
Checking for failed job in JobListener (Quartz.NET)

I currently have a Quartz.NET job listener for all executed jobs so they can be auditted to a table ,which is working fine. But I also need to do something else if the job fails to execute for some reason. How can I check if the job has failed in the JobListener? Thanks ...

Adding data from multiple tables into a gridview and more (ASP.NET)

I am using Quartz.NET for my scheduling system, and I want administrators to be able to logon to a web based form to update and delete jobs and triggers. I plan to use a gridview to achieve this, but I have a few issues I have run into. How do I select all data from 3 tables, but make sure each row in each table corresponds to the row i...

Quartz.NET - edit/delete job page

Hi, I'm using Quartz.NET for a C# Windows Service I am creating. I want the administrators to be able to access a webpage that displays all jobs and associated triggers in a gridview so they can update or delete the jobs. The issue I have is a lot of data I want to be displayed/editable is stored in the JOB_DATA field, which is a binary...

Accessing JOB_DATA in Quartz without job executing

Hi, I'm using Quartz.NET and I need to be able to access a jobs 'JOB_DATA' fields without the job being executed. I mention without it being executed because, using a joblistener I can acess the information using the 'context' variable given, such as: public static void sendMail(JobExecutionContext context) { JobData...

Would Quartz.NET calendars be a solution?

Hi all, I'm using Quartz.NET for a project for work and I have a request off my manager for a feature, which he isn't sure is feasible but I'm very interested in doing this. Basically, there needs to be an option to change the scheduler to do a different 'configuration'. By this I mean, disable certain jobs when this configuration is c...

Can Quartz.NET disable jobs from executing?

Hi all, just a quick question. I need to be able to disable some jobs temporarily in Quartz.NET using an ASP.NET backend. Is there a field in any of the tables (I'm using it with a database) that can disable the job? Thanks ...

Quartz.NET calendars

Just a few questions: 1: Is there any in depth tutorials online how to use calendars in Quartz? I'm using Quartz.NET but Quartz tutorials would be vastly helpful of course. 2: More importantly, my application needs 2 configuration options. One configuration option is default - every job added runs, but when the scheduler is switched ...

How to make Quartz.net process synchronously

I have a scheduled job that have repeat interval for every 5 mins. It's working fine. But I got situation in which my first job is not completing in 5 mins and a second job is starting (as it scheduled for 5 mins). I don't want to do that, only one job should be working at a time. How can I do that? Below is my code: IScheduler...

How can I use a property on my Job instead of JobDataMap dictionary in Quartz.NET?

Hi there, I am working on a Windows service which needs to schedule tasks whenever one of it's web services is called. This could happen hundreds of times per second in a worst case scenario. The task needs to wait a period of time, typically a minute or two, then call a method passing a parameter. We tried to build our own scheduler c...

Quartz.net beginner

A couple of questions for the real Quartz gurus out there! I am a Quartz.net beginner and hoping for some advice before I get burnt: 1) I schedule a bunch of jobs/triggers to go off at specific times in the future. After those tasks are finished I have no more use for the job/trigger information in the database. Is there anything I nee...

QUARTZ.NET calendars

Just a few questions: 1: Is there any in depth tutorials online how to use calendars in Quartz? I'm using Quartz.NET but Quartz tutorials would be vastly helpful of course. 2: More importantly, my application needs 2 configuration options. One configuration option is default - every job added runs, but when the scheduler is switched to...

Automatic job naming in Quartz.NET

Hi all, using Quartz.NET it seems like I need to name every job I create. Is there a way it can be automatically 'named', like an auto incrementing ID or something? ...

Getting scheduler from another method (Quartz.NET). Or general method question.

Hi all, this may be a general question on sharing variables but here goes. I'm using a GridView on a webpage to edit each job, and I need to hook up to each 'rowbound' event to get some data from the jobDataMap. Anyway, the scheduler starts in the Page_Load method (creating the variable sched I can use to access the info), but from an...

Using Quartz.NET for multiple pages/applications in project

Hi, I'm creating a project that is utilizing Quartz.NET (with ADO.NET DB storage). There is the core component, i.e. the component that executes jobs (console application at the moment, will be a Windows Service), plus multiple web forms where users can add jobs and edit job (edit the datamap values to be specific). I'm having a bit of ...

Hints and tips for a Windows service I am creating in C# and Quartz.NET

Hi all, I have a project ongoing at the moment which is create a Windows Service that essentially moves files around multiple paths. A job may be to, every 60 seconds, get all files matching a regular expression from an FTP server and transfer them to a Network Path, and so on. These jobs are stored in an SQL database. Currently, the se...

Getting trigger properties in Quartz.NET

Hi all, I need to be able to get the properties (i.e. cron expression or type of simple trigger (daily, hourly, etc) and it's parameters) of a trigger in C#, and display them and also let them be modified. I have this right now: Trigger[] trigger = sched.GetTriggersOfJob(id, groupid); But I can't find any methods to let me access this...

What happens in Quartz.NET/Quartz when...

...when a job is still being executed when its next execution time occurs? For example, if I have a job that occurs every 30 seconds, and after the 30 seconds it is still operating, would the next instance come into play or would it wait? ...

Programatically delete jobs and associated triggers in Quartz.NET

Hi all, I need a way to allow administrators to delete a job in Quartz.NET. Are there any built in methods for the JobDetail class that allow me delete the job and all associated triggers? ...

Modifying Quartz.NET job details after they've been scheduled

Hi, I have a Quartz.NET application where I need the administrators to be able to modify the job details - mostly information in each jobs datamap, but also things like the triggers - here is my code I'm using protected void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { JobDetail jobDetail = sched.GetJobDetail(hdnID.V...

Editting jobs CronExpression programatically in Quartz.NET - what methods?

Hi, what methods are there for a CronTrigger to modify its CronExpression? I've tried to set it in the CronExpressionString but that doesn't seem to update it, and I can't convert my string to a CronExpression to use in the CronExpression method. ...