
Symfony (Propel) Admin Generator Behavior - Why does it work like this?

Hi there, I've been having some 'issues' with the admin generator (Propel version). The HTML generation behavior between the list view and the form view is very different, and I'd like to know why, as the form view works better (and as expected) compared to the list view. I have the following YAML for the 'edit' action, edit: action...

Symfony Propel Pager - what is the proper way to send it a custom MySQL query?

Here is the query I need to run SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(SUBSTRING_INDEX(LOWER(table.url), '/', 3), 'www.', ''), 'http://', '') AS domain FROM table GROUP BY domain But I'm having trouble passing a query like this to the Propel pager as criteria. I was hoping this would work. $criteria->addSelectColumn('SUBSTRING_INDEX(' . Table...

Form Level Validation in Zend Framework

I am using the Zend MVC framework along with an ORM layer generated with Propel, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to catch exceptions from a Propel object's save() function, and throw them to the Zend Form as errors. Not all of the exceptions that come out of the Propel object have a way to identify which field caused the error...

Symfony Propel Project: How to upgrade schema without database resets ?

I've deployed my symfony project to the server and now I wanna change the models inside schema.yml without reseting other unrelated database tables and keep the current data. Is there any diff / upgrade feature for symfony propel project ? ...

How to set default value to a extra field in a symfony form

What i need to do is customize my default userForm by adding a 'passwordagain' field and set the value to the new field equal to the 'password' field. My code: class UserForm extends BaseUserForm { public function configure() { $this->widgetSchema['password'] = new sfWidgetFormInputPassword(); $this->widgetSchema['passwordagain'] = n...

How to pass a parameter from a form in Symfony and PHP?

I am trying to implement a very simple search function with PHP in symfony. Basically I have a form that posts a query and I want to retrieve the items in the database that match the query. If I have a User table with columns first_name and last_name, I want to be able to retrieve all items that contain a query. For example, if I submi...

symfony - log custom propel query

hi, we using symfony 1.0. We have an module work with Propel objects. The sql-querys are visible in the symfony-debugbar under the "DB" menu. My problem is that we also use custom sql-querys via propel::getRS("select ...") This querys are not visible in the debug bar. Does anyone have an idea how to do that? ...

Zend_Form Creation for Propel Objects

I'm currently working on a project where I use Zend Framework with Propel. I'm looking for something that'll create Zend_Forms for Propel objects, preferably in a similar way to django's modelforms Is there anything out there that does this already, and if not, what would be the best way to go about creating something like this? ...

Returning records from 3 tables via a Join Table with Propel in Symfony

I have 3 database tables: article article_has_tag (2 FK's to the other tables) tag I currently show a list of articles with the article's tags shown underneath but the number of queries grows as the list gets longer. I want to loop over all the articles and get the tag objects from each one in turn. Can it be done in 1 propel query...

php paging class

Can anyone recommend a good PHP paging class? I have searched google, but have not seen anything that matches my requirements. Rather than "rolling my own" (and almost surely reinventing the wheel), I decided to check in here first. First some background: I am developing a website using Symfony 1.3.2 with Propel ORM on Ubuntu 9.10. I ...

Using Propel ORM in my own custom classes

I am refactoring a few classes I wrote a while ago, into my Symfony project (v1.3.2 with Propel ORM). The classes originally used direct connections to the database, I want to refactor those classes (stored in $(SF_LIB_DIR)) so that I can call propel and also use the ORM objects. To clarify, So for example, I want to be able to use cod...

Zend Framework :: ORM - doctrine / propel over Zend_Db_Table

Hi guys, do anyone suggest using an external ORM like Doctrine/Propel over the defualt Zend_Db_Table in Zend Framework ? I think your answers with reasons would be valuable across the ZF community. -DevD ...

Does Propel know when an object has been soft-deleted, so that child entities could still show their deleted parent?

Hi, I am soft-deleting objects in a MySQL database and using the Propel ORM. I have gotten soft-deleting to work, but at the cost of losing my enforced parent-child relationships, since the actual rows are not being deleted. Is there any way for Propel to know that a record has been soft-deleted when you access it, so that a null-refe...

How to join a table in symfony (Propel) and retrieve object from both table with one query

Hi, I'm trying to get an easy way to fetch data from two joined Mysql table using Propel (inside Symfony) but in one query. Let's say I do this simple thing: $comment = CommentPeer::RetrieveByPk(1); print $comment->getArticle()->getTitle(); //Assuming the Article table is joined to the Comment table Symfony will call 2 queries to ge...

symfony - setting a different php class name for a table

Hi, My tables are named in a plural form - Models / Entities, is there a way to make the generated classes named Model / Entity? (Don't know if this is relevant, but I'm using Propel as the ORM) Thanks. ...

Symfony/Propel NestedSet left/right ID corruption/adjustment

Hi folks, I have a nested set application that seems to be getting corrupted. Here's what I'm seeing: We're using nested sets for a binary tree (any node can have 2 children). It appears to be working fine, but some event causes a discrepancy. For instance, when I do a getNumberOfDescendants() for the root node, it will slowly incre...

Propel-load-data is causing an error

I am trying to load fixtures but myproject is erroring at the CLI and starting the indexer process. I have tried: Rebuilding the schema and model Emptying the database and starting again Clearing the cache Validating the YML file and trying much simpler data-dumps My platform is Symfony 1.0 on Windows Some also seems to have had t...

one schema for propel and torque project

hi, I have a project consists of a java and a php application. The java application uses the torque-ORM and the PHP application uses the propel ORM. I have two schema.xml files for the same database. As far as I know propel is part of torque. Is it posible to use only one schema.xml for both projects? ...

Symfony 1.4: use relations in fixtures with propel

Hello, I just started to use the PHP symfony framework. Currently I'm trying to create fixture files in YAML to easily insert data into my MySQL database. Now my database has a couple of relations, I have the tables Organisation and Location. Organisation org_id (PK) org_name Location loc_id (PK) org_id (FK) loc_name Now I'm ...

Selecting a date range where date is not null with Propel

Using Propel I would like to find records which have a date field which is not null and also between a specific range. N.B. Unfortunately, as this is part of a larger query, I cannot utilise a custom SQL query here. For example: I may have records like this: --------------------- | ID | DUE_DATE | --------------------- | 1 | NUL...