
Which Objective-C framework do I have to use to record my screen?

I'm already recording from my iSight from a python script using the pyobjc bridge and the QTKit framework. Which framework/device/... should I use to capture the video of my screen instead of the built-in iSight? P.S. I'm using Leopard (not Snow Leopard) and thus I don't have the Quicktime X API at my disposal. ...

How do you call PyObjC code from Objective-C?

I'm a long-time Python programmer and short-time Cocoa programmer. I'm just getting started with PyObjC and it's really amazing how easy it it is to get stuff done. That said, I wanted to try using pure ObjC for my controller with PyObjC models. I might be enjoy letting Python be Python and Objective-C be Objective-C. I figured it was wo...

`from QTKit import *` causes a 'FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer' in PyObjC application

I've been trying out PyObjC and I can't seem to get the QTKit imports to work. If I import QTKit like so: from QTKit import * I get a flood of errors: [Session started at 2009-11-13 21:03:49 -0600.] _RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL. 2009-11-13 21:03:...

Get mach_absolute_time/UpTime() in nanoseconds in Python

I need to access the elapsed time since startup in nanoseconds from a Python program running on Mac OS X 10.6. I use the following Carbon calls to get this in C code: AbsoluteTime uptimeAbs = AbsoluteToNanoseconds(UpTime()); uint64_t elapsedTime = ((uint64_t)uptimeAbs.hi << 32) + uptimeAbs.lo; Is it possible to get to these functions...

IBoutlet with PyObjC and Interface Builder

I'm writing a simple OSX app using Python and PyObjC. I designed the settings dialog using Interface Builder and I use ibtool to compile it, then load it from Python. The problem is how to access the controls I have in this window from the Python code? I played around with iPhone development a bit before and I remember I need to have an ...

Downgrading to pyobjc 2.0 from pyobjc 2.2

I accidentally installed pyobjc 2.2 with easy-install pyobjc, and it's causing problems: When I try to import it I get the error Incompatible library version: requires version 10.0.0 or later, but libxml2.2.dylib provides version 9.0.0 I'm not interested in fixing that though, all I want is my pyobjc 2.0 back. I've tried rem...

Getting first and last days of current week [iPhone]

Reference to pre-answered question at: There are two answers in the above link. One of them is theoretical and the other is in a language called as PyObjC (Python-Objective C bridge language), and a quick google search confirms that PyObjC does not w...

How to build a PyObjC project on Mac OS X 10.6, that runs 10.5?

I have a PyObjC project that I build on Mac OS X 10.6 with XCode 3.2 and I'm not able to run on 10.5. All I'm using is the official PyObjC project templates to create an empty project (that simply opens a window). Then I build the app and copy it over to 10.5. But the app always crashes on 10.5: Application Specific Information: *** Te...

What are the downsides of using Python instead of Objective-C?

I know some Python and I'm really impressed by the language's ease of use. From what I've seen of Objective-C it looks a lot less pretty, but it seems to be the lingua franca for Mac OS X development (which means it has better documentation). I'm thinking about starting Mac development - will using PyObjC+Python make me a second class ...

PyObjC + Xcode 3.2 + Non-Apple Python

I want to get started trying to develop a few simple applications with PyObjC. I installed PyObjC and the Xcode templates. I know that PyObjC itself works, since I've run this script successfully. When I tried to create a project from the Cocoa-Python Application template and ran it, I got this error: Traceback (most recent call last): ...

Manipulate table values with PyObjC and Core Data

hi all, I recently started programming with xCode and PyObjC and I'm trying to create a logistics application. I have a table with the store's items and a second table with the expenses. Until now everything worked ok by using just the interface builder to link values to core data information and I didn't have to write any code. Now the ...

How to get selected item of NSOutlineView without using NSTreeController?

How do I get the selected item of an NSOutlineView with using my own data source. I see I can get selectedRow but it returns a row ID relative to the state of the outline. The only way to do it is to track the expanded collapsed state of the items, but that seems ridiculous. I was hoping for something like: array = [outlineViewOutlet s...

In PyObjC how do you get a sheet to end after using runModalForWindow_?

I have a secondary window (a sheet) for a dialog controlled by a secondard WindowController. For some reason, the actions never get called in NSObject subclass after the sheet is displayed. I have confirmed and re-linked the actions. The code runs to runModalForWindow_ but then never receives the ok or cancel actions. So the sheet never ...

How do I make Interface Builder recognize IBOutlet/IBAction for new languages?

Hi, it's a theoretical question: suppose I come up with an outstanding new scripting language and want to make a Cocoa bridge for that. Is it possible to make Interface Builder recognize the new language and parse the source code automatically so that it can list the IBActions and IBOutlets, just as it already does for Objective-C's .h,...

How can I listen for a mouse event in Python on Mac?

I need to listen for global mouse events(not bound to an app) on my Mac in an app written in Python. I'm using PyObjC, but I can't figure out how to do it. Plain ObjC examples or other Python techniques also appreciated. My code so far: from Quartz import * def MyFunction(proxy, type, event): print event CGEventTapCreate(kCGHIDEv...

Trying to write to binary plist format from Python (w/PyObjC) to be fetch and read in by Cocoa Touch.

I'm trying to serve a property list of search results to my iPhone app. The server is a prototype, written in Python. First I found Python's built-in plistlib, which is awesome. I want to give search-as-you-type a shot, so I need it to be as small as possible, and xml was too big. The binary plist format seems like a good choice. Unfort...

Macport Python with PyObj and XCode

How can I get the Macport Python version to work with XCode? Which Python.framework do I have to choose? ...

Extending Python and Objective-C

I'm a fan of clean code. I like my languages to be able to express what I'm trying to do, but I like the syntax to mirror that too. For example, I work on a lot of programs in Objective-C for jailbroken iPhones, which patch other code using the method_setImplementation() function of the runtime. Or, in PyObjC, I have to use the syntax U...

Should I mix wxpython and pyobjc ?

I have a wxPython based app which I am porting to Mac OS X, in that I need to show some alerts which should look like native mac alerts, so I am using pyobjc for that e.g. import Cocoa import wx app = wx.PySimpleApp() frame = wx.Frame(None, title="mac alert test") app.SetTopWindow(frame) frame.Show() def onclick(event): Cocoa.CFU...

Can't import obj in Python on OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard - libiconv.2.dylib?

on OS X 10.6.3 Snow Leopard % python Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Feb 11 2010, 00:51:29) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import objc Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/pyobjc_core-2.2-p...