
How to convert a regular win32 (VC++ vcproj) project to a Qt project?

How can I convert existing vcproj files to project files that the QT add-in to Visual Studio recognizes and treats as valid Qt projects? Should I just bite the bullet and create new projects to replace the old ones, and then add existing code? I am using QT 4.6 and VS 2008 with Qt Add-in 1.1.2. Original vcproj files have NOT been gene...

Changing the default MVC project template

I want to change the default project structure for a new mvc project. I have seen a webcast where Scott Guthrie does this but cannot find it. Has anyone tried this? ...

Add Service Reference to WCF Service within Same Project

Is it an acceptable programming practice to add a Service Reference to a Project where the Service being referenced is defined within the same VS Project? (Service and Service Reference are in the same Project) example: MyWebAppProj -Services --MyService -Service References --MyServiceServiceReference.MyServiceClient -Default.aspx.cs ...

Visual Studio 2005 Basic Knowledge - How doing debugging on C# codes

My knowledge is very limited on VS in fact it's the first time I am using it and very little I know of C debugging too. I have pre-existing .c and .o files that have been transferred into my folder and I open VS to edit them. I then compile on a unix windows with the icl command. What I get is obviously error messages because those fil...

moving files from one visual studio solution to another

What I usually do is create a new file in the solution where I want to use it (same name), copy & paste the contents of a class from the source solution to the target, fix the namespace & imports as needed. The only other way I know to do it is open the source file in the target solution and then just save a copy into that folder, which...

Resource editor not available in Visual Studio 2008

When I right-click on a resource file in Visual Studio 2008, I get the following message: There is no editor available for 'D:\MyPath\MyProject\'. Make sure the application for the file type (.resx) is installed. Any idea on how to solve this issue? By now, I am stuck with opening the resource files as XML te...

How can I prevent Visual Studio 2008 from closing all open files when I open/close a solution?

I have a file, xyz.cs, open in Visual Studio 2008. If I open a solution, xyz.cs is closed, and VS opens up the files listed in the SUO for the solution. I open another file (in this case a file not included in the solution, we'll call it abc.cs). Then, I close the solution, at which point all open files (including abc.cs) are closed. ...

Website functionality tips

Hello everyone, I'm writing a paper about website functionality so far I've covered some of them : Event Calendars and Registration, and Appointment Setting Product Databases and Wizard-like applications Flash and other Interactive Multimedia Presentations Online Publishing and Article Modules Surveys and Interactive tools that entice...

Separate projects or multiple class files ... namespace best practice in C#

I'm creating a library for use with an application that I am building. I am building a name space structure similar to below. MyNamespace.Validation MyNamespace.Reports MyNamespace.Transactions MyNamespace.DataImport etc... Would it be best practice to create a solution with multiple projects for each sub namespace or one project wit...

Visual Studio 2008: after adding Smart Device (Windows CE) project the device emulator shows up every time

I've got a pretty big solution with lots of projects. Until now everything worked fine. After adding a Smart Device project it always starts the device emulator selection dialog, even when starting other projects (which don't need the smart device emulator). Any ideas how to disable this emulator (as it takes some time until it comes up...

Why won't my VS 2005 hit the break points?

I'm going crazy and wasting a lot of time. I am running in DEBUG, checked the web.config to ensure debug=true is there, checked the code to ensure I am reaching it, cleared all temp files and pdb's. The only thing that works is to continually kill the solution, create a new solution and add all the projects again. I shouldn't have to do ...

VS2010RC: Can't see solutions

Whenever I create a new project in the Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate, for some reason I can only see the project that I've created, and not its solution. This is a problem, as I want to add a solution to the project. Is this a bug, or have I turned off the viewing of solutions, some how? ...

WPF How can I apply global configuration file for solution with couple projetcs

Hi, I want put all configuration data from WPF projects to one file for whole solution. E.g. service references, etc. How can I read this data in every single project instead default app.config file? Thanks for any help. Kamilos ...

How can I get a visual representation of my solution's dependency chain and member hooks?

I've been tasked with researching some .NET code that isn't mine. It's a little hard to figure out because there are so many hooks in different areas. In other words, everything seems to be very highly coupled. I'd like to be able to do the following: Very easily see a hierarchical (tree) view of projects and their direct dependencies...

How to organize a ASP.NET MVC solution (DDD)

Hello everyone. I am trying to start a new project ( MVC) and I would like to apply some DDD rules I've learned in these last few months. I don't know how to organize my solution though. I would like to use Nhibernate but I don't want to use Fluent Nhibernate cause it must be something like an experiment. I've seen some examples w... MVC Solution/Project layouts

This is more of an open question rather than looking for one specific answer. As we all know there is no one answer that fits all solutions but I am curious to find out how you structure you MVC solutions and any pitfalls you may have come across in your design or things that you would do differently if you could start again. T...

Visual Studio: Solution-wide pre-build event?

I have a solution in Visual Studio which contains several projects. I'd like to run a command at the very beginning of every build - no matter which projects are involved and whether or not they are up-to-date. Essentially I need something similar to a solution-wide pre-build event, but unfortunately VS does not appear to support these....

How to move up solution files in directory hierarchy correctly?

For some reason I have a solution with a single project and the solution files are in the same directory as the project is. I consider this ugly and want to change it by moving the solution files in a superordinate directory. For now I have edited a single line in the .sln file: Project("{FAE04EC0-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-00C04F79EFBC}") = "proj...

How can I refer to a project from another one in c#?

I added a project, Project2, to my solution. It already had another project lets say Project 1. How can I call classes and methods from project2 into project1? What I did: I have Project 1 and its solution. I added Project 2 to Project 1's solution. Project 1 and Project 2 both have a namespace named Correction. Now, I called using Cor...

Best practice for backing up Visual Studio solutions on Dev Machine

I'm currently in the process of backing up my Dev machine so that I can upgrade to Windows 7. I'm super stressed about the possibility of losing something in the process. How do you developers create appropriate backups of all your Visual Studio solutions, controls/components, and other development materials to make sure that everythin...