
Compiling libshout using QT/qmake

I'm trying to link my QT application to a DLL (libshout), while building for Windows. I've added the appropriate lines to my .pro file: LIBS += -L/local/lib -lmp3lame LIBS += -L/local/lib -lshout LIBS += -L/local/lib -logg LIBS += -L/local/lib -lvorbis LIBS += -lwsock32 I've also successfully built and installed libshout to /local/li...

Build a JNI DLL using MINGW

I am trying to create a DLL that will call Qt (currently I can't use Jambi for the functionality I need). I have a simple Java method: public final native int createChild(int handle); I created C project in Visual Studio Express 2010 and was able to build the DLL. Then I created a project in Qt creator and moved my sources there. I t...

qmake: How to avoid having version numbers in .so file name

Hello, I'm trying to build a dynamic library on Linux using qmake. Here is my .pro file: TEMPLATE = lib TARGET = sqxUiBase QT += core gui CONFIG += dll INCLUDEPATH += ../../public/include DEPENDPATH += . UI_DIR += ../GeneratedFiles RCC_DIR += ../GeneratedFiles CONFIG(release, debug|release) { DESTDIR = ../lib/relea...

qt qmake extra compilers with dependencies among generated files

Can qmake handle dependencies of generated source files? We have a prf file like this: idl_h.name = Generate .H file for ${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}.idl idl_h.input = IDLS # variable containing our input files idl_h.variable_out = HEADERS idl_h.commands = <command that takes .idl and genrates .h> idl_h.output = $$IDL_GEN_DIR/${QMAKE_FILE_BASE}...

How to add custom targets in a qmake generated Makefile?

Hi Today when I play with Qt I use qmake to generate the Makefile, and that works quite well. However sometimes I want to add more stuff to the generated Makefile, without having to edit the generated Makefile. Let's say that we beside the source code have a Doxygen directory, and there I need to run some doxygen commands to gener...

QMake: Automatically compiling all files in a directory

Hello everyone, For my Qt project, I use a .pro file that includes a separate .pri file for the various header, source, form and resource files. However, every time I add a new file I need to manually add it to the .pri file. This is tedious and error-prone. Is there a way to "magically" add all files from a directory, either directly i...

How to create a Bundle Library (mh_bundle) with qmake on Mac OS X?

Hi All, I'm a newbee to Qt and qmake and I like to know if it's possible to instruct qmake to build a "Bundle Library" (mh_bundle) under Mac OS X using the TEMPLATE and CONFIG variables? I already managed to make a "Dynamic Library" (mh_dylib) and a "Framework" (mh_dylib). If there is no direct solution, how is the best way to achieve t...

Linking to wrong library version in a C++ application

I'm troubleshooting a C++ binary on RHEL/CentOS 5, which has problems with the openssl shared libraries. I don't do much C/C++ programming, and I'm having trouble finding the root issue. What seems to be going wrong is that the application is linking to specific versions of libcrypto and libssl (0.9.8), instead of the symlinked paths of...

What's the preferred way to include QML sources in your application build?

I am building an application with mixed UI technologies (mostly C++ with some QML components included). Suppose I have a QML item which I want to show inside a QDeclarativeView using syntax like this: view = new QDeclarativeView(QUrl::fromLocalFile("foobar.qml")); I have added foobar.qml to my project in Qt Creator which automaticall...

qmake - x64 makespec for x64 Visual Studio solution?

We're currently using qmake and .pro files to create projects for Visual Studio 2008, but the default solution platform is Win32. Every time the projects are rebuilt, I have to manually change the platform to x64 by going into the configuration manager and copying settings from the Win32 solution. I have not been able to find online/QT ...

QMake - how to copy a file to the output

I need to copy a file from my project to the output directory. I new to qmake so I can't figure out how to accomplish this. I'm compiling on Linux but in the future I'll compile it on Mac and Windows ...

Qt:How to tell Qmake to include ws2_32 in visual studio project

Hello all im using some third party lib in side Qt application but i like the *.pro file and the QMAKE to be the default . how can i tell qmake (what to write in the *.pro file ) to include in my visual studio project the windows ws2_32 socket lib in the include lib dir ? ...