I'm writing a python script in Linux, and need to call some Windows functions available in Wine. Specifically, AllocateAndInitializeSid and LookupAccountSidW, to determine who is logged in to a remote Windows computer. These functions are part of advapi32.dll in Wine (edit: using the answers, I was able to call the function, but Lookup...
I want to perform a comparison of multiple implementations of basically the same algorithm, written in Java, C++ and Python, the latter executed using Pypy, Jython and CPython on a Mac OS X 10.6.4 Macbook Pro with normal (non-SSD) HDD.
It's a "decode a stream of data from a file" type of algorithm, where the relevant measurement is tota...
I'm doing a join like this in SQLAlchemy:
items = Item.query\
.outerjoin((ItemInfo, ItemInfo.item_id==Item.id))
This causes SQLAlchemy to return tuples:
>>> items.first()
(<Item ...>, 2)
I'd much prefer it if the "count" value would instead be returned as an attribute of the item, i.e. I wa...
I'm trying to figure out how I can best save the map data for a 2d ORPG engine I am developing, the file would contain tile data (Is it blocked, what actual graphics would it use, and various other properties).
I am currently using a binary format but I think this might be a bit too limited and hard to debug, what alternatives are there...
heres another code......but its also not running...dont know wot the problem is...plz hepl!!!
import serial
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS1', 19200, timeout=1)
x = ser.read() # read one byte
s = ser.read(10) # read up to ten bytes (timeout)
line = ser.readline() # read a '\n' terminated line
From a list mylist = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] how can I get a new list of lists composed of the first two elements of each "inside" list e.i. newlist = [[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8]]? Is there a one-liner that can do this efficiently (for large lists of lists)?
I am writing an external Python/comtypes script (in PythonWin) that needs to get a reference to the current ArcGIS 10.0 ArcMap session (through the ArcObjects COM). Because the script is outside the application boundary, I am getting the application reference through the AppROT (running object table). The first code snippet below is the...
just encountered a problem at dict "type" subclassing. I did override __iter__ method and expected it will affect other methods like iterkeys, keys etc. because I believed they call __iter__ method to get values but it seems they are implemented independently and I have to override all of them.
Is this a bug or intention they don't...
I want' to parse dates in this format, but ignore parts of the string. 'Wed, 27 Oct 1770 22:17:00 GMT' From what I have gathered, datetime does not support time zones very well. Which is fine, I really just want to ignore the timezone part of the string, without having to do string manipulation on it. Is there something I can replace %Z ...
Python 3.1
I am doing some calculations on a data that has missing values. Any calculation that involves a missing value should result in a missing value.
I am thinking of using float('nan') to represent missing values. Is it safe? At the end I'll just check
def is_missing(x):
return x!=x # I hope it's safe to use to check for NaN
Regards to all.
I'm developing a Image compression system using Python Image Library. The basic workflow is:
Read all images of a certain directory with : find /opt/images -name *.jpg > /opt/rs/images.txt
Read this file and storage the result in a Python list
Iterate the list, create a Image object and passing like a argument to
the co...
I'm looking to parse a xml file using Python and I was wondering if there was any way of automating the task over manually walking through all xml nodes/attributes using xml.dom.minidom library.
Essentially what would be sweet is if I could load a xml schema for the xml file I am reading then have that automatically generate some kind o...
Hi, I have written a program which sends more than 15 queries to Google in each iteration, total iterations is about 50. For testing I have to run this program several times. However, by doing that, after several times, Google blocks me. is there any ways so I can fool google maybe by adding delays between each iteration? Also I have hea...
I had a look at Asynchronous data through Bloomberg's new data API (COM v3) with Python? before posting which has some pretty awesome info, but what I need is a way to create a CUSIP-Description table in a database using the Bloomberg API (to save $$$ by avoiding a CUSIP subscription)
Does anyone know how to populate a table with CUSIP ...
I am running 64 bit ubuntu 10.10 in case there are know issues with this
setup, basically i am embedding python inside a c application i managed
to get this to work i can call functions from the original c program and
the scripts run until i import gtk in the python script this causes the
error below.
I am using the waf build system to ...
This is what I got from flex 4 file reference upload:
self.request =
Accept: text/*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 51386
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------ei4cH2gL6ae0ei4ae0gL6GI3KM7ei4
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: Shockwave F...
How can I replace HTML-entities in unicode-Strings with proper unicode?
u'"HAUS Kleider" - Über das Bekleiden und Entkleiden, das VerhŸllen und Veredeln'
u'"HAUS-Kleider" - Über das Bekleiden und Entkleiden, das Verhüllen und Veredeln'
Actually the entities are wrong. At it seems like BeautifulSoup f...e...
I'm trying
conn = MySQLdb.connect (host = "localhost",
user = "username",
passwd = "password",
db = "my_db")
cursor = conn.cursor ()
course VARCHAR(15),
student VARCHAR(15),
teacher VARCHA...
I tested this regex out in RegexBuddy
and it seems to be able to do what I need it to do - capture a piece of data that looks like one of the following:
When I use it in a python string:
so I've got this little Text widget with a scroll bar and I've got a question. How do I make text in this Text widget a variable ? If I made this text a variable I would be able to open a text file and edit it's text or save the text I've written, etc or maybe it's a wrong way that I'm approaching this, is there a better way to do t...