
dword ptr usage confusion

In assembly language if we use mov eax, dword ptr[ebx] then it means copy the value pointed by ebx (ebx contains the address value, not the actual value, this instruction copies the actual value in the address)? If we use mov eax, dword ptr[some_variable] then it means copy the value of variable "some_variable" itself to eax, not ...

opencv: execution halting at double pointer arithmetic for image pixel access

A single channel image is my input. ( defalut IPL_DEPTH_8U) I am multiplying each pixel of my input image with scalar floating point numbers like 2.8085 (as a part of my algorithm). So this needs me to increase the depth and change the image type to IPL_DEPTH_64F But whenever I am trying to change my image datatype to IPL_DEPTH_64F an...

[Assembly] dword ptr? What does that mean?

Could someone explain what this means? (Intel Syntax, x86, Windows) and dword ptr [ebp-4], 0 ...

sizeof(): where is the problem with calculation?

First of all, on my system the following hold: sizeof(char) == 1 and sizeof(char*) == 4. So simply, when we calculate the total size of the class below: class SampleClass { char c; char* c_ptr; }; we could say that sizeof(SampleClass) = 5. HOWEVER, when we compile the code, we easily see that sizeof(SampleClass) = 8. So the question...