
Why does Quartz.Net seem to require my project to target the full .NET Framework 4?

I've started using Quartz.Net in a class library project I have. It seems to need require my project to target the full .NET Framework 4, or else I get “type or namespace name could not be found” type errors. The follow on issue is that in my .NET 4 WPF application (which uses this project class library) I get similar issues and have ...

Update Quartz.NET Job DLL without Service Restart

I just started with Quartz.net and I have it running as a service. I created a Job and moved the resulting .dll to the Quartz folder and added a new entry to the jobs.xml file to kick it off every 3 seconds. I updated the job .dll but it is in use by Quartz (or is locked). Is it possible to update the .dll without restarting the Quartz...

Quartz.Net jobs not always running - can't find any reason why

We're using Quartz.Net to schedule about two hundred repeating jobs. Each job uses the same IJob implementing class, but they can have different schedules. In practice, they end up having the same schedule, so we have about two hundred job details, each with their own (identical) repeating/simple trigger, scheduled. The interval is on...

is quartz.net meant to support triggers of less than 1 second in duration?

Is quartz.net meant to support triggers of less than 1 second in duration? I'm assuming no, as I don't see any method like TriggerUtils.MakeMilliSecondlyTrigger for example. I'm assuming therefore you would for such short durations be better looking at creating a thread and just using Thread.Sleep perhaps? ...

Quartz.Net - delay a simple trigger to start

I have a few jobs setup in Quartz to run at set intervals. The problem is though that when the service starts it tries to start all the jobs at once... is there a way to add a delay to each job using the .xml config? Here are 2 job trigger examples: <simple> <name>ProductSaleInTrigger</name> <group>Jobs</group> <descripti...

schedulercontext quartz.net

I have several jobs scheduled with Quartz.net. I have the same job detail being repeated for every job like the email address, user id.... Each job may have a different trigger so I cannot really put the job detail in each trigger. Is there some other place like the schedulingcontext where I can put the common information once instea...

Quartz.Net embedded into Asp.NET MVC2, not firing off jobs

I'm trying to get Quartz.net working by embedding into my .Net MVC2 application. I know this is not ideal, but I'm just trying to get it up and running before moving it over to a service. I can't get my jobs to fire off, but I think I'm configured correctly. In my Global.asax.cs: protected void Application_Start() { Quartz.ISchedule...

How do I inject my repositories/interfaces in a class which requires an empty constructor?

In my controllers, I access my repositories like so: private readonly IProjectRepository projectRepository; public ProjectsController(IProjectRepository projectRepository) { Check.Require(projectRepository != null, "projectRepository may not be null"); this.projectRepository = projectRepository; } [Transaction] public ActionRe...

How to schedule a job in Quartz that repeats forever?

Is it possible to repeat a job in Quartz forever in a serial way? Now, if I don't set RepeatInterval I get an error saying that RepeatInterval cannot be zero. Is it possible to configure this using Spring.NET? What I have now is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <objects xmlns="http://www.springframework.net"&gt; <object...

Help and advice needed working with Quartz.NET NthIncludedDayTrigger

I've started using Quartz.NET recently, and so far, it's been really helpful. Now, I'm trying to use it to create a job that runs once a month using a NthIncludedDayTrigger (I want to use the NthIncludedDayTrigger as eventually I will be specifying a calendar to exclude weekends/holidays). To familiarise myself with the code, I've ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Quartz.net over the windows scheduler?

For daily tasks, such as converting csv files to excel files; creation of excel files (the contents of which are created using financial methods); moving and copying of files; calculation of daily financial and risk analysis metrics; and (this list will grow over time and will become more complex..) Is Quartz.Net more suitable when...

How to handle application shutdown in Quartz.Net

I have used Quartz.Net for queuing and sending emails from my application. I don't know how each scheduled job responds to application instance stopping, pausing or shutting down. The IJob interface has no method that can notify a running job about these events. My question is how can I handle these cases when they occur so that the job...

Beginner to Quartz.NET and need some guidance

Hi all, I posted last night stating that I was creating a Windows Service with the task of moving various files around, by being given specified paths (network shares, ftp servers, http servers) and a regex of the fles to be moved. These tasks will be added via an ASP.NET interface, and the actual service will be in C#. After some sugg...

Quartz.NET auditing

Just a quick question, I'm going to be using Quartz.NET for a Windows Service I am creating. I require all jobs carried out to be audited into a separate table (QRTZ_AUDIT) after completion or after failure, but is there a built in way of doing this? I could simply manually open up connections to both the jobs table and the audit table a...

Job details in Quartz.NET

I've asked questions about Quartz.NET a lot today, but I'm making progress in understand and really appreciate you guys helping me. I now think I understand how the jobs work but I have one issue. For each job, they need to have 3-4 extra fields in the 'QRTZ_JOB_DETAILS', such as pathnames etc. I added these in, but how do I access this ...

Using classes from an other namespace/page in C#

Hi all, In my project I have 2 main files - a C# Windows Service that uses Quartz.NET (using a database rather than RAM based scheduling) for scheduling and actually running the jobs, and an ASP.NET (using C#) backend for adding jobs to the Quartz.NET scheduler. All job 'types' are defined in the Windows Service file, so when I try to a...

ADO.NET with Quartz.NET

I'm using Quartz.NET with a database, i.e. ADO.NET. Problem is, when my jobs are created, they are not being saved to the database at all. Have I configured everything right? I am using SQL Server Express, and the path to my database is 'chris\sqlexpress.Quartz.dbo'. Relevant parts of config file: quartz.jobStore.type = Quartz.Impl.Ado...

Why can't I use a variable for 'typeof' in Quartz.NET?

I'm trying to create a job in an ASP.NET (C#) form using Quartz.NET, and here's what I have so far: JobDetail jobDetail = new JobDetail(count + "_job", schedID, typeof(HTTPtoFTP)); Problem is, I don't want to link directly to the HTTPtoFTP class, because depending on what the user picks on the form , it'll link to a seperate class. I'...

Methods in classes in C#

Hi, I have a number of different clases located in a class library in my project. I am using Quartz.NET (a scheduling system) to schedule and load jobs, and the actual job execution is done in these class libraries. I plan to have many types of job types, and each one will have their own class for execution in the class library. An issu...

Quartz.NET JobListener for failed jobs

In my Quartz.NET based application, I have a JobListener that audits all jobs executed to an audit table. However, I also want a listener to detect whenever any sort of error occurs, so I can catch this and email an email address that there is an error, and maybe find the specific error (i.e. my program moves files around, so an error co...