
C# - Display loading 1-100% within 4 seconds.

I have a label on a splash screen that is displayed for 4 seconds. I am trying to make the label display the loading process as a percentage. Obviously, this is just to show the user that the program is actually starting up and not actually "loading" anything. Is there a way that I can have the label display the percentage (going from...

c# how to FormWindowState.Normal

greetings, i have this code: private void aboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; about About = new about(); About.ShowDialog(); } it minimizes the parent window state to minimized and displays a splash form. my question is when the ...

Is there any way to load all UI controls before displaying? C# winform

I have a complicate win form with lots of controls and bulky repaints, controls resizeing and positioning according to user screen, this causes the form to be shown while doing some rendering and repainting. Is there any way to load UI and prepare it before displaying??I mean showing final UI after the whole repainting events done. I...

Check for cookies with PHP (not JS) to use for splash page redirect

I want to redirect to a splash page for first time visitors to the site using cookies to remember that they came. This is easy, however, for people with cookies disabled, I never want to redirect them to the splash page. The problem I'm running into is that when I set the cookie, PHP won't see it until I reload the page. This means fi...

How can you randomize the splash screen?

Is it possible to make the iphone app splash screen pick up a random image or text? So that it is different every time (e.g. display tips)? If so how? ...

Splash screen appears on Debug mode but not on Release (iOS4)

I have iPhone 3GS, iOS4, xcode 3.2.3. After loading the Default.png, I add a little splash screen the looks exactly like the application start view. This splash screen appears animating in Debug mode, but do not show at all in Release mode(I get a blank screen), this of course rules out any problems with the image, like size or name. I ...

How to create Custom Spalsh screen while Silverlight downloader download Application Library Cache files ?

Hello, I have created a sample application suing Application cache, My some files are located on server. its working fine. But Now I have added appx 10 MB ZIP file and now want to downlaod, Silverlight downloader show 100% in xap download and then no progress show just circle appears. I have tried the http://pagebrooks.com/archive/200...

Progressbar in splash while copying a file on program load.

OK, here is the complete code for the Splashbar.pas, still have three progressbars, as I want to see what they look like before I choose one. It also includes some stuff that's disabled, as I can't get them to work. unit Splashbar; interface uses ExtActns, Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ...

iPhone - Do something while displaying splash screen

ok. I know how to display the splash screen on iPhone. Seems quite simple enough (i.e. setting the Default.png and calling "sleep" command). But, is the application actually doing anything during this time? My app needs to go and fetch some data from Web before showing the app's first screen, but when I do the splash screen, it doesn't ...

WPF animated splash screen

Is it possible to show a splash screen in WPF that has animation. I want my name of the company and the name of the application to fly in and a progress bar that continously animates. I Used this example http://blogs.lessthandot.com/index.php/DesktopDev/MSTech/wpf-and-the-splashscreen to try and get me started but the progress bar do...