
Quartz.net implementation

I am new to the concept: quartz.net.How do I implement it in my web application ? ...

Quartz.NET trigger not firing

i am using Quartz.NET in my ASP.NET web application. i put the following code in a button click handler to make sure that it executes (for testing purposes): Quartz.ISchedulerFactory factory = new Quartz.Impl.StdSchedulerFactory(); Quartz.IScheduler scheduler = factory.GetScheduler(); Quartz.JobDetail job = new Quartz.JobDetail("job", n...

Is it possible to run a quartz.net job on the UI thread?

I'm using Watin for browser testing, which has to run on the UI thread. I want to schedule a job using Quartz.NET but can't work out a way to run it on the UI thread (using a WPF application) Any ideas? ...

Quartz.net with ASP.NET

Hai Guys, I dont know how to use Quartz.dll in asp.net... Where to write the code for scheduling jobs to trigger mail every morning... Please if some body knows about it plz help me... ...

Quartz.net repeat job at interval after job is completed

I am currently implementing Quartz.net in a simple application that should execute a piece of code every (for example) 5 seconds. Only now the code sometimes takes more than 5 seconds to complete. At first I had the problem that the code was executed while the same code was still running, I fixed this by using the IStateFulJob interface...

Configuring ADOJobStore with Quartz.net

Hello How do you set up a jobstore with Quartz.net. The tutorial they have on the site is not that of help for me. In this page though there are steps http://quartznet.sourceforge.net/tutorial/lesson%5F9.html I am not able to get how to set this one org.quartz.jobStore.type = Quartz.Impl.AdoJobStore.JobStoreTX, Quartz Thanks ...

Fluent Nhibernate and quartz

I'm building a asp.net mvc web application. And I'm running quartz in the asp.net context. I'm using fluent nhibernate for my or mappings. I'm building a simple job that goes writes an entry in the database. public void Execute(JobExecutionContext context) { ISession session = DataSourceConfiguration.GetSessionFactory()...

quartz.net with Round Robin

is it possible to use quartz.net with a simple round-robin tasks scheduling mechanism? i mean does quartz.net has something built-in for round-robin scheduling? (i didn't find one yet) ...

Using LINQ to query/subquery multiple methods (Quartz.NET example for groups, jobs, and triggers)

Hello all, Definitely a LINQ newbie, but very experienced with SQL and C# and wondering if this is possible in LINQ. If so, I could use it other places, but I figured this would be a good starting point (and help to simplify/clean up some code). This could be more generalized, but I figured this might be a good real-life example that co...

How to set Quartz.net worker thread name?

How can I set name of the worker thread in Quartz.net? [2009-12-15 08:56:25] [DefaultQuartzScheduler_Worker-1] INFO I wanted to see some meaningful information in the logs. I tried using JobDetail constructor, but looks like I am wrong. var job = new JobDetail("n1", null, typeof (MyJob)); Thanks, Vadi ...

Schedule setup string without using CRON string

Currently we are using cron strings for setting Quartz jobs in our project. But it seems to be either overkill or little confusing to set by a admin guy who is not a developer. So, we try to use a simple string like this, each 1 seconds on MonTueWedThuFri between 00:01 and 23:59 Is there any existing frameworks (or in Quartz) I will b...

Quartz.Net Thread Pools

I have quartz.net set up to run several scheduled jobs and several polling jobs. The polling jobs can consist of running code that can take 10 minutes. These jobs are queued from user actions (and so there could be a queue of x user actions). I have scheuled jobs that HAVE to run at that time. However, the threads could all be used up by...

Quartz string for a schedule which includes execution minute as well

I am trying to construct a quartz string for below schedule. Can some one help me in getting this done? for every 3 minutes between 9:15 to 23:59 during Monday to Friday Thanks in Advance ...

How to handle a recurrent job with a reminder in Quartz.NET

Hi, I'm using Quartz.NET and am facing the following task: Schedule a job to be fired every 10 minutes, with a reminder 1 minute before each occurrence. Do you know if it's possible to design a trigger to do that? I'd like to avoid if possible to handle 2 triggers (one for the reminders and one shifted for the jobs). I'll use the s...

Quartz.NET Trigger Configuration or Roll my own Trigger?

So I've decided to use Quartz.NET to schedule some tasks for me in my application and I'd like to schedule my tasks to run daily from the following 3 pieces of information. TimeSpan startTime //i.e. 10:30 TimeSpan endTime // i.e. 18:30 TimeSpan repeatInterval // 30 Minutes And the trigger will fire every day at 10:30, 11:00, 11:30......

Cron Expression - Every 5 seconds between 7am and 8pm...?

I have the following Cron expression i use with Quartz.net: 0/5 * * ? * MON-FRI Basically, every 5 seconds, Mondays - Fridays. How can I modify this so it only runs between 7am and 8pm on those days? ...

Quartz.Net and dependancy injection or calling a job from external dll at runtime

I am trying to evaluate Quartz.Net. I tested it with adding a class which implemented IJob in the executing assembly and it worked. Now I want to develop an Job Scheduler in which I can add jobs at runtime. How to proceed. Edit: If it seems subjective I have following specific question. How to add external class/dll which are unkno...

Quartz.net and Common.Logging - Using Log4Net

Hi, I'm using Quartz.net within a windows service. Currently, the trigger is not firing - I'd like to use the logging to find out why. I have edited my config file for thie windows service: <configSections> <section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" /> <sectionGroup name="common">...

In which format Quartz.net stores the times.

Does anybody know in which format quartz.net stores the times in the QUARTZ_TRIGGERS table. For example I have seen 634019848980000000 in NEXT_FIRE_TIME column, but I am unable to get the exact date time. It will be very helpful if I can get this. Thanks. ...

ASP.NET MVC: How to create a usable UrlHelper instance?

I am using quartz.net to schedule regular events within asp.net mvc application. The scheduled job should call a service layer script that requires a UrlHelper instance (for creating Urls based on correct routes (via urlHelper.Action(..)) contained in emails that will be sent by the service). I do not want to hardcode the links into th...