
Qmake does not specify a valid qt

After installing Qt SDK for Open Source C++ development on Mac OS by following the respective steps Note for the binary package: If you have the binary package, simply double-click on the Qt.mpkg and follow the instructions to install Qt. . Yes, that is all I have done to install Qt on MacOsX. Everything was going fine, until I run a ...

Getting values from pro files in Qt

Hi, I am using Qt 4.5 in Windows XP. My pro file has the variable VERSION = 1.0. Now i need to read this variable and get its value (1.0) from the source code. So that I don't have to maintain another variable for version inside my source code. I just read from the pro file and update it. So that the value remains consistent all over my...

How to invoke make install for one subdirectory of Qt project

I'm working on custom library and I wish users could just use it by adding: CONFIG += mylib to their pro files. This can be done by installing mylib.prf file to %QTDIR%/mkspec/features. I've checked out in Qt Mobility project how to create and install such file, but there is one thing I'd like to do differently. If I correctly under...

Change Qt install path after building ?

Hello, how can I change Qt install path after I building it ? Example : qmake.exe search binaries to original install path, how can I change/redefine it ? Thanks. Edit : I finally found this patch to apply to Qt : http://ftp-developpez.com/qt/binaires/win32/patcher/QtPatcher.7z http://ftp-developpez.com/qt/binaires/win32/patcher/QtP...

Qt Creator / QMake Linker Arguments

Hi guys. I'm using SFML, and I want to use Qt Creator in conjunction with it. When I'm compiling manually, I supply the following arguments to the linker -lsfmlsystem -lsfmlwindow. How do I do this if I'm using Qt Creator and (I think) QMake? ...

Qt MOC Filename Collisions using multiple .pri files

In order to keep my Qt project somewhat organized (using Qt Creator), I've got one .pro file and multiple .pri files. Just recently I added a class to one of my .pri files that has the same filename as a class that already existed in a separate .pri file. The file structure and makefiles generated by qmake appear to be oblivious to the...

how-to add "warnings as error" rule to Qt .pro file ?

Hi, When I usually work on a C++ project, one of the first things I do is setting up the "treat warning as errors" on my compiler. When using Qt, qmake generates the Makefile for you and doesn't include this option on the compilation commands. I'm pretty sure there is a way to add such an option (and others) into the generated Makefile...

Building 64bit Qt on 32bit Xp computer

I'm trying to build Qt in a shared 64 bit mode on my 32bit XP system. I can configure the QMake and start the 64bit build. The problem is that when the build starts, the first thing that happens in that the process builds ui, moc and rcc utility compilers in 64 bit mode, then tries to run them on my 32bit machine. Does anyone know h...

Find Microsoft SDK (psapi.lib) with Cmake and or qmake

Hello, i have an application where is use Qt 4.6 and Microsoft SDKs (the Psapi.Lib). I use cmake or qmake to build. For qmake and cmake i specify in hard the path of the Psapi.lib. qmake : win32 { LIBS += "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib\Psapi.Lib" } cmake : SET(PSAPI "C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Window...

Qt4 book says "make release", reality disagrees

According to various soures, for a Qt4 app you build the release or debug versions with "make release" or "make debug". In real life, these give errors. make: *** No rule to make target `debug'. Stop Only bare naked "make" works. I'm not sure what it produces. Running "strip" does reduce the executables' size, but gdb isn't find...

QMake platform scope values

http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qmake-advanced-usage.html#platform-scope-values On Nokia's QMake documentation it notes that there are at least 3 platform scope values: win32, macx and unix. The documentation states: In addition to the win32, macx, and unix values used in many scope conditions, various other built-in platform and compi...

delayed DLL loading possible when using QMake?

In my project, I have a set of DLLs I want to load delayed, i.e. on first use instead of on process start. That means I want to use /DELAYLOAD flag of the MSVC linker (see [1] for more explanation) for certain DLLs (not Qt itself). The reason is that some users experience crashes during DLL initilization (which we can't reproduce). A fo...

Add a define to qmake WITH a value?

How do I add a define with qmake WITH a value: For example, this does not work (as I expected) in my .pro file: DEFINES += WINVER 0x0500 nor DEFINES += "WINVER 0x0500" How do I define WINVER as 0x0500 before anything starts compiling so it's definition is not affected in any way by compilation or include order? ...

Possible to include C/C++ header files in a .pro file?

Is it possible to include C/C++ header files in a qmake (.pro) file? I have a version.h header file with several definitions for my project (strings, version numbers, etc.). I also have an .rc file for Windows to add version info to my exe/dll, which includes this header file. So, can I somehow get the #defines in my header file to be ...

How to put generated files (e.g. object files) into a separate folder when using Qt/qmake?

I have a Qt project that uses qmake. To improve clarity and readability, I'd like to keep the source files build system generated files (such as object files) separate. So my first step was putting the source files into a src/ sub directory: myproject/ myproject.pro src/ main.cpp MainWindow.ui ... ...

Linking libraries to a QT project using pkg-config output

This is a bit of a newbie question. I am trying to add the OpenCV libraries to a QT project. This question says the link flags are given by pkg-config --libs opencv If I paste the command line output into the project file like: LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lml -lcvaux -lhighgui -lcv -lcxcore then everything compiles fine, but now thi...

How to overwrite the `make dist` default target of Qmake?

In a Qt project, I need to provide a custom make dist. So I added the following lines to the *.pro file: QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += dist dist.commands = [...] That works, but shows the following warnings each time I run make: Makefile:209: warning: overriding commands for target `dist' Makefile:188: warning: ignoring old commands for tar...

How to link my code with the real time library using qmake (.pro)?

I am trying to write suitable .pro file for my application. I need real-time library. Have you some ideas how to do that? I just need the line for linking with real-time library... Thanks in advance! SOLVED: LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lrt ...

How can I force qtcreator to create non-universal binaries

When I use qtcreator on mac, it creates universal binaries. Does anyone know how to set it so it just creates a 'native' binary? (So i386' in my case?) Qtcreator uses qmake as a buildsystem. Google hasn't been my friend so far, I hope stackoverflow will. EDIT: my config file so far: TARGET = mongowriter CONFIG += console CONFIG ...

Running a program/script from QMake

We have a fairly large code-base. The vast majority of the code is compiled using qmake to produce the makefiles. However, there are some sub-projects that get produced by running batch files or running other programs. I'd like to be able to have everything compiled using qmake, but I can't figure out how to get qmake to simply run a ...