
SVN project folder tree structure vs production folder tree structure

While developing a PHP+JS web application we always try to separate big blocks of code into small modules/components, in order to make these last ones as much reusable as possible in other applications. Let's say we now have: the EcommerceApp (an ecommerce main application) a Server-file-mgr component (a component to view/manage file ...

Any benefit/disadvantages to open beta vs. closed beta for webapp

This isn't a question about code, but it's programming related. We have a web app that's ready for beta testing. Has anyone noticed any difference between open beta vs. closed beta in terms of the quality or quantity of feedback the testers give or any other factors? ...

How can I find open source projects in need of project management resources?

I'm a developer who wants to improve and exercise project management skills in order to improve my career path choices (better job offers, more varied potential positions). If I don't have opportunities to do this in my work, how can I find other projects that will allow me to exercise these skills? Basically I want to find extracurr...

Xcode -- keeping things organized when I have multiple targets

This very helpful answer explains how to include different files in different targets in an Xcode project. My question is more of a philosophical one -- what conventions can I used to keep things organized? Situations I am likely to encounter include the following: Different versions of a class for different targets Desire for differ...

About to release code into the wild

I have a program I wrote and I have been encouraged by folks to release it into public. What would be the best way to go about it? Just dump it on a public site and hope for the best? How much criticism will come (on the standards, decisions made etc...) and how best to prepare for that. I have been the sole developer for this app for ...

Does anybody knows a software that tracks multiple projects and resources?

I am looking something that: Allows me to create projects (with a duration) and assign needed roles for them (I don't care about tasks or a gantt chart in this tool, just a project view) Allows me to create people with one or more roles Set desired start range date for each project Calculate what people to assign to the project and a c...

Sustaining early releases of a product

The context is as follows: Enterprise software developed without enough direct customer involvement. We did not develop this software for a particular customer but to fill in a market gap. We worked the core requirements with major customers only, more customers jump on now. Mandated deadlines, requirements changing, little time to desig...

Looking for free but not open source software project hosting site

Hello, Currently, I am looking for a free site, which able to host my free (in price), but not open source project, which provides features similar to sourceforge. Is there any such site which exsit? I am unable to find one. ...

version control for one-man project using eclipse?

I'm currently working on several projects on my own (at least the developing part is done only by me :). Using Eclipse with different Java, R, SQL and other source files I'm wondering what version control system would be best for me. At the time the history of Eclipse IDE seems to be enough, but I'm not sure if this will be true in a mo...

Software project managment book: when things don't go as planned

A lot of books out there teach you about "best practices" for managing software projects. Granted, sometimes even with best effort and planning, things sometimes still can go awry. Sometimes you just don't get lucky, and get to work on a project that just sucks. Just to name a few of these situations: Unable to implement all the requir...

Is there a way to check history of work logged by a specific user in JIRA?

We ( in our project team) follow regular practice of leaving comments in an jira issue and regularly log the work done. I want to check the history of work logged by a specific user (or by me) stating the hours worked on a day, and some more useful information. Is that possible in Jira? Thanks for your interest. ...

Project Management Script?

Possible Duplicate: What Project Management Software should I use? I need a free "Project Management" script like, Codeplex or Google Code.. Futures should be: Home page issue tracking wiki Download section EDIT: Actually, I'm not asking for "tool" or "Project Hosting".. I need to host it on my server. ...

How to write a project Analysis or project brief?

We are a small (15 ppl) webdevelopment/design company with around 8 fulltime LAMP developers. In order to reduce the amount of errors we make and to prevent our budgets overtaking our estimates i've introduced some sort of technical analysis of our projects before development kicks off. This is a no brainer for an application developer b...

How can I add specific files within my SVN to my Sourceforge download page?

I have a Sourceforge project to which I commit my code updates as well as updated binaries. The SVN repository (where I commit all my code and binaries to) is a separate source of files than the File Manager, whose files show up on the Downloads page. It's really annoying to manually upload binary files to the File Manager every time I h...

How to tackle tasks beyond the scope of your skills/knowledge?

If you are the lead programmer at a company and you need to complete a project that would require skills/knowledge that no one at the company currently has, what do you do? I am not talking about something simple you can ask for help on stack-overflow for but for complex problems that you do not feel comfortable tackling and would take ...

Is leaving comments on code a thing of past?

When i started my carreer i have been instructed to (properly) comment each and every module that i write. Instructing what a method does, how its parameters are used, and what to expect in return etc. Then with almost 2years of doing so i started visiting legacy codes with misleading and/or useless comments. And in the process i used t...

Change the name (namespace) of website project

Hello, I am creating a new ASP.NET MVC Web Application in C# using Visual Studio 2010. We haven't decided on the name of our project so are using an arbitrary name for the moment to allow us to get stuck into development. Meanwhile, a brand and new name is being developed so in a month or so this arbitrary name will be redundant. The q...

free web based 'sw features management tool'

I did search SO for what I am after but didn't find anything suitable. I am mainly interested in a free software management tool. I guess it would part of some project management tool but I am in particular after feature management tool. A tool that would allow me to group features, assign build/version number to particular feature, tic...

Looking for well-presented, well-documented open-source projects

Next month my company is going to release one of of our technologies as an open-source project. We're now preparing the website, documentation and so on. The question I'd like to ask is: Which open-source projects would you recommend as a reference of a well-documented, well-presented project? We're looking for open-source projects whi...

What is the best way to explain refactoring to non-technical people?

We have a project on at the moment where we are refactoring an application that works fine for the moment but under the hood is beyond help. We need to rewrite it so that changes and maintenance can be achievable. The problem is that after the project is done, the application will look and feel cosmetically and functionally the same. ...