I have this line:
Why does it give that error and how do I fix it?
Thank you.
Is it possible for an objective c application to run python files and read their data, ect?
If so, can someone post code? or lead me in the right direction?
So I want to make a nice objective c GUI for HOWIE. Can someone show me how to use PEXPECT to communicate with howie? I don't want to use terminal, I want to use my gui as the interface.
I am running iOS 4 on a jailbroken iPhone 3GS. Before I upgraded to iOS 4, I had installed Python on the iPhone and had found the following snippet of Python code to copy a variable (key in this case) to the pasteboard. I then was able to open another application and paste the value into a text field.
out = os.popen('\usr\bin\pbcopy',...
I'm trying to figure out a way to restore (Put Back) Trash Item using ScriptingBridge via PyObjC.
There isn't enough documentation here
from AppKit import NSURL
from ScriptingBridge import SBApplication
targetfile = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(f.realpath)
finder = SBApplication.applicationWithBundleIdentifier_("com.apple.Finder")
I have CoreData-based data layer (using a SQLite datastore) that I am using in both an iOS app and on the server that the iOS clients talk to. The data layer (objc code + coredata model / mapping defns) is compiled into the iOS bundle as per usual, and is compiled into a Framework bundle for use on OSX.
I am hitting a brick wall with d...
The following code which worked fine under OS X 10.5 now fails on 10.6:
def addButton_(self, sender):
panel = NSOpenPanel.openPanel()
I've written a PyObjC application that depends on the Python paramiko (ssh) library. Is there a way that I can add the third-party library to my application so that users do not need to sudo easy_install paramiko before running the application?
I can see that it is possible to add the python framework to my project, but I don't think t...
I'm writing a Django-based webapp that imports a Cocoa framework via PyObjC. The Cocoa framework has NSLog() littered all through it and while I can see them when running the Django server in non-daemon mode, as soon as I go to daemon I simply lose all this useful NSLog() output.
Is there any easy way to get NSLog stuff to bubble up in...
I understand the concept of PyObjC, but can nowhere find any information on what exactly it is or how to get started with it.
Is it like a converter, where youinput python files and get an objective c one?
Or is it a library you can import to your objective c files which let's you write python in them?
Or is it something else entirely?...
I want to write the python equivalent of mdfind. I want to use the .Spotlight-V100 metadata and I cannot find a description for the metadata db format used, but NSMetadataQuery seems to be what I need. I'd like to do this in python using the built in Obj-C bindings, but have not been able to figure out the correct incantation to get it t...