
Unit Testing for VBScript, ASP Code and SQL Server 2000

I have a very old project implemented in (classic) ASP and SQL Server 2000. Because of quality concerns, I've been considering the possibility of implementing some form of automated quality testing. Though, the web pages are ASP the project is really 85% SQL Server stored procedure, functions, views and DTS. (Lots of dependency on DTS) ...

ASP.Net Stress Testing Actual Use of Application

I have read a few questions here about stress testing and people commonly recommend ab selenium jmeter openSTA but these all seem based around Apache and Java and Scripting etc. Selenium seems the best option because you record the actual use of you site which simulates UI load and database requests etc and then play it over an...

What is the single most effective thing you did to improve your QA skills?

Looking back at my career and life as a QA engineer, there were plenty of different ways I improved my QA skills and testplans- reading other people's testplans, readings specs, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching screencasts. My question is: What is the most effective thing you have done that improved your QA skills? What w...

What tools are available for QA a Website? That is treated as a Unit Testing

We are looking for QA tool that allow us to test functionality in our web applications. At this moment we QA all our work/enhancements/defects by hand, but we have so many webapps that is difficult to QA the entire site for a few changes. We want to have a list of Test Cases that we will run every time we will push a change to developm...

What is "bench-testing code"?

In reference to this answer to a Stack Overflow question: what is "bench-testing code"? (Not to be confused with benchmark.) Presumably it is some kind of code that embedded inside comments and used in the context of QA/testing. But what is it exactly? ...

Implications to software development of safety level SIL 1

I have to develop a system with very little safety related issues. We would like to be compliant with SIL 1 safety level. What implications does it have to software development? Which techniques of QA (including documentation to be generated) must be considered? ...

How to get a senior developer to cooperate with QA?

Has anyone found good ways to deal with a situation where a senior developer solely responsible for a particular component seems to be "doing a favor" by letting QA test his code, and refuses to invest in making the component more testable, answering questions, etc.? The person is very senior, and there's no option of letting bugs in t...

QA vs Development Ratio

I am working as a software developer and I had a quarrel today with our QA team about the following: How much the QA team members should exceed the number of developers that are working on the same product? I know that this is not a question about how to program something, but I think that this question is pretty much connected to the ...

How can I make my relationship with QA less adversarial?

Throughout my career, I've had varied amounts of success getting along with QA. I admit that I can take bug reports personally, but usually when they're crafted in a freeform style that is worded more like a complaint: "This process is STILL not working!", without enough information to reproduce the defect. I'm willing to work on my sen...

Demonstrate QA Improvement

Upper management wants each group to show year over year improvement (i.e. demonstrate gains with data, not just state an opinion). How have you shown improvement in QA? What metrics have you used? This isn't about rating one tester over another. It is about showing a department's growth and to provide individual tester's the ability...

Short QA Checklist

I have been working with a small firm over the last few months. We have a Trac instance set up (with projects as Milestones). Developers send completed tickets to a QA user. Someone then picks up the ticket, evaluates whether it's done, and closes it or bounces it back. Therein lies the problem. Using what criteria should the QAer (some...

What sort of info would go into good deployment documentation?

I have these constant battles with my colleagues regarding composition of deployment documentation. Everyone agrees that the documentation is necessary. Not everyone can find common ground on what level of detail should go into this especially differentiating between large releases, bug-fixes and enhancements. What have you found wor...

Startups and QA

Startups should have dedicated QA early in the process. Often, QA is added fairly late. My two-part question is: When should dedicated QA first be part of a startup effort and why? What skills should the first QA members have (create and execute test scripts, test automation using common tools, write unit tests, plan and execute comp...

What's the diffrence between a C# blank class and an MVC C# blank class?

Can anyone define the difference between a C# blank class and an MVC C# blank class? ...

Processes and tools for testing large projects with multiple branches

We make use of a significant number of branches (a fairly traditional mainline model) for development, and it's proved extremely effective as a way of organising things and keeping developers efficient on a large team. We have QA test development branches before pushing them back to the main line, which ensures the main line is always s...

Q & A php script

I am writing a simple Q & A for my organization internal usage. It does not have to feature rich like SO. Something much simpler. How do I begin? Is there a script available I can use off the shelf? ...

QA Testing Strategies for Analytical Dashboards

My team is building an analytical dashboard for a SaaS/multi-tenant application using Cognos. The problem I am encountering is the right strategy for testing. Right now, testing one report with start and end date filters (in month/year format), one dimensional filter and two controls for selecting the measure (there are 7 measures, whic...

Best php qa tools

Hello, I am looking for qa tools for php. I am used to pmd, findbugs and checkstyle in the java world. Do you know some similar tools for php doing code analysis ? So far I have found but not tested yet : phplint pmd's cpd module PHP_CodeSniffer Thanks in advance for your help ...

Website QA Software

Is there any software that anyone can recommend that we run nightly to check for 404's and/or any other types of errors that might affect our production site? ...

QA Function - Who's Responsibilty? What skills to look for?

Our company is exploring hiring a QA specialist and I had a couple of questions. I'm not sure if there are any cut and dry answers here but any input is appreciated. Here are my questions: Would a QA tester report to the business side or the IT side? It seems like there may be benefits to either. What skills are best - should we l...