
How to add SQL on multiple lines in - file

JEE Project - Separating SQL from code: I have SQL in my file like this .. on 4 lines. emp_sql=select * \ from employees \ where \ name = 'JON' The loader sees only first line - rest of the lines are being ignored. what am I doing wrong. thanks. ...

WPF: How do I bind a Control to a formula composed of several dependency properties?

Hi all, I'm working on Expression Blend and I'm currently designing a custom control which has a Grid with 5 rows inside, and also has two Dependency properties: "Value", and "Maximum". Three of the rows have fixed height, and what I'm trying to do is set the remaining rows height to "Value/Maximum" and "1-Value/Maximum" respectively. H...

Generalised XML Serialization

I apologise for asking a question that's probably been asked hundreds of times before, but I don't seem to be able to find an answer in the archives; probably because my question is too basic. I know that XML Serialization by default only touches public members and properties. Properties very often mask a private variable; particularly ...

Want to add new properies in ListItem Collection

I am working on to create a custom control inherited by CheckboxList control. We can add items from ListItem collection editior at the design time. In this ListItem Collection editor there are 4 properties 1) Enabled 2) Selected3) Text4) valueI really need to add some new properties such as "ImageURL" and "IsClear". Do you have any idea...

Why does set key not do anything in AES/SymmetricAlgorithm?

This MESSED ME UP hard. I thought i was setting the key but i was not. No exceptions, nothing happen except bad results. Why is there a setter if everything is ignored and no exceptions are thrown when i attempt to write? What is the point of the setter on the Keys property? When i do the below Key value are not changed. After an hour w...

Memory management technique for Objective-C iVars/properties

Is the following code doing anything unnecessary? @interface MyClass { NSArray *myArray; } -(void)replaceArray:(NSArray *)newArray; @implementation MyClass -(void)replaceArray:(NSArray *)newArray { if( myArray ) { [myArray release]; myArray = nil; } myArray = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: newArray]; }...

representing an XML config file with an IXmlSerializable class

I'm writing in C# and trying to represent an XML config file through an IXmlSerializable class. I'm unsure how to represent the nested elements in my config file, though, such as logLevel: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <logging> <logLevel>Error</logLevel> </logging> <credentials> <user>user123</u...

AppEngine: Can I write a Dynamic property (db.Expando) with a name chosen at runtime?

If I have an entity derived from db.Expando I can write Dynamic property by just assigning a value to a new property, e.g. "y" in this example: class MyEntity(db.Expando): x = db.IntegerProperty() my_entity = MyEntity(x=1) my_entity.y = 2 But suppose I have the name of the dynamic property in a variable... how can I (1) rea...

ASP.NET UserControl Uri property

I want to pass a property of the type System.Uri to an WebControl from inside an aspx page. Is it possible to pass the property like that: <MyUserControl id="myusercontrol" runat="server"> <MyUrlProperty> <System.Uri>;/System.Uri&gt; </MyUrlProperty> </MyUserControl> instead of: <MyUserControl id=...

C# Custom Control Properties load before Load and arrays are empties

EDITED FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING I made a custom control with propertise for some global variables. private string[] LBTitles = new string[1] { "Rien" }; //... [CategoryAttribute("WildData"), DescriptionAttribute("Tableau des noms des titres au dessus de le listbox")] public string[] Titles { get { return LBTitles; } set { LBTi...

How to use custom attributes over a web service?

Hi. I am currently trying to add a custom "column name" to a property in a web service. Here is my class. public class OrderCost { public int OrderNum { get; set; } public int OrderLine { get; set; } public int OrderRel { get; set; } public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; } public string PartNum { get; s...

Doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of having read-only properties?

I know how to use properties and I understand that they implicitly call underlying get and set accessors, depending on whether we are writing to or reading from a property. static void Main(string[] args) { A a = new A(); (a.b).i = 100; } class A { private B _b = new B(); public B b { get { return _b; } ...

When Debugging in Xcode what does "out of scope" mean?

I'm in xcode debugging my iphone application. when i get to a break point and I roll over my object and properties of that object say "out of scope" instead of their respective values. Here's what I do: I have inited a view with nib name (initwithnibname). Then set the property of that view to the object that I want. I have placed t...

creating a static "app" that consist of a single picture

I need to create a program that consists of a unmovable, always on top bitmap, with no menu bar or anything, and does not show up in the task bar as program. It needs to always start in the same place. Essentially I need to mask a part of the screen by using a bitmap that blends into the scenery. I am not sure which properties I...

how can you find out if an NSObject has a certain property?

Let's say in Apple API version 1.0, there is a class NSFoo with a property 'color'. API 1.1 adds property 'size'. I want to know whether I can use the getter: myFoo.size [myFoo respondsToSelector:@selector(getSize)] doesn't work as expected. What's the correct way to find out if an object has a property? Thanks! ...

ActionScript Read Sprite's Graphics?

how can i retrieve the set graphics properties of a sprite? for example, in the code below, i'd like to get the color of the sprite, also it's rounded corners setting and other graphics attributes. var sp:Sprite = new Sprite();, 0.75);, 0, 300, 50, 10, 10);

eclipse loadproperties like in ant task

hello, is there something like the anttask loadproperties in eclipse so that i can load a properties file when i want to debug in eclipse. thanks! ...

Properties vs. Fields: Need help grasping the uses of Properties over Fields.

First off, I have read through a list of postings on this topic and I don't feel I have grasped properties because of what I had come to understand about encapsulation and field modifiers (private, public..ect). One of the main aspects of C# that I have come to learn is the importance of data protection within your code by the use of en...

Non-constructed generics as properties (eg. List<T>)

The Problem It's something I came across a while back and was able to work around it somehow. But now it came back, feeding on my curiosity - and I'd love to have a definite answer. Basically, I have a generic dgv BaseGridView<T> : DataGridView where T : class. Constructed types based on the BaseGridView (such as InvoiceGridView : Bas...

How can I assign properties correctly?

I have a UITabBarController that I would like to assign to another object, so that that object can control it: watchListView.tabBarController = self.stTabBarController; During this assignment the value of both self.stTabBarController and watchListView.tabBarController are 0x0. How can I assign the UITabBarController's? ...