
Enforcing a query in MySql to use a specific index

Hi, I have large table. consisting of only 3 columns (id(INT),bookmarkID(INT),tagID(INT)).I have two BTREE indexes one for each bookmarkID and tagID columns.This table has about 21 Million records. I am trying to run this query: SELECT bookmarkID,COUNT(bookmarkID) AS count FROM bookmark_tag_map GROUP BY tagID,bookmarkID HAVING tagID IN ...

Create date efficiently

On Pavel's page is the following function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION makedate(year int, dayofyear int) RETURNS date AS $$ SELECT (date '0001-01-01' + ($1 - 1) * interval '1 year' + ($2 - 1) * interval '1 day'):: date $$ LANGUAGE sql; I have the following code: makedate(y.year,1) What is the fastest way in PostgreSQL to create a da...

How can I check if I made optimal mysql database?

Are there any ways to check whether my Mysql database and PHP script are optimal? I want to figure it out and fix if it's possible till I publish it on internet for many users. Thanks. ...

Prevent full table scan for query with multiple where clauses

A while ago I posted a message about optimizing a query in MySQL. I have since ported the data and query to PostgreSQL, but now PostgreSQL has the same problem. The solution in MySQL was to force the optimizer to not optimize using STRAIGHT_JOIN. PostgreSQL offers no such option. Update Revised I have isolated the part of the query tha...

Index question: Select * with WHERE clause. Where and how to create index

Hi, I’m working on optimizing some of my queries and I have a query that states: select * from SC where c_id ="+c_id” The schema of ** SC** looks like this: SC ( c_id int not null, date_start date not null, date_stop date not null, r_t_id int not null, nt int, t_p decimal, PRIMARY KEY (c_id, r_t_id, date_start, date_stop)); My ...

Optimize GROUP BY&ORDER BY query

I have a web page where users upload&watch videos. Last week I asked what is the best way to track video views so that I could display the most viewed videos this week (videos from all dates). Now I need some help optimizing a query with which I get the videos from the database. The relevant tables are this: video (~239371 rows) VID(in...

PostgreSQL - Why are some queries on large datasets so incredibly slow

Hello, I have two types of queries I run often on two large datasets. They run much slower than I would expect them to. The first type is a sequential scan updating all records: Update rcra_sites Set street = regexp_replace(street,'/','','i') rcra_sites has 700,000 records. It takes 22 minutes from pgAdmin! I wrote a vb.net function...

SQL Query taking too long

I am trying to optimize the SQL query listed below. It is basically a search engine code that retrieves products based on the products name. It also checks products model number and whether or not it is enabled. This executes in about 1.6 seconds when I run it directly through the phpMyAdmin tool but takes about 3 seconds in total to lo...

Optimize date query for large child tables: GiST or GIN?

Problem 72 child tables, each having a year index and a station index, are defined as follows: CREATE TABLE climate.measurement_12_013 ( -- Inherited from table climate.measurement_12_013: id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('climate.measurement_id_seq'::regclass), -- Inherited from table climate.measurement_12_013: station_id integer...

SQL Server indexed view matching of views with joins not working

Does anyone have experience of when SQL Servr 2008 R2 is able to automatically match indexed view (also known as materialized views) that contain joins to a query? for example the view select dbo.Orders.Date, dbo.OrderDetails.ProductID from dbo.OrderDetails join dbo.Orders on dbo.OrderDetails.OrderID = dbo.Orders.ID cannot be automat...

Anything wrong with this MySQL quert? takes 10 seconds+ to load

I have a search that is taking 10 seconds+ to execute! Keep in mind it is also searching over 200,000 products in the database. I posted the explain and MySQL query here. 1 SIMPLE p ref PRIMARY,products_status,prod_prodid_status,product... products_status 1 const 9048 Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE v...

Best way to handle MySQL date for performance with thousands of users

I am currently part of a team designing a site that will potentially have thousands of users who will be doing a number of date related searches. During the design phase we have been trying to determine which makes more sense for performance optimization. Should we store the datetime field as a mysql datetime. Or should be break it up i...

Optimize SQL databases by adding index columns

Say I have a database looking like this; Product with columns [ProductName] [Price] [Misc] [Etc] Order with columns [OrderID] [ProductName] [Quantity] [Misc] [Etc] ProductName is primary key of Product, of some string type and unique. OrderID is primary key and of some integer type, and ProductName being a foreign key. Say I change ...

MySQL query optimization - distinct, order by and limit

I am trying to optimize the following query: select distinct this_.id as y0_ from Rental this_ left outer join RentalRequest rentalrequ1_ on this_.id=rentalrequ1_.rental_id left outer join RentalSegment rentalsegm2_ on rentalrequ1_.id=rentalsegm2_.rentalRequest_id where this_.DTYPE='B' and this_.id<=1848978...

Can I make this two LINQ queries into one query only?

From a List of builtAgents I need all items with OptimPriority == 1 and only 5 items with OptimPriority == 0. I do this with two seperate queries but I wonder if I could make this with only one query. IEnumerable<Agent> priorityAgents = from pri in builtAgents where pri.OptimPriority == 1 select pri; IEnumerable<Agent> otherAgents = (...

Mysql optimization question - How to apply AND logic in search and limit on results in one query?

This is a little long but I have provided all the database structures and queries so that you can run it immediately and help me. Run the following queries:- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Tutor_Details` ( `id_tutor` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `firstname` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `surname` varchar(155) NOT NULL default '', ...

How to optimize this MySQL query

This query was working fine when the database was small, but now that there are millions of rows in the database, I am realizing I should have looked at optimizing this earlier. It is looking at over 600,000 rows and is Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort (which leads to an execution time of 5-10 seconds). It is using an index...

MySQL, delete and index hint

I have to delete about 10K rows from a table that has more than 100 million rows based on some criteria. When I execute the query, it takes about 5 minutes. I ran an explain plan (the delete query converted to select * since MySQL does not support explain delete) and found that MySQL uses the wrong index. My question is: is there any wa...

Mysql query help - Alter this mysql query to get these results?

Please execute the following queries first to set up so that you can help me:- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `Tutor_Details` ( `id_tutor` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `firstname` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `surname` varchar(155) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id_tutor`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=4...

MySql product\tag query optimisation - please help!

Hi There I have an sql query i am struggling to optimise. It basically is used to pull back products for a shopping cart. The products each have tags attached using a many to many table product_tag and also i pull back a store name from a separate store table. Im using group_concat to get a list of tags for the display (this is why i ha...