
symfony 1.4/propel: problems trying to the previous element of a group of elements retrieved using a criteria.

Hi, i have retrieved a group of elements using a propel criteria. Now are at $Sedi18ns When i use this: $SediI18ns->prev() I get: ( ! ) Fatal error: Call to undefined method sfOutputEscaperArrayDecorator::prev() No problems when i use next(). Any idea? Regards Javi ...

How to achieve many-to-many self-references in symfony (v. 1.4.6) using Propel ORM

Hi, I did a lot of searching and didn't come with an appropriate answer to this question. My exact problem is: I have 'albums' that must have references (are related) to other 'albums'. Any 'album' might have 0 to N related albums. Thanks in advance! ...

Good comparison Doctrine vs Propel

Hi! I've seen plenty of comparisons of Doctrine vs Propel, but none of them has actually convinced me to choose Doctrine over Propel. I've been using Propel for a while now and almost every comparison I read states that Propel is not well documented as the first problem and I've read Propel's docs and they're quite well. Also, most of...

symfony/propel: question about i18nTable and modules generated in the backend.

Hi, in Jobeet there is this part below of the schema: jobeet_category: _attributes: { isI18N: true, i18nTable: jobeet_category_i18n } id: ~ jobeet_category_i18n: id: { type: integer, required: true, primaryKey: true, foreignTable: jobeet_category, foreignReference: id } culture: { isCulture: true, typ...

Propel as a Standalone Library

I want to use Propel as a Standalone Library just as Qcodo or Doctrine e.g. without using Pear or Phing. I want to run both the generator and runtime in a Phing Free and Pear Free Environment. Is that Possible ? ...

Selecting certain fields using Propel select criteria

Hello, I am unable to find something like this in documentation provided for Propel Criteria in Symfony 1.4 The criteria, by default, is: $this->Merchantss = MerchantsPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()); However, this selects all the fields in the table for 'Merchants'. I would only like to select a couple, lets say: id, name, category. ...

symfony/propel: starting with propel schemas

Hi, i have this propel schema: comentario: id: author: varchar(255) content: longvarchar created_at: when i do "build-all-load" the classes (model, form, filter) are not created. But if i change add the _attributes key like this: comentario: _attributes: { phpName: Comment } id: author: varchar(255) c...

Propel ORM data fixtures

If I have a yml data fixture file called mydata.yml User: anonymous: nickname: anonymous first_name: Anonymous david: nickname: david first_name: David How do I tell propel where to find this file. Do I need to add any instructions to the and how do I run it to insert the data into the database ...

PHP Propel-gen to zend framework naming convention

I am playing with the build settings in my file for propel (version 1.5.4) but don't get it right. Example: Table News should have class Model_News in ./Model/News.php class Model_Base_News in ./Model/Base/News.php My main problems: propel adds the project name as a folder between Model and News.php like: /Model/p...

Enabling propel plugin in Netbeans for Symfony Php framework

I am new to Symfony framework. I got Symfony (v1.4.8) on my Netbeans 6.8 and also got the initial success page. Now, I want to Configure a database using Propel ORM Tool. But in Netbeans I am getting Doctrine as the default tool enabled. I am not even getting the PROPEL commands in my Run Commands window. I configured Netbeans for Symfo...

Any app examples for Propel & Zend

I found a few Zend sample applications but all of them use Zend_DbTable. Does anyone know of a full Zend example application built with Propel to learn from? ...

propel-gen insert-sql without loosing data?

Is it possible to make propel-gen insert-sql without loosing previous data? Any hack? I usually just add or remove some rows in a table editing schema.xml executing: propel-gen propel-gen sql propel-gen insert-sql and this wipes-out all the data wich is annoying! Thank you! ...