
How to look at the data stored in a QMap?

How to look at the data stored in QMap without iterating through it? I am trying to debug an application using QMap with many keys, do you know a way to look at the data in QMap without iterating through each value? ...

QGLWidget::renderText bounding box

Is it possible to get the bounding box of the output of QGLWidget::renderText() in logical or window coordinates? How? ...

Qt - How to bind a QList to a QSqlQuery with a "WHERE ... IN" clause?

Note: this is with SQLite, although I expect the problem is on the Qt side. First, I set up a database table from the SQLite command line tool: sqlite> create table testtable ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, state INTEGER ); sqlite> insert into testtable (state) values (0); sqlite> insert into testtable (state) values (1); sqlite> in...

qt signals/slots in a plugin

I have an app with such structure: all the datatypes (class INode) are stored in plugins (DLLs). Some of the datatypes can be drawn (if they're IDrawable). To load an object of, e.g. class PointCloudNode: public INode I have a special input plugin (DLL) which is called class PointCloudParser: public IIOPlugin and IIOPlugin is a thread ...

ReSharper (or something like it) for Qt?

I am beginner of Qt Creator. I'm using resharper for visual studio 2005-2008 and it is very very good. Is there any tool like resharper for Qt? ...

Where does qt creator save my projects

Somebody knows where qt creator (in which directory) saves my projects? ...

an error in qt_creator

hello, I begin to study qt (I have qt creator, last version), so I read the reference how to begin to work with it and I'm trying to compile project "Animated Tiles" but I receive an error, can somebody please explain why: Running build steps for project animatedtiles... Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step. Starting: "D:/QT_pro...

Compile standalone exe problems

So I made a program using Qt Creator (Windows) and I compiled and ran it. It runs fine on my computer, but when I send it to a buddy of mine, he gets these errors: The program can't start because libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. The program can't start because mingwm10...

URL encode in Qt4

I'm trying to encode a URL while using Qt 4. It looks like in Qt 3, the method was QUrl::encode, but apparently QUrl was rewritten from Qt 3 to Qt 4. I looked in the documentation and didn't see any equivalent method. Is there something I'm missing? ...

qt - dynamic forms very slow

qt - This code very slow QWidget *MainWindow::loadUi(QString uiPath) { QWidget *newui; QUiLoader loader; QFile uiFile(uiPath); if(uiFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { newui = loader.load(&uiFile); newui->show(); uiFile.close(); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, "error", "o...

Qt getting reference of custom data type of QStandardItemModel to change it!

It's getting a little weird I can't see a method to actually change the "data" of a QStandardItemModel. For example: struct TestStruct { std::vector<int> testVector; void addNumber(int i){ //this method will modify the member vector } }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TestStruct) QStandardItemModel* model = QStandardItemModel...

How to open a file which has name with unicode symbols.

I created an .exe file and associated .myFile extension to that .exe file. I want to double click on any .myFile file and get that file opened by the .exe. For that I have done the following: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QString fileName(QObject::tr(argv[1])); if ( fileName != "" ) { mainWin.loadFile(fileName);...

QFIleDialog only filters one time

I have a QfileDialog that it is opened when I push in a button. This button actives a signal and call a Slot with this code: QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ( this, "Open a Map" , lastPath, "Maps (*.png *.bmp);;Info (*.xml)" ); I don't ...

expanding the image veiwer example of pyqt or QT

hello im trying to expand the pyqt image veiwer example to have a feature of drawing over images i added a couple of tested functions that takes mouse events and draw over image in the image viewer example my i chosed my painter to paint over imageLabel's pixmap def mousMoveEvent(self,event): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.imageLab...

How easy is Lua with Qt, compared to QtScript?

I'm just starting C++ development using Qt. However, I'm also interested in using Lua to script my app, given various articles stating its development speed (ease) for writing the workflow/ui/glue of an application. However, out of the box Qt doesn't support it, instead it includes QtScript. My question is basically should I attempt to ...

How to run a system command in Qt?

I have to run a system command in Qt. but I have to give an argument for that command. for example opening gedit with a text file. like "gedit /home/oDx/Documents/a.txt" but the path "/home/oDx/Documents/a.txt" will be in a variable like "docPath". so how can i do it!? ...

QT APPlication not exiting , Remain in Memory

Hello and Good Morning , I have problem using QT application . I am posting little code here QApplication a(argc, argv); QString path = qApp->applicationDirPath(); qApp->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); a.addLibraryPath(path+"/plugins"); TryQt w; w.show(); return a.exec(); this is how i am starting my Application . In the A...

Adding a new page in MS Word using Qt

Hi, I am using Qt 4.5 and using ActiveQt to generate MS Word documents. I am able to create a document based on the ActiveX commands of VBA for MS Word. But I am not able to create a new page at the desired position. I tried selection->dynamicCall("InsertBreak(const QString &)","wdPageBreak"); selection->dynamicCall("InsertParagraph(...

documentation of qt

hello, is it possible to find some information about qt, I need chm file with all documentation of all classes, thanks in advnace I need chm file with this information http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/classes.html somebody knows where can I find it? ...

Make a phone call with qt 4.6.3

Hi, I need to trigger a phone call from a Qt application. I looked to previous post without find a complete answer. I need to make it with qt 4.6.3. I'm quite new to symbian development, I'm using the last nokiaSDK. It MUST work ONLY on n97 and E71. Can Anybody provide a solution? May be a solution exec an extenal process using QProces...