
using quartz in a web app with spring

Hello good fellas! I've created a small console application to see how quartz work and it was easy to create an applicationcontext object inside the main method to get the cron run. OK now I'm in a real project managed by maven and which is using cron jobs defined in some of the modules. Each of the module has his own spring config file...

Quartz job failed to start

I have a quartz job that simply failed to start. Normally there is a log entry "your job -- FIRED!" and then "your job -- execution complete!". The job is fairly simple. It is a Java method that wraps a call to an oracle stored procedure, and basically ends when that procedure ends. It normally takes 10-20 minutes to run completely and ...

Java – Create a workflow in Quartz

I am considering using the Quartz framework to schedule the run of several hundred jobs. According to their API, jobs can be scheduled to run at certain moments in time but not to run one after the other (and stop a chain of jobs if one fails). The only recommended methods I was able to find are: Using a listener which notices the com...

Writing a java code which will execute every hour(quartz)

Can someone please correct me, I've found this example online and bunch of others not working, this particular example throws the following error : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/collections/SetUtils at org.quartz.JobDetail.<init>(JobDetail.java:85) at tralala.org.xml.CronSchedule....

Question about CronTrigger - Quartz

Concerning http://www.opensymphony.com/quartz/wikidocs/CronTriggers%20Tutorial.html .. given bunch of examples and I just don't get this, how would I write CronTrigger expression to run every minute of every day for unlimited amount of time. I've "figured" out about running it every second which is easy "* * * * * ?" how would I write ex...

Quartz Scheduled Job in Error State

Hi, I have two jobs scheduled with Quartz. One runs once per week. The second runs one per day, for three consecutive dates in the week. I've noticed the following behaviour, but can't figure out what is going wrong. The first job sometimes just doesn't start at all. Before the scheduled start time, the TRIGGER STATE column is set...

Quartz Scheduler and thread pooling

Please provide me some samples on Quartz Scheduler and thread pooling ...

Executing a method from another class in Java... and more

Hiya all, I have a method that returns a list of items called findItemByPIdEndDate() and its found inside MngtImpl.java class. Now I'd like to execute this method every once in a while, hourly lets say so here is what I did so far : This is CronSchedule.java import org.quartz.CronTrigger; import org.quartz.Scheduler; import org.quartz...

How to execute method using spring beans

I need findItemByPIdEndDate() method of the MngtImpl class to be invoked every 5000ms, but nothing appears to be happening. Am I missing something? <bean id="findItemByPIdEndDate" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean"> <property name="targetObject" ref="MngtImpl"/> <property name="targetMet...

Problem with spring quartz

Hello all, I'm trying to invoke method based on some interval time, here are some beans inside applicationContext.xml <bean id="MngtTarget" class="com.management.engine.Implementation" abstract="false" lazy-init="true" autowire="default" dependency-check="default"> <bean id="jobDetail" class="org.springframework.scheduling.qua...

Quartz cron expression for cron triggers executed every Nth Hour/Day/Week/Month

Hi Guys, I am developing an application that gives user ability to schedule some activity. Inputs that are provided by user are Value of N Option amongst Hour/Day/Week/Month Start Date Start Time I am unable to get the corn expressions right for each of the repeat interval type i.e. Hour/Day/Week/Month so that the trigger time is ca...

Ensure that Spring Quartz job execution doesn't overlap

I have a Java program that executes from Spring Qquartz every 20 seconds. Sometimes it takes just few seconds to execute, but as data gets bigger I'm sure it run for 20 seconds or more. How can I prevent Quartz from firing/triggering the job while one instance is still being executed? Firing 2 jobs performing same operations on a databa...

Calling a Cron Trigger stored in JDBCJobStore programmatically

Hi, I have a Cron Trigger configured using the JDBCJobStore since we will be running the app within a clustered environment. I have the CronTrigger running every 10AM, everything is working great. How would I programmatically start this Cron Trigger "On-Deman". Any code sample appreciated. I'm using Quartz 1.6.5 on Tomcat 6.0....

Zombie threads eating my brainz (J2EE, Tomcat, Hibernate, Quartz)

It is Hallowe'en after all. Here's the problem: I'm maintaining some old-ish J2EE code, using Quartz, in which I'm running out of threads. jconsole tells me that there are just short of 60K threads when it goes pear-shaped, of which about 100 (!!) are actually running. Intuition and some googling (see also here) suggest that what's ha...

Quartz job tunning

hello there is something i've realized with quartz when working.Say a cron is set to wake up every 2min with the expression 0 0/2 * * * ? . When you run the project at say 13:10:30, the first action happens at 13:12:00 and the second 13:14:00 and every 2min 0 second for the rest. Obviously between the startup of the project and the firs...

Timing quartz task execution duration

Is there a standard way of logging the time Quartz takes to execute a task? I'm open to Spring based solutions as well, as I'm using both. ...

An enterprise scheduler for python (like quartz)

I am looking for an enterprise tasks scheduler for python, like quartz is for Java. Requirements: Persistent: if the process restarts or the machine restarts, then all the jobs must stay there and must be fired after restarting. Jobs must enter and exit the scheduler in a transaction (i.e. if some database operation fail, in a databas...

quartz.net with Round Robin

is it possible to use quartz.net with a simple round-robin tasks scheduling mechanism? i mean does quartz.net has something built-in for round-robin scheduling? (i didn't find one yet) ...

How do I start Quartz in standalone mode?

According to its feature list "Quartz can run as a stand-alone program (within its own Java Virtual Machine), to be used via RMI". I could not find any documentation how to start it in stand-alone mode, however. "java -jar quartz.jar" does not do anything (there is not even a Main-Class specified in its mainfest). All the examples in ...

How do I use the quartz scheduler with Python?

Is there a guide or tutorial on how to use the quartz Scheduler with Python. Is there an existing API for Python? ...