
Prevent query string manipulation by adding a hash?

To protect a web application from query string manipulation, I was considering adding a query string parameter to every url which stores a SHA1 hash of all the other query string parameters & values, then validating against the hash on every request. Does this method provide strong protection against user manipulation of query string va...

ASP.NET Querystrings

Hey guys... I got this code in order to build an url for the link using a querystring from the current page. The problem is.... It doens't work. Any suggestions? <asp:hyperlink ID="link1" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%@("Equipamentos.aspx?ID_Cliente=")+Request.QueryString ("ID_Cliente").trim.tostring()%>'>Equipamentos</asp:HyperLink>...

How do I make a url forbidden in apache mod_rewrite, based on the query string?

How do I make the following url forbidden in apache; main/index.php?site=ing I have tried the following; RewriteRule ^main/index.php?site=ing - [F] but with no luck... ...

Isapi Rewrite upgrade from 2 to 3 - query string not available?

Hi, A little late but I just upgraded from Isapi Rewrite version 2 to version 3. I'm having problems with rules in the following style: RewriteRule ^/seo-friendly/(\?(.*))? /test/index.cfm?page=home&$2 Here I want any extra query string parameters passed on to the rewritten URL. This worked fine under IR2 but fails to pass the extr...

403 Forbidden on PHP page called with url encoded in a $_GET parameter

Given hello.php: <?php echo "Hello"; ?> rendering the page works fine and returns Hello, however http://myserver.com/hello.php?test=http%3a//whatever.com returns a 403 Forbidden. But oddly enough, making the first letter of http uppercase works fine: http://myserver.com/hello.php?test=Http%3a//whatever.com FYI, percent encoding th...

Isapi Rewrite - access query string pattern matches in RewriteRule

Hi, I'm using Isapi Rewrite 3 (mod rewrite clone for IIS) and trying to rewrite URLs based on the query string - and then pass on part of that query string in the rewrite. So if I enter a URL like this: /test/home.cfm?page=default&arbitraryExtraArg=123 I want that to be rewritten as: /test/index.cfm?page=home&arbitraryExtraArg=123 I ...

how to set generate hidden hyperlinks and query string parameter name feilds of a gridview with pager control?

Hi, I have created this(http://kpumuk.info/asp-net/gridview-with-custom-digg-like-pager/) gridview with pager control in C# for my website in ASP.Net 2.0 (C#). Now for SEO purpose I do not want to hide my links from search engine boots. So for this I want to set my Gridviews's behavioural properties GenerateHiddenHyperLinks to True an...

ASP.Net not recognising querystring parameters

I'm having a problem with ASP.Net mysteriously losing one of my QueryString parameters. I have URLs like the following (pasted from my browser address bar): //Short example http://localhost/AllAboutThatWeb/SPARQL?partialResults=True&amp;query=SELECT%20*%20WHERE%20{%3Fs%20%3Fp%20%3Fo}&amp;timeout=1000 //Long example http://localhost/Al...

query string?

I have some doubts. What is querystrng? how we can use it? what are the advantages? what are the parameters using for querystring? ...

Parsing Multiple values and sending it in a query string

I have a grid view with multiple select check boxes. I want to return an array of the items that have been selected and put this in a label (comma-separated) 12,34,34,54,54,5 I want it to be parsed and then sent to a query string or send the whole value to the query string. How do a get multiple selected check boxes and return an ar...

Decoding query strings in PHP

Okay, so I've written a REST API implementation using mod_rewrite and PHP. I'm accepting a query string via the body of HTTP DELETE requests (... collective groan?). Arguments about the wisdom of both previous statements aside, what I've found is that PHP doesn't automatically parse the request body of DELETE requests (i.e. $_POST is e...

Removing null/empty keys from a query string in asp.net MVC

Is there a way I can remove null or empty keys from a query string in asp.net MVC? For example I have a page where I filter data on a results table, if I search for John the query string would be redisplayed as: candidates?FirstName=John&LastName=&Credit=false&Previous=false&Education=&Progress= and not candidates?FirstName=John I ...

asp.net MVC: Pass query string as a string, or individual parameters?

In asp.net MVC I have a search action in my controller and I am trying to decide If I should pass the query to my repository as a string public ActionResult Search(string query) { return View(_repository.ListPeople(query)); } or as individual parameters: public ActionResult Search(string FirstName, string LastName, System.Nullabl...

JQuery query string traversal

Possible Duplicates: JavaScript query string get querystring with jQuery Is there an object/method in javascript to turn a string like this: "param1=2&param2=1&param3=5" into some sort of dictionary, so that I can refer to each element as mystring['param1'] or mystring[0]? Can jQuery help here? ...

URL Querystring - Find, replace, add, update values?

We inherited some C# code as part of a project from another company which does URL redirects that modifies the existing query string, changing values of items, adding new params, etc as needed. The issue however is that the code is buggy at best, and ends up duplicating items in the query string instead of updating them properly. The co...

ASP.NET Forms Authentication via Querystring

Hello StackOverflow brain trust, I currently have an ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 running on IIS 7. I have enabled forms authentication using .NET Membership and setup some folders that are restricted according to roles I have created. For instance, if an anonymous visitor tries to access the file h t t p://www.mydomain.com/restricted/foo.txt, he/sh...

Error using QueryString, SessionVariables and ViewState in SharePoint

I am doing webparts in sharepoint and I want to transfer the data from one to another. I tried the 3 ways but they all fail. Any idea? It just says An unexpected error has occurred. ...

How to retrieve query string parameter and values using javascript (Jquery)?

Hi <a class="clickme" href="test.php?id=100&status=pending&time=2009" id="p_100">Click me</a> $('.clickme').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var stringId = $(this).attr("id"); var mId = stringId.substring(2) .... I can retrieve the value of id using ID of anchor element. I think I should be able to get it directly ...

ASP.net - Caching by Query-String (VaryByParam)

In which situations should we use Query-Strings (VaryByParam) to achieve Caching in ASP.NET? Can anyone give an example of a real-life situation in case of an web-application? ...

Truncating Query String & Returning Clean URL C# ASP.net

I would like to take the original URL, truncate the query string parameters, and return a cleaned up version of the URL. I would like it to occur across the whole application, so performing through the global.asax would be ideal. Also, I think a 301 redirect would be in order as well. ie. in: www.website.com/default.aspx?utm_source=twi...