
Access child user control's property in parent user control

I have included a user control in another statically following code : place the folowing directive in the asp code of the parent page or usercontrol: <%@ Register src="Name_of_your_child_control.ascx" tagname="Name_of_your_child_control" tagprefix="uc1" %> use the following tag in the asp-code of the parent page/control: <uc1:Name_...

When and where are controller's properties supposed to be set ?

Hey guys, This time, I was wondering when I was supposed to set my properties ... I got a nav bar which I use to push a new controller (controlling a Web View) : NewsViewController *webViewController = [[NewsViewController alloc] init]; // I create my controller webViewController.urlText = @""; // I set the prope...

Dynamically Create C# Properties From Database Columns

Hello, I don't know if this can be done in C#/.NET 2.0 but I want to be able to add a sql call to a method and build the properties based off the call. So, it would be something like this: QueryResult result = QueryDataTable.Query("SELECT ...", "DataConnection"); int someVar = result.SomeTableId; So, above the SomeTableId property wo...

Finding the name of a particular property of a class from within the class in C# 3.5

Give a class like below, how can i find the name of one particluar property? public class Student { public int Grade { get; set; } public string TheNameOfTheGradeProperty { get { return ???? } } // More properties.. } So i would like to return the st...

Automatic transformation from getter/setter to properties

I have a big libray written in C++ and someone created an interface to use it in python (2.6) in an automatic way. Now I have a lot of classes with getter and setter methods. Really: I hate them. I want to reimplement the classes with a more pythonic interface using properties. The problem is that every class has hundreds of getters and...

ANT war task fails with strange error message

I am trying to create a war file out of an eclipse project using ant The responsible ant target looks like this <target name="jar" depends="build" description="Erzeugt das WAR File"> <war destfile="${project.dir.dist}/xyz.jar" webxml="${basedir}/WebRoot/WEB-INF/web.xml" duplicate="fail" basedir="${basedir}"> <lib dir="${proj...

Change executable properties (product name) with c#

I have a c# proyect that I need to change its product name upon compiling. I used the prebuild event to change it in the AssemblyInfo.cs but a few times visual studio doesnt get this change and compiles it with the previous product name. So i prefer to change it after compiling from another executable (all in c#) ...

updating properties of a class with dynamic references

Sorry for what is probably a very basic question. I have a class with properties defined as follows: Private m_Property1 As String Public Property Property1() As String Get Return m_Property1 End Get Set(ByVal value As String) If IsNothing(value) Then m_Prop...

How to configure log4j with a properties file

How do I get log4j to pick up a properties file. I'm writing a Java desktop app which I want to use log4j. In my main method if have this: PropertyConfigurator.configure(""); The file sits in the same directory when I open the Jar. Yet I get this error: log4j:ERROR Could not read configurati...

Overriding properties of child view controller vs setting them via parent view controller

If you want to modify the default behaviour of a View Controller by changing the value of one of its properties, is it considered better form to instantiate the class and set its property directly, or subclass it and override the property? With the former it would become the parent View Controller's responsibility to configure its ch...

What Namespace is the Default attribute for properties on UserControls?

I found half of the answer here to my question when searching "what is the attribute to set the default value of a User Control property in the designer where you change it and it bolds". However the answer neglects to mention the namespace it is in. Searching through Object Browser yields hundreds of classes/properties with the name D...

Objective-C Properties and Memory Management

Given the following property definition: @property (nonatomic,retain) MyObject* foo; does the following code cause a memory leak: = [[MyObject alloc] init]; ? It looks like the alloc call increments the retain count on the object to 1, then the retain inside the property setter increases it to 1. But since the initial co...

Converting javafx.util.Properties to a HashMap

Hello, I was wondering if there is an easy way to convert the javafx.util.Properties object to a java.util.HashMap. There is the obvious way of getting each value from the Properties object and putting it in a Map. But with a large number of properties it seems like there should be a way of just getting the Map that backs javafx.util.P...

Properties of collection type

When the property have some collection type like public IList<MyItemClass> MyList{ get; } IMHO, it's better to return empty collection instead of null value. There are many ways to implement such functionality. public IList<MyItemClass> MyList{ get; private set; } public MyClass(){ MyList = new List<MyItemClass>(); } This way ...

How can I get the list of properties that MSBuild was invoked with?

Given this command: MSBuild.exe build.xml /p:Configuration=Live /p:UseMerge=true /p:EnableUpdateable=false how can I form a string like this in my build script: UseMerge=true;EnableUpdateable=true where I might not know which properties were used at the command line. ...

Automatic Properties not compiling despite adding reference to System.Core.dll

I have a c# v3.5 framework site that I am doing some maintenance on. I wish to use Automatic Properties but whenever I try to add one, the compiler fails [as below]. I have added the System.Core.dll (and it is in the web.config ok) but still no joy. Anyway seen this behavior before and have a resolution? Thanks, dan Error 6 'XXX.Arc...

struts2 i18n java properties, how to escape characters?

I don't know how to escape ' in a java properties file. I'm using struts2 and getText function to fill i18n and text tags. For example I use: config.users.title= taula d'usuaris ---> config.users.title= taula d\'usuaris But in my JSP, I get : taula dusuaris. I use this to display text on my JSP: <label for="title"><s:text name="con...

How to set "Run this program as an administrator" programatically.

I'm having a problem with good ol' bdeadmin.exe in Vista. First, let's get the predictable responses out of the way: "You should not require your application to be elevated." This one does. C'est la vie. "You need to embed a manifest file." It is already compiled, it is many years old, the company that created it has no intention of do...

Set app.config value to Environment.UserName

I have an Exception Handler that email our Help Desk software whenever there is an error. All properties for the Mailer are handled in app.config. One of which looks like this --> <add key="from" value="[email protected]"/> Is there a way to have the value set to Environment.Username + ' As a side note this ...

Automatically add svn keyword properties for new files (server-side)

I want to add svn properties (like svn:keyword=Id Date Rev Author;) to files on commits on new files. For this to work there may be two main options: client-side, altering the autoprops in the svn client configuration Server-sode, do some magic with commit-hooks The client side is not always desirable, as control over the client se...