
Qt/PyQt dialog with togglable fullscreen mode - problem on Windows

I have a dialog created in PyQt. It's purpose and functionality don't matter. The init is: class MyDialog(QWidget, ui_module.Ui_Dialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MyDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.installEventFilter(self) self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Dialog | Qt....

Multi-dialog program in PyQT will not close

For my project, I require multiple dialogs to be linked to each other. One button would go to one level, another button would go back two levels. To get a basic idea of what I'm looking for without showing all my code, here is a compilable example: ''' Created on 2010-06-18 @author: dhatt ''' import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCo...

Multi-dialog program in PyQT will not close (the sequel!)

Hello everyone. I have another problem with PyQT, this time I have an example that will be far more useful since it contains part of my code (defanged of course!) I have a hard time figuring out how to close the 'PROGRAM SELECT' dialog window by only using the 'LOGOUT' button. I could simply use the close button on the form, but I wan...

Get a layout's widgets in PyQT

I have a QVBoxLayout that I've added a few widgets to, via addWidget(). I need to now delete those widgets, and it seems I need to use removeWidget() (which takes in a widget to be removed) to do that. I thought that calling children() or findChildren(QWidget) on my layout would return a list of the widgets I've added into it; I'm in t...

Using QWebPage via socks

Hello, I'm confused a bit on usage of QWebPage via socks using httplib2 (http/socks5/socks4). Is there any issues or workaround on it? ...

How can I get this kind of dropdown with Qt? (Specifically PyQt4)

This is the type of dropdown window I would like. It has columns, with different types of data in each. I tried just using tab delimiting, but it made it look sloppy. How could I get a dropdown / combobox element like this using PyQt4? (Ignore the black box, I just wanted to hide my system files). ...

QSvgRenderer segmentation fault

I realize specific questions like this aren't great, but I've spent several days trying to puzzle this out. Hopefully someone here can help. This python code using PyQt4 causes a segmentation fault: data = """<?xml version="1.0" ?> <svg height="1000" width="2000"> <text>blah</text> </svg>""" svg = QSv...

PyQt4 libraries and installation on Mac OS

Hello everyone, it has been a while now I'm surfing the net trying to find the way to sucessfully install PyQt4 on different Mac OS's and I can't figure it out. Does anybody know if there is out there a package I could easily install without having to go through the compiling? I'm developing sone Python tools with PyQt guis and the ide...

PyQt4 dropdownlist with actions

Hi, I want to create a drop down list in PyQt4, that executes an action when an element is selected. Also, some options may not be available at some time. They should still be in the list, but greyed out. I tried attaching a menu to a QToolButton, but I can not even see the menu. How is it done? Thanks! Nathan ...

[Django + Twisted + PyQy] Having PyQt app controlling all. How use reactor?

Hi all. I've a django application, served via Twisted, which also serves ohter services (three sockets, mainly). I need to have it working under windows, and I decide to write a PyQt4 application which acts quite like Apache Service Monitor for windows. I was not able to connect twisted reactor to pyqt application reactor, so any hint...

PyQt4 global shortcuts?

I have an application that opens multiple children widgets as separate windows, something like this: window1 opens window 2 which opens window 3 (simplified form). In the main window I have set CTRL+Q as the quit shortcut. Below is a stripped down example of the main class. class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): ...

Set minimum column width to header width in PyQt4 QTableWidget

I'm working with the QTableWidget component in PyQt4 and I can't seem to get columns to size correctly, according to their respective header lengths. Here's what the table layout should look like (sans pipes, obviously): Index | Long_Header | Longer_Header 1 | 102402 | 100 2 | 123123 | 2 3 | 454689 | 18 The...

Displaying other language characters in PyQt

Is there a way to display other language characters in PyQt4? and if there is, what's the approach/direction that I should take? Thanks in advance. ...

is it possible to connect a href link in QTextBrowser to a slot?

is it possible to connect a href link in QTextBrowser to a slot? I want to make something that looks like a link in a QTextBrowser, but when user clicked on it, it will call one of the methods. Is that possible? if that is not, what is a good alternative? Thanks in advance. ...

How to use Qt Model/View framework with the Graphics View framework

I am working on a mapping application and need to display the data objects using a table, a form and as graphical objects in the map. I'm using PyQt, but that's not really important as this is a Qt question not a Python question. If I only needed the table and form views this would be easy, I'd just use the Qt Model/View framework. Howe...

Change checkbox position for a QCheckBox

I have a QCheckbox in a grid layout defined as such: self.isSubfactorCheckbox = QtGui.QCheckBox('Is &subfactor', self) By default the checkbox is to the left of the "Is subfactor" text. I wish to move it to the right of the text. I've tried playing around with subcontrol-position but to no avail. self.isSubfactorCheckbox.setStyleShe...

How to select rows from an SQL model for a QListView connected to it

I am trying the following in PyQt4, using SQLAlchemy as the backend for a model for a QListView. My first version looked like this: class Model(QAbstractListModel): def __init__(self, parent=None, *args): super(Model, self).__init__(parent, *args) def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): ...

PyQt4 File select widget

Hi, I want to make a QT4 (using QT designer) dialog, that contains a part where a file has to be selected. Now, I know QFileDialog exists, and I can program something that does what I want. But can I also just do it in QT designer? Is there some way to get a "file select" widget in QT designer? Or, I remember these buttons, having the...

keep alive thread in PyQt4

Hey, I have a PyQt4 application, which at some point packs a big file using the tarfile module. Since the tarfile module does not implement any callback strategy, it blocks and the Qt GUI gets unresponsive. I want the GUI to keep updating during that time. The only possibility is a separate thread. So, I start a QThread. What do I have...

Making QProgressDialog update, also value does not change

Hey, I have a progress which I "mintor" with a QProgessDialog in PyQt4. Basicly, I have a loop like this: while progressThread.isRunning(): self.progressDialog.setRange(0, self.progressTotal_) self.progressDialog.setValue(self.progress_) del self.progressDialog The progressThread upades the variables self.progessTotal_ and se...