQueryUI Progressbar?

How to change a background color of jQueryUI Progressbar? Im trying to use: $('#progressbar div').css({backgroundColor: '#9CFF29'}); but no success :( Anybody can help me? Thanks! ...

Android: How to use Progress bar on AppWidget?

I like to display a progress bar on my AppWidget as the Widget downloads data from a server. Can someone please post an example or a hint how to implement that? ...

java jprogressbar hangs during heavy operation

I'm writing a java program and, before I call a method that makes heavy use of the CPU, I display a frame with a JProgressBar on it. Although I display it before the method is called, the JProgressBar is not shown until the method is over. The progress bar does not interact with the method in any way (yet) and that's why I am confused. I...

Coding progress bar advice

In my application i am parsing an xml file and validating the contents with xsd schema. When xml file gets bigger it takes some time to parse file and validate the contents. In this case I want visualize parsing and validation phases with progress bar. How to do this? Note: I am using Qt with C++ ...

Why doesn't setVisibility work on Android ProgressBar?

It would be nice if the ProgressBar could be made to go away until it is needed. Is there a problem using setVisibility.progressBar in applyMenuChoice? The problem with using setVisibility.progressBar in PrintStatusTask().execute() is that it crashes the app during runtime. public class Controller extends Activity { private Progress...

Determine progress while evaluating LINQ query

My C# program has long executed LINQ query running against MS SQL Server database. I'd like to show user a progress while executing the query. Is there any way to understand LINQ execution progress? Of course I can show undeterminate progress, but if possible, I'd prefer determinate. ...

Android ProgressBar getProgress?

Is there a slick way to display getProgress() in an Android ProgressBar? ...

jQuery: add text to the progressbar

hi all, is there some tweak to add a caption to the progressbar control? i'd love to put a centered caption which displays current percentage. thx ...

Runtime Error 1007 on a simple ProgressBar in Flex 4

This is such a simple code that compiles correctly, but I'm getting the error below when running it TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor. at mx.controls::ProgressBar/createChildren()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks\pro jects\framework\src\mx\controls\] at mx.core::UICompon...

What is the basic idea behind programming a progress/status bar in MATLAB?

I have a MATLAB GUI I am working on and I would like to make a progress or status bar to show the user how long a certain script will take to run or where it is running relative to when it will finish. I am new to this GUI thing, anyone have any ideas on how this could be done? I dont understand any of the examples (aka don;t know how...

How do I update the progress bar one step, every loop cycle? C#

Creating a .net application in C#, windows forms. How do I update the progress bar 1 step every cycle of a 100 cycle loop? (I’m processing an excel sheet in the loop.) The progress bar controls are in the UI class which connects to the controller class which connects to a custom class (MVC pattern). The loop is in the custom class. Do I...

Get http file size, download location, and URL in a label.

I am using this to download a file and get % info and completed info. I want to know how to get the size of the file being downloaded and the URL remote address and the local address where the file is being saved to. private void Form1_Load_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { label21.Text = "Download in progress..."; ...

Library or API for Creating Progress Bar Needed

Fist all...i am not sure PROGRESS BAR is the appropriate word to describe what i actually want..but for lack of a more apt word, i am stuck with it :( This is what i need. I am working on an Application in which users of the application, depending on how they interact with the application, and the level of activity they get to earn poi...

Refresh iPhone For progressbar

How would i show that the progress bar is working there is no Refresh() in objective-c like there is in .net what would i use for example contactprogress.progress = 0.5; StatusLabel.text = @"Status: Address Found"; How would i refresh the view to show that the progress has changed & show user the StatusLabel status? Thanks Mas...

need help for setting progressbars for webview clicks.

friend's I wanna need to know how to set progressbars for webview,when i click submenus or links from that webpage. thanks in advance. ...