
qprocess output in file

QProcess procWriteProject .. ... 1) procWriteProject.start("qconf",QStringList() << " -sprj " << projectList[0] << " >> " << "\"/tmp/testing.txt\""); 2) procWriteProject.start("qconf -sprj " + projectList[0] + " >> " + "/tmp/test_settings"); what is the possible way to make this command work. I need that after this command is execute...

Building optimized Qt4 - "./configure" flags and their meanings

Hey everyone, I recently followed a discussion on the Qt4-interest mailing list about whether it is legal or not to build a commercial/proprietary application and statically link Qt4 into it. While there are some non-proven ways of doing so (by providing object files and a Makefile, etc. to the customer), it doesn't sound like such a go...

Question about what I should have before Connect

I have this included: #include <sys/socket.h> /* for socket(), connect(), send(), and recv() */ /* Establish the connection to the echo server */ if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &echoServAddr, sizeof(echoServAddr)) < 0) DieWithError("connect() failed"); But I am getting this: TCPClient.cpp:395: error: no matching func...

Quick Question on QT and OpenGl

I've made a project with QT and OpenGl. In QT paintGl() was repeatedly call I beleive, so I was able to change values outside of that function and call update() so that it would paint a new image. I also believe that it called initializeGl() as soon as you start up the program. Now my question is: I want that same functionality in a d...

Question about how to send images in socket programming?

I've got a couple questions about sending images over. How do I handle different types of files, jpeg, png, etc. If the file is large, I ave to use sequence numbers... but I don't know how to stop recving if I do not know the number of sequence numbers. My knowledge of transfering images / files is next to none. I have never programme...

string has not been declared, QT

I am trying to change a certain text box message. It will display my output. This is what I have in my main() #include "form2.h" .... string recvMSG = "random"; 182:: Form2::changeOutput(recvMSG); ... within my form2.h I have: #include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> ... void Form2::changeOu...

QT creating my form objects, how to access that form?

I am trying to change a certain text box message. It will display my output. This is what I have in my TCPClient() #include "form2.h"....string recvMSG = "random"; QString s1 = QString::fromLocal8Bit(recvMSG.c_str()); 182:: Form2::changeOutput(s1); within my form2.h I have: ... void Form2::changeOutput(QString &s) { o...

How to change string into QString?

I have tried lookin for the answer to this question, but was not able to do this. Whats the most basic way to do it? ...

Trying to get signals to work in my QT. I need some advice and help

So I have in my main function: string s = "\nWelcome to Rawr\n"; const QString output(s); **emit output(output); <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Getting an error here** I have set up a Signal in QT Desginer named: output(const QString &s) My receiver for the signal is my "Form"... in my form.h i have: The slot is called "change...

List view is not refreshed if setTabText() is called

Yes, I know this sounds crazy. But here's the situation. I composed a minimal code reproducing the bug. The code creates main window with QTabWidget, which, in turn, has one tab with QListView and a button. List view is connected to QAbstractListModel. Initially, list model contains empty list. If user clicks on a button, it is populate...

Tips / Examples on sending an Image file (jpeg, png) over socket programming?

I've heard that we can somehow send an image file with binary over a socket... But I have no idea on how to convert an image file into binary or how to even think of sending it over a socket... Was hoping if someone could post a simple example? or point me in the right direction :) I am also using QT for just my gui, but not using QT so...

Is it possible to see definition of Q_SIGNALS, Q_SLOT, SLOT(), SIGNAL() macros? (Qt)

Is it possible to see definition of Q_SIGNALS, Q_SLOT, SLOT(), SIGNAL() macros in Qt framework? P.S. Google gave me nothing in this question. ...

How do I convert an image into a buffer so that I can send it over using socket programming? C++

How do I convert an image into a buffer so that I can send it over using socket programming? I'm using C++ socket programming. I am also using QT for my Gui. Also, after sending it over through the socket, how do I put that image back together so it can become a file again? If someone could put up some sample code that would be great ...

QT Webkit & OpenGL Rendering Context

Would it be possible to create a window with a webpage using a webkit component using QT4, then embed an OpenGL context into the middle in the same way a java applet or a flash applet may appear normally? ...

Qt, how to set text edit scroll bar to the bottom? C++

I have the text edit box as a chat window, but I was wondering if there was a way to set the scroll bar to be at the bottom to show the most updated message. I am currently using Qt3 and C++. chat_box->.... I tried looking and was only able to find "ScrollBarMode" but it only lets me turn it on or off or auto... which doesn't really he...

qt - qprocess start in a loop

I am calling a process in a loop. Need to ensure that one process ends before it starts again. how is it possible. void MainWindow::setNewProjectInQueueList() { // this is already gotten in queueList now loop thru the list and add project QStringList arguments; projNm = ui->lineEditCreateProject->text(); qDebug() << " p...

Python QtreeWidget: return tree hierarchy

Hi Everybody, I got stuck in trying to obtain the hierarchical view of a widget tree. The code works fine and generates a nice tree like that: ROOT(Animal): | | |___Not extinct: . | (red) . |_____BIRD--------------(blue) . | (green) | | ...

Qt ClickToFlash

Hello everyone, I have installed ClickToFlash plugin on my mac machine. When I have pages with flash in QWebview I have a crash in QtWebKit. Does anybody has the same problem? How I can solve it? Thanks, Gennadii ...

Best JSON parser for Qt?

I'm using QT for Symbian and need a simple json parser. I need to be able to go from json to Qt-variant and the other way around. Is there a simple json parser that I can use? I don't want to write my own. What is the best way to go? Thanks! ...

Is there a poster for Qt documentation?

I'm looking for a cheet-sheet style poster (or better posters) for a whole (parts of) Qt library. Is there such thing or something similar? ...