
Placing a Quartz Scheduler in Stand-by Mode

You can place a Quartz scheduler in stand-by mode. During this time all triggers will not fire neither jobs being executed. But what happend if the standby(); command comes up during a job that is in the middle of its execution, let's say it is in the middle of writing a file? example: *// start() was previously invoked on the schedul...

Quartz.NET server documentation

Hi, when downloading Quartz.NET it contains a server component with a console application. The website, faq and API documentation doesn't mention anything about it. Would anybody know more about it or know where I can find more documentation on it? Thanks, Patrick ...

NullPointerException With Quartz & Spring

I'm using the Spring Quartz integration, and every time I try to shut down Tomcat, the Quartz processes fail to shut down. This is the stack trace: Exception in thread "org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean#0_QuartzSchedulerThread" java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory...

How can I do Time based / scheduled events in .NET ?

Hi folks, I need to offer scheduling of actions/events, in our web site. A crap analogy could be a calendar system, where a person adds a calendar item and when the date/time has been 'hit', then some logic (eg calculate a report) is fired. I could be having hundreds and even thousands of scheduled events that are entered by my clients...

Time triggered job Cron or Quartz?

I already asked a separate question on how to create time triggered event in Java: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1029164/large-scale-time-triggered-event-handling. I was introduced of Quartz. At the same time, I also google it online, and ppl are saying Cron command in Unix is a neat solution. Which one is better? What's the cons ...

nested jobs in Quartz

I have nested task to schedule: (1). A daily master task downloading scheduling information, which is a List of job names with timestamps (2). schedule the job in the scheduling information I just downloaded according to its timestamp I am not sure how the nested jobs work in Quartz. It seems that I need a CronTrigger triggering a job,...

Get a list of all currently executing jobs in a cluster with Quartz

The method Scheduler.getCurrentlyExecutingJobs() in quartz apparently is not cluster aware. What method are people using to get a list of all executing jobs? ...

Testing Quartz CronTrigger trigger

Assuming that I have a CronTriggerBean similar to <bean id="midMonthCronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean"> <property name="jobDetail" ref="reminderJobDetail" /> <property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 6 15W * ?" /> </bean> What is the best way to test that this bean will actually trigger...

Closed-source alternative to Quartz.NET

This may seem like an odd question, but I need to find a closed-source alternative to Quartz.NET. I have been using quartz in a windows service application I am writing, and recently discovered that my employer will not allow me to use open-source controls in my project (funny, since there is plenty of UNIX stuff running here as well...s...

How is this Quartz Cron Expression executed

I have a the following; private String cronExpression = ""; private final String jobID = "MyJObID"; ... Scheduler scheduler = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getScheduler(); CronTrigger trigger = new CronTrigger(jobID , Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP, cronExpression); JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail(jobID , Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP, MyJob.clas...

Spring Framework Connecting JVM with each other

Hi all, I have 4 servers and JVM is installed on them. I wrote a java service that Quartz calls this services every 10 minutes. But in 4 servers, every 10 minutes 4 calls are done. This sitiuation creates race condition. I want only one service on 4 JVM. How can I do that with Spring Framework? ...

Quartz JobStore with Spring Framework

Hi all, I am implementing Quartz Job Store on Oracle DB using Spring Framework. My ApplicationContext.xml is below <bean id="driverJob" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobDetailBean"> <property name="jobClass" value="BatchFileCollector" /> </bean> <bean id="ranchTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.Simple...

Cron to human readable string

I am using Quartz with Java to schedule jobs. One thing is that i store cron expressions on a database and i would like to present them to a user but in a more readable form. So i was wondering if there is a utility that could convert a cron expression into a human readable string. Something like : ""0 30 10-13 ? * WED,FRI" will becom...

JMX console and Quartz... doozy

I'm in a bit of a pickle. I have Quartz starting multiple simultaneous threads of a class and I really need to inspect the class through the JMX console. The trouble is that since Quartz calls the new Foo(), when I expose Foo as a bean, it presents itself as an uninitiated class (allowing me to call init, myself, through the console) bu...

Quartz.Net Job Progress

Is there an easy way for a IJob to publish data from within the Job. I have a Job running an import process, but would like to retrieve the progress by looking up the Job and requesting it. I thought that i may be able to use the JobDetails, but does not seem to reflect the changes made within the Job? ...

Quartz JDBCJobstore doesn't work

Hi I have downloaded Quartz and I am trying to run a sample. I have a sample that uses JDBCJobStore which doesn't work but this sample works fine with RAMJobStore. Just when I choose JDBCJobStore and exception get raised. I am using quartz-1.6.5. please help me thanks code: package test; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quar...

JDBCJobStore sample

Hi I am a newbie in Quartz and i can't run a JDBCJobSTore sample. Can you give me a sample that runs with a JDBCJobSTore. Thanks a lot !!! ...

How to schedule the code execution?

I am working on a web application where I need to schedule some code. I am using the quartz for that. Now the problem is I want it to work after every day, or say 24 hours. Please let me know how to do this. I have not done this before and I'm using the sample code from the scheduler API. ...

How do I add a switch to server startup in Eclipse?

I'm using eclipse to manage my server instance, I'm wondering if it's possible to add other options/switches to the command that starts the server. Let me know if there's a way, or if I'm taking the wrong approach... This is the error I'm getting in my application (using Quartz): Not in an application scope - start OC4J with the -userT...

Has anyone succeded in writing a JMX wrapper around Open Symphony's Quartz?

I'm trying to expose Quartz (that I'm running in Jboss) to the jboss JMX console. I'm not having any luck with said process and am wondering why it's so hard to find any reference materials on doing this. Seems like a pretty useful thing. I'd love some tips on how to get it set up, if anyone has done it. ...