
difference between SQL and Prolog

Hi, I've started learning Prolog and wondering about theoritical difference from SQL language. For example they are both declarative paradigma languages, both support fact-driven knowledge database, both support question-styled data-retrieving, both support functional dependencies. So does anybody have an idea? Tnx in advance. ...

Scheduling of tasks to a single resource using Prolog

I searched through here as best I could and though I found some relevant questions, I don't think they covered the question at hand: Assume a single resource and a known list of requests to schedule a task. Each request includes a start_after, start_by, expected_duration, and action. The goal is to schedule the tasks for execution as s...

Prolog's atom problem and beginner material.

I am VERY new at Prolog I am looking for any beginner material on Prolog. I am very interested in learning the language. Where' s good place to start? Online preferably I also am having a bit of trouble writing some code. I need to return a sentence but all I am getting is a list of atoms (i believe that's the term) ex I get [the...

Translate Prolog Words

Hello hello :D :D I'm working on this this wonderful Prolog project and I'm stuck at this situation where I need to translate certain words into other words (e.g "i" into "you". "my into "your") This is what I've done and I'm pretty sure it's kidna iffy. I enter the sentence and when It goes to convert it only changes the one word th...

Prolog random and findall buit-ins

Ok! last Prolog question for a loong time!! I'm trying to pick a response that is picked at random but all I can seem to do is pick the first one out of my tables of responses (see code) I'm sure it's done with Prologs "findall" and "random" but how? pick_response(Sent, R) :- response(Sent, R), !. pick_response(_,R) :- punt(...

Extending a Prolog goal through recursion?

I've implemented (finally) a few goals that will schedule a series of tasks according to a startBy startAfter and duration. The schedule goal however, accepts only the prescribed number of tasks. I'd like to extend the functionality of the schedule goal to accept a single list and iterate through that list while scheduling. unfortunatel...

Returning a value after a recursion in Prolog

Hello, I decided to study some logic programming and I stumbled across a problem. It is programmed in SWI Prolog. test(A, B, N):- nonvar(B), B = final, true. test(A, B, N):- N > 2, test(A, final, N). test(A, B, N):- N1 is N + 1, test(N1, B, N1). It is just a sample with no real use except it is driving me crazy. The problem ...

Multithreading in... functional languages? (Prolog)

When my friend started learning Prolog in school, I made fun of him for learning a useless language. However, he's showed me some stuff I never even knew possible; I want to know where this technique comes from. The technique is this: permutation(List) :- isAMember(X, List), deleteFirstElement(X, List, Substring), % and so...

Two stars in a Prolog list

Hi, what are the two stars in a list? [53, 5, 1, 53, 97, 115, 53, 50, 52, 121, 55, 56, 55, 97, 4, 1, 98, **] I tried searching but no success. Thanks, Jan ...

Why won't this Prolog predicate unify?

Hi, I'm writing a predicate to find all possible successor states for an iteration of A* and put them in a list like [(cost, state), ...] , which stands at this at the moment: addSuccessors(L, [], _). addSuccessors(L, [X|T], OrigList) :- memb(OrigList, Index, X), add((X, Index), L, List2), ...

Vector addition in prolog

I'm writing a predicate to add two vectors. This is what I came up with: add( [], [], 0 ). add( [A], 0, A ). add( [A], [B], C ) :- C is A + B. add( A, B, C ) :- add( B, A, C ). add( [H1|T1], [H2|T2], WYNIK ) :- X is H1 + H2, add( T1, T2, Y ), append( [X], Y, WYNIK ). First four lines work just fine, but I can't get the last one to wor...

Prolog: how to write (and use) a function that lists all list permutations?

I've found such an example of naive sort written in prolog and I am trying to understand it: naive_sort(List,Sorted):-perm(List,Sorted),is_sorted(Sorted). is_sorted([]). is_sorted)[_]). is_sorted([X,Y|T]):-X=<Y,is_sorted([Y|T]). perm(List,[H|Perm]):-delete(H,List,Rest),perm(Rest,Perm). perm([],[]). delete(X,[X|T],T). delete(X,[H|T],...

Prolog - Access Control?

Hello guys, I am currently using interprolog - which is basically java with a prolog backend, allowing both java and prolog calls from each other respectively. Now If i had say a frontend GUI coded in java swing, say a login dialog, which requested a username and password, instead of using java code to authenticate and store passwords, ...

Prolog - SWI specifically - where is pl located?

Hello guys, I'm trying to set up an environment with interprolog and SWI prolog, interprolog needs the location of swi's "pl" but i cant find it. All i can find is swipl or plrc and neither work with interprolog. If i type pl into the terminal(this should run swi-prolog) it says bash: pl :command not found but if i type in swipl o...

Interprolog and SWI-Prolog help

Hello guys, I have set up and installed both interprolog and swi prolog on my linux machine following the instructions here :Interprolog with SWI instructions on Linux I have edited the to contain the path of java and swi-prolog(pl) executables on my machine and that my looks like: # This is a typical ...

Reading in multiple words for prolog

Im running prolog via poplog on unix and was wondering if there was a way to read in multiple words (such as encase it into a string). For instance, read(X) will only allow X to be 1 term. However, if I encase the user input with "", it will return a list of character codes, is this the correct method as I can not find a way to convert i...

Illegal start of term in Prolog

Hi, I'm trying to write some predicates to solve the following task ( Suppose we are given a knowledge base with the following facts: tran(eins,one). tran(zwei,two). tran(drei,three). tran(vier,four). tran(fuenf,five). tran(sechs,six). tran(sieben,seven). tran(acht,eight). tran(neun,nine). Write a predicate listtra...

operator expected error- prolog

Hi, I'm trying to write a prediate that returns every third letter of a list. This is my code so far: third([],X):-X=[]. third([_],X):-X=[]. third([_,_],X):-X=[]. third([_,_,C|T],X):- third[T,Z], X=[C|Z]. I get the "operator expected" error on the last line. Does anyone know why? ...

Java help - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException - String index out of range: -1

Hello guys. I'm having trouble with some of my code and I really cant trouble shoot this error. I'm using Interprolog(Java+Prolog) see here here is the stacktrace: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 at java.lang.String.substring(Unknown Source) at ...

Java/Prolog help - problem trouble shooting

Hello everyone. I'm having a pretty rough time trying to make use of interprolog I have some code, trying to call a prolog command and the problem is the actual loading of my prolog database. Here is the code: myEngine = new NativeEngine(); myEngine.consultFromPackage("userlist.p", LoginHandler.class); boolean x = myEngine....