
How can I supress auto-generation of project folders within Visual Studio?

I have a directory structure that looks like so: MyApplication\Source\Linux\Makefile For VC6, my path used to looked like this: MyApplication\Source\Win32\MyApplication.dsw MyApplication\Source\Win32\MyApplication.dsp I'd like my path for Visual Studio '08 to be the same: MyApplication\Source\Win32\MyApplication.sln MyApplication\...

Debugging 2 separate solution referenced to each other

Hi I have 2 different solutions, a web application solution and a service solution. Each is coded separately in solutions. The web application is using the generated dll of the service solution as a reference. Now I want to debug both of the solution. The web application is runned directly in IIS and I know how to debug a web applicat...

How do i pitch a project proposal?

I found myself in a situation where i have design a tool with full specs but need funding and man power to complete it. I am sure many of us who work in a small company or does contracts will find ourselves in a similar situation from time to time. How do i pitch a project with a PoC prototype to a 3rd party (in my case a developer comp...

Copying of depended-upon dlls in Visual Studio

In my solution, I have a Windows Service called MuskOx. MuskOx has a project reference to a class library called MuskOx.Errands. MuskOx.Errands has project references to class libraries called Kctc.BusinessLayer and Kctc.NHiberate. When I build MuskOx, its output folder gets Kctc.BusinessLayer.dll but not Kctc.NHibernate.dll. This is...

Inventory Control in Computer Science

How can inventory be connected to Computer Science and how can it be controlled. ...

inventory control in computer science

I need examples of how inventory is tied into computers and computer science,also want to know how inventory is controlled in computer science ...

Document Sharing App With MVC

Hello, I have been assigned a new task by the client, a document sharing application to be made as per MVC design pattern. Here are the requirements: Uploads and downloads files with a browser Store the document in db if that are more secure documents else store on the directory with options of password enabled or accessible with out ...

How do I manage NHibernate and Asp.NET MVC ConnectionStrings for seperate projects

I would like to get opinion on the best way to manage the following please. I have an MVC application project, as well as a DomainModel project. The NHibernate mappings and hibernate.cfg.xml are in the DomainModel project which is referenced in the MVC application. This would normally work fine as all my dataaccess would go through the N...

Visual studio 2010 connects all databases in Server Explorer when opening a solution

Hi to all ! Basicly, I think the title of the post here says it all. I am working with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel. EDIT: I am running Windows 7 x64. Everytime I open a solution it tries to connect to all databases present in Server Explorer. My problem is that some of them are not always available over internet so...

The Ultimate Visual Studio Solution Structure

Realizing that this could be subjective based on the project at hand, I'm looking for the "best practice" method of structuring a VS Solution. Please feel free to edit this, comment on what you think might be incorrect, suggest alternatives, etc. I'd love to see this CW grow into a great resource for people just starting with VS Soluti...

How to check programmatically that Debug and Release builds of VS2010 use the exact same configuration?

We have a Visual Studio 2010 solution, with C#/C++/VB.Net as well as other projects. It is not MsBuild-based. My co-workers and I mostly work with Debug build, and Release is rarely used, but is used indeed (say that there is a Release-only bug; those do pop-up from time to time.) The nightly builds follow their own separate process, a...

Best practice for projects and namespaces in framework solution

We are currently setting up our solution which will mostly contain wrapper-classes to consume some public APIs in the first release. Do you have some advice or best practices we can follow to end up with a scalable and clear solution? The current structure looks something like this: imgur ...

Integrate or link to a SQL Server Management Studio Project from with a Visual Studio Solution

While most of the work for my .NET projects is done in Visual Studio, I prefer to work in SQL Server Management Studio [SSMS] (I'm currently using the 2005 version) when editing stored procedures and doing other DB-related tasks for a project. I used to just open a ton of query Windows, commit my alters, and move on, but I recently disc...

project problem

can anybody suggest me how i casn create an application or web application for saving mobile data and get backup/recover when sombody lost that mobile phone............... till i only know about microsoft synchronization framework a little but problem is that from where to start ...

Typical rule of thumb for dividing pieces of code into seperate projects

I'm wondering when to divide code, and components of a project into a separate project. I'm creating a MVC .NET Web project, and there are many directories/sub-directories, and I haven't even started getting into some of the background processes that will take even more space. I'm just trying to work on organizing projects and the code...

Programmatically creating VS solution/project files

I have a C project with a very nice rake build system in place. Unit test runners, mocks, as well as some boilerplate code, are generated. The requirement is for the pc based stuff to be available in VS. I know the VS .sln and .proj formats are undocumented. I also know that cmake can generate VS solution files as long as it's own file...

"Add as Link" for folders in Visual Studio projects

In Visual Studio, we can "Add as link" to add a link to a file in another project in the solution. Is there any way to do this for entire folders, so that an entire folder in project A will be visible in project B, without the need to manually link to new items in that folder? ...

How to create multiple executables within a single project.

Is it possible to have more than one executable for a single project? My use case is the following: I got a solution with plenty of projects in it, divided by roles (Business Entity, UI, Data Access, etc.) and I would like to have a project for the shell / console applications. I know I can create one project per console application, I ...

tfs problem. Cannot open solution file

i have this project in TFS, and someone else from another computer changed the solution file's name. Now when i try to open it, i cant. It gives ne this error - "This project (xxx.sln) cannot be opened from source control because it was created by a version of Microsoft Visual Studio that is incompatible with this one. If this is the cas...

How to make (.cs) code files expand / collapse underneath another code file in Visual Studio solution explorer?

In Visual Studio 2008/2010 it's possible to place a series of simple .cs code files underneath another .cs file in solution explorer. This behavior is similar to how you see files arranged when adding a WPF UserControl to the solution, where instead a single .cs file can collapse/expand underneath the .xaml file. How do you make the sol...