
Apple push notification enhanced format

Does anybody know how to get error response from Apple push notification service when enhanced version of protocol is used? ...

Push messages on the iPhone

Ok, this is a hard one. I have three things: An iPhone app PHP-mySQL database on a server Google App Engine (?) The iPhone app is working fine storing data in the database. I'd like to notify some subscribers when the database changes (i.e. someone uploads something). I assume the app is running, so I just want the view up to date....

Notifications like macos Growl/facebook for dating site - where to start ?

Hi all I'm running a php/mysql dating site and I want to implement on-screen notifications for members on certain actions (for example when another member views your profile, sends you a wink, etc). Very similar to growl on the mac or facebook notifications when someone comments or writes on your profile. I'm not really too sure where t...

Long poll for JSF - what are the choices?

I need to implement long-poll for a notification system, I current using Primefaces ajax framework but currently does not support long poll. I just wondering what is available for JSF developer if they want to implement long poll? Another question: between long poll and web push, for notification system, which one is prefer? Note: I am ...

What features of BlazeDS are not avaliable on CURRENT Google App Engine?

So here it is that BlazeDS will totally play on GAE BlazeDS Version: Status: COMPATIBLE To workaround an EMFException thrown by flex.messaging.io.amf.AbstractAmfInput, follow Martin Zoldano's workarounds at http://martinzoldano.blogspot.com/2009/04/appengine-adobe-blazeds-fix.html. You will need to enable sessi...

apns-csharp certificate trouble

Hi everyone, I trying to use apns-csharp library to send push notification from .NET, I created certificate on Apple Provision Portal, download it and convert to p12 format, when i try to load it with code: private ActionResult SendAlertPushNotification(string appId, string notificationContent, bool useSandBox) { Not...

change Badge and push notification in iPhone SDK

I tried the push notification tutorial . It's working fine but problem is badge. When I click on the view, app is appear and the close it. it still red badge in app icon. How to remove it ? Another question is when I click the view, it will appear home screen. I want to show other view when coming from push notification. ...

Is there a way to open my application on a specific tab upon receiving a push notification?

Title says it all ^^ Thanks in advance, Lewion ...

push notification in iphone..

i want to implement push notification in iphone for client..i have googled it..and found these links.. http://mobiforge.com/developing/story/programming-apple-push-notification-services http://blog.boxedice.com/2009/07/10/how-to-build-an-apple-push-notification-provider-server-tutorial/ is it i have to configure the client and servers...

Sending push notification to all clients?

Hi, i configured my app push notification enabled. should u collect the devicetoken id to my database? i dont send any particular message to some clients. i will inform all clients (push notification is accepted on device). should i save the devietokenid in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken event? is it possible to send...

Adding push notification functionality to an existing app

Hey, Is it possible to add push notification functionality to an already existing app? Will it be possible if I have to change the appID? I am asking this because I am about ready to submit my app, and currently don't require push notifications. In the provisioning portal I have already created default appID, with a wildcard Bundle Iden...

Server push in php

Hi there, In an app, I am looking forward to implement server push functionality. I have gathered some information about the technology also, but I am little confused that with which language should I prefer for and what else requirement needed(note: this is going to be a social n/w app)? I have just finished a project based on php / ...

iPhone 4, Push Notifications At Night Time, Any Way to Stop?

Hi, I'm wanting to know if there's a way to stop push notifications, or at least stop their sound during nighttime? I don't want to silence the phone, because I need the alarm to sound in the morning. It'd be nice if I could specify that push notifications should only come through between certain hours, or be quiet during the night... ...

send device token to server from apple push notification service

Hello All I am working on apple push notification service. Now I have implemented the delegates methods as suggested in apple APNS guide. But this also says that one has to send device token received from APNS to provider server. I am really confused about this thing. Because when I launched application it asked me if I want to reg...