
Can pysvn 1.6.3 be made to work with Subversion 1.6 under linux?

I see no reference on their website for this. I get pysvn to configure and build, but then it fails all the test. Has anyone had any luck getting this to work under linux? ...

Compiling pysvn (win64)

I've tried to find the 64bit version for pysvn for a while now. The author say he cannot compile it for me because he have no 64bits system to test on. So I Downloaded the source from and the sourcefile from Collabnet. I backported the pytho...

Find the file with a given SVN URL within a SVN working copy

Given a starting point in a Subversion working copy (e.g. current working directory), and a target SVN URL, I'd like to find the file in the working copy that has that SVN URL. For example, given this current directory: c:\Subversion\ProjectA\a\b\c\ which has this SVN URL: https://svnserver/svn/ProjectA/trunk/a/b/c/ I'd like to lo...

Know the comment for last commit when I update my svn working copy

I am using PySVN and the work-bench for my svn needs and I previously used to use subclipse. When I update my working copy, neither of these tools told me the reason why someone has committed the last commit. I want it to show along with the new revision number, the comment given for the last commit and by whom. I am quite good with pyt...

log pysvn update

How could I, if possible, get information on what files have been added, removed, updated etc when running svn update in pysvn? I want to write this information to a log file. ...

pysvn with svn+ssh

I'm working with pysvn, and I'm trying to find a decent way to handle repositories that are only accessible via svn+ssh. Obviously SSH keys make this all incredibly easy, but I can't guarantee the end user will be using an SSH key. This also has to be able to run without user interaction, because it's going to be doing some svn log parsi...

SVN serve and PySVN Error message: Expected FS format between '1' and '3'; found format '4'

For research purposes, I copied a SVN repo to my Windows machine using svnsync so I can replay on my machine without loading the actual server. I've been using PySVN in scripts to control the revision number I want the repo to be in and have been using it fine so far. Now I got a repo from a different project and svnsync got it fine. Wh...

Does PySVN need Subversion installed?

I have python script that uses pysvn and checks out or updates a local copy obtained also from a local repo. client.checkout(url, path, revision=pysvn.Revision(pysvn.opt_revision_kind.number, RevNumber), ignore_externals=False) I am running this on a windows machine in which I haven't installed subversion. The svnsync used to obtain ...

PySVN error: URL doesn't exist

I got a SVN repository copied onto my computer using svnsync. Now when I try to replay it using PySVN it fails at a specific revision (29762) with the message: pysvn._pysvn_2_6.ClientError: URL 'svn://' doesn't exist I can checkout or update until the previous revision (29761) ok bu...

PySVN: is property status "none" equivalent to unchanged?

I know the practical difference between a PySVN property status of "normal" (has properties, not changed locally) and "none" (has no properties). My question is this: is it ever possible for there to be local modifications to an items properites, and have PySVN report the property status as "none"? I would say no, but maybe there's some...

Check if working copy will be updated with pysvn

How can I check with pysvn if a working copy artifact would actually be updated? Is this info readyly available by some method. Or do I have to compare the working copy and repository revision numbers myself? ...

How to catch prompts with PySVN?

I'm new to Python and PySVN in general, and I'm trying to export my SVN repository using pysvn. Here's my code: #set up svn login data def svn_credentials (realm, username, may_save): return True, svn_login_name, svn_login_password, False #establish connection svn_client = pysvn.Client () svn_client.callback_get_login = svn_...

pysvn client.log() returning empty dictionary

i have the following script that i am using to get the log messages from svn import pysvn class svncheck(): def __init__(self, svn_root="", svn_user=None, svn_password=None): self.user = svn_user self.password = svn_password self.root = svn_root def diffrence(self):...

Requesting information from the user inside a GTK main loop

Hello, I am learning Python by building a simple PyGTK application that fetches data from some SVN repositories, using pysvn. The pysvn Client has a callback you can specify that it calls when Subversion needs authentication information for a repository. When that happens, I would like to open a dialog to ask the user for the credential...

Failure loading py2exe'd program when including pysvn

I am attempting to run a py2exe'd program ( that includes pysvn. It is failing to run with the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 27, in <module> File "zipextimporter.pyc", line 82, in load_module File "pysvn\__init__.pyc", line 99, in <module> File "zipextimporter....

How to cache username and passwd in pysvn

here is my code #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys import pysvn def main(): client = pysvn.Client() client.callback_get_login = lambda realm, username, may_save:(True, "myusername", "mypasswd", True) print'') print'')...

is it possible to access subversion from ironpython?

Hello. Python has a subversion bindings called 'pysvn' that can be used to manipulate subversion repository. Does something similar exists for IronPython? My test platform in Windows 7 64-bit with Vsual Studio 2010. ...

Uninstall pysvn in Mac OSX 10.5

I installed the wrong version of pysvn in my system using the .dmg. I realized the mistake and removed the pysvn folder from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/. I don't see pysvn anywhere else on my system. Now when I try to install the correct (older) version of pysvn the installation process...

how to add a file as an svn:external using pysvn

I am working with pysvn, I want to a folder to repository as an svn:external . any idea how to do this in pysvn? ...

Something wrong with this pysvn code?

#! /usr/bin/env/python # This is a sample project to test subversion with python. import pysvn webrepo = pysvn.Client() prop_name = "svn:externals" prop_value = 'externalfolder http://subversion/repositories/externals/tags/1.0/' url_or_path = 'http://subversion.corp.espn.pvt/repositories/project1/trunk/' revhead = pysvn.Revision( pysvn.o...