
Using Unschedulejob to modify a triggers details - what am I doing wrong? (Quartz.NET)

Hi all, I'm using Quartz.NET for a system I am creating, where jobs are run via a Windows Service and can be added and editted (inlcuding trigger details) in an ASP.NET page. I'm having some issues though - I need to be able to modify a triggers details, such as the type of simpletrigger or the cronexpression, and I've been told that I ...

Quartz.NET - getting jobs exception using IJobListener

Hi, I'm using Quartz.NET for an application I am creating, and I currently have an IJobListener listening for any errors with jobs, then sending emails off to the administrators. It'd be great if I could email the exception generated too, but how do I get the exception from the IJobListener? ...

Quartz.NET - how to detect whether a job is paused?

Hi all, I'm using Quartz.NET in a Windows Service I am creating, and I'd like a way to iterate over all jobs to detect whether it is paused or not. How do I check if a job is paused? I can't find a suitable method in the JobDetail class. Thanks ...

Getting jobs exception using IJobListener (Quartz.NET)

Hi, I'm using an IJobListener in Quartz.NET to audit all job successes/failures. When a job fails, I want the exception to be taken into the IJobListener so the exception can be stored too for later analysis. Currently my job listener is like this: public virtual void JobWasExecuted(JobExecutionContext context, JobExecutionException x)...

ASP.NET with Quartz.NET

Hi all, I'm currently developing a Windows service that utilises Quartz.NET to perform jobs. To actually input and edit jobs, an ASP.NET page is used on a seperate server (currently, they're just 2 projects in the same solution but they will be on a seperate server in the future). So far I am being lazy and declaring the scheduler in bo...

General question about information a scheduler 'dashboard' should have

Sorry for another non programming question, but I'm using Quartz.NET, a scheduler for .NET applications, for a Windows Service which allows users to schedule transferrig of files that match a regular expression from various sources - for example the user may schedule a job to occur every day at 6pm that transfers the files from a networ...

Schedule Windows Service with Quartz.NET

Hi, I want to schedule my windows service with Quartz.NET.I tried some examples but,i can't schedule my windows service.How can i do it? Thanks. ...