
Write-Host adds "PS>" at the end of prompt?

If I use write-host to define my prompt, Powershell adds "PS>" automatically at the end. How can I use write-host so that it doesn't do that? function prompt { '> ' } #prompt: #> function prompt { write-host '> ' -foregroundcolor "green" } #prompt: #> #PS> ...

How to hide svchost.exe (dos prompt) when executing a scheduled task in Windows

I created a java program that will pop up a dialog, and scheduled it as a task. Everything works fine except when the scheduled java program runs and the dialog pops up, there is another window (svchost.exe) hanging behind the dialog box and doesn't go anywhere until the java program finishes its execution. The program is running in Wind...

How to change the prompt in putty

Hi when i start putty on a server i get the promp like below: hpbl802!benjaminb:~ [22]> How can i change this prompt to benjamin:~ [22]> ...

Run bash with redefined PS1 env variable

Hi, guys! I have written cpp aplication called MyShell that takes as the params some real shell name (generally bash) and its params. MyShell works as a wrapper for it. I need to change command prompting for the inner shell, specifically the PS1 environmental variable. I know how to do it command-line way using PS1 env var: $ PS1="[m...

Constantly updated clock in zsh prompt?

I know that I can exec a date command in my zsh prompt. However, it shows the old time; to see the current time, I have to hit and get a new prompt with the current time. Is there a way to configure the zsh prompt to constantly update itself every second? Thanks! ...

What does ${#${(S%%)string//(\%([KF1]|)\{*\}|\%[Bbkf])}} mean

I found this in the adam2 zsh prompt, and I have no idea what it means. Apparently it counts the length of the "string", but how it does that is beyond me. ${#${(S%%)string//(\%([KF1]|)\{*\}|\%[Bbkf])}} ...

Multidomain Environment Logon issue

Hey Fellows i am facing a problem, i am working with a multi domain environment where old domain was working and i have to migrate the old domain into the new one. the problem that the users are facing is that: Earlier in the old domain when I was prompted for my username password, the default “Connecting to …” used to be for OLDDOMAIN ...

Turn off Always Prompt For Logon Credentials in Outlook 2007 using vbscript

Is it possible to turn off "Always Prompt For Logon Credentials" in Outlook 2007 using vbscript? ...

Remove IE login prompt by VB6?

Hi. I'm writing a program where an user can enter list of URLs to load and the program cycles through the URLs to load them in an IE instance one after another, like a website slideshow. The problem is that when I enter an URL that requires some membership verification then IE shows the login prompt and practically freezes the IE window...

starting .net application from command prompt is having issue when path is in SHORTNAME

when we start our .net application using a double click on the explorer or from command prompt where your folder path is proper full name then there is no issue at all. But when you start it from command prompt with the path being a Shortname involving a ~ the application behaves weird. IF is entering condition though the condition eval...

add item to combobox outside of the array - flex

I've got a combo box that's data provider is coming form a database query. Now I'd like to add one hard coded item to be included in the combobox a sort of reset item that would reset the combobox to display its prompt message. Any idea how to do this? Thanks! ...

WPF: Create a dialog / prompt

Hello, I need to create a Dialog / Prompt including TextBox for user input. My problem is, how to get the text after having confirmed the dialog? Usually I would make a class for this which would save the text in a property. However I want do design the Dialog using XAML. So I would somehow have to extent the XAML Code to save the conte...

Prompt Property on Spark Combox Component in Flex 4

It appears there is no prompt property for the spark Combobox component as there was with the mx version. Anyone have a simple workaround for this or know something I'm just absentmindedly overlooking? Thanks in advance. ...

BetterAuthorizationSample prompt not changing

I'm using BAS in a Cocoa app with a custom prompt for admin password... But now I want to change the prompt. I changed it in the strings file and it doesn't change. I rebuilt everything and deleted the sockets in /var/run and the launchdaemon and privelegedhelpertools folders. But the prompt just won't change!!! Help? ...

using a batch file, how can i delete all files not in the windows dir?

i have a litle project for which i would like to remove all files outside of and not needed by the c:\windows operating system. therefore i need to create a list of what i want to keep i.e. boot.ini c:\windows etc and then delete everything else. i have seen examples using forFile, but i can be sure that extension will be on the machine....

Read Text File line by line using Command Prompt/Batch

Hello All, First of all I am very thankful to the owner of this website. I have learned and implement various technologies with the help of solutions provided by the readers. I know the question I asked is posted many time in this forum. And I have tired all of the solutions available, but no luck I may case I am trying to read a dat f...

What is the difference between PS1 and PROMPT_COMMAND

While taking a look at this awesome thread I noticed that some examples use PS1="Blah Blah Blah" and some use PROMPT_COMMAND="Blah Blah Blah" (and some use both) when setting the prompt in a bash shell. What is the difference between the two? An SO search and even a bit of broader google searching aren't getting me results, so ev...

opening cmd prompt and execute command java

I was able to open a command prompt from my Java program with the following code: String cmd = "C:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe /c start"; try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Process ps = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } The above code opens the command p...

Cancel UIAlert Javascript Prompt automatically in UIWebView

I have a UIWebView that loads and I get hit with Javascript Prompt/UIAlertView that I would like to hit Cancel on automatically... The last method that gets called is: webViewDidStartLoad and won't proceed until I manually click Cancel or OK on the alert. Can anyone help me dismiss it automatically??? I very much appreciate it! Thank...

How to sign J2ME Midlet for Vodafone? (To suppress network access permission prompts)

Hello, I'm looking for some instructions/pointers on how to sign our J2ME midlet for use on the Vodafone UK network so the user is no longer continually prompted to allow access to the network whenever it attempts an HTTP/UDP network transaction. The application currently installs and runs OK but the user is repeatedly prompted to allow...