
What is the query string of a BlazeDS request?

I have a Tomcat service running on localhost:8080 and I have installed BlazeDS. I created and configured a simple hello world application like this... package com.adobe.remoteobjects; import java.util.Date; public class RemoteServiceHandler { public RemoteServiceHandler() { //This is required for the Blaze DS to instantiate the class }...

Replacing a querystring parameter value using mod_rewrite

I would like to map this: `http://www.example.com/index.php?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3` (etc. ad infinitum) to `http://www.example.com/index.php?param1=newvalue1&param2=value2&param3=value3` (etc.) ie. just change the value of a single parameter in the querystring. I know what the old value is, so I a...

Persist querystring parameter on paging with Stephen's walther tip #44?

Hello all, I'm using Stephen Walther's paging tip #44 (http://stephenwalther.com/blog/archive/2008/09/18/asp-net-mvc-tip-44-create-a-pager-html-helper.aspx) on my app and it's working just fine, however on pages where there are querystring values, the values got omitted/stripped out. For example, on the search page: mysiteURL/Search?sea...

Passing constantly changing query strings PHP

I have a list of articles on my page, and I would like to be able to apply a myriad of sorts and filters to it by appending $_GET values to the URL: http://www.example.com/blogs.php?sort=newest&popularity=high&length=200 If I have links on my page to append these values to the url...they need to be smart enough to account for a...

Is there any way to remove items from the Querystring in asp.net?

if I have http://mysite.com?abc=123&def=345, can I loop through on page load and remove those items? It looks like the Querystring is a readonly collection. If the page is a postback, the querystring data is stale. I would like to clean up the URL back when that happens? Any ideas on how to do this? ...

how to fix request.querystring before pageload

My previous question is urlrewriter problem: Query string is duplicated shown? I'm developing asp.net web site. But has a one problem. There is duplicated query string like this www.domainname.com/default.aspx?Query=Value1&Query=Value2 I'm using to too many pages like this Request.QueryString["Query"]. But this return Value1,Value2 . ...

jquery-ui-tabs. passing a querystring

Hi all. How could I pass a query string (?id=avalue) with each of the below links associated to the below tabs. I am attempting to open external content within the tabs (that it's working fine) but I have failed to pass a parameter with the urls. The value for the parameter would be the same for each link. My functioning code: <scri...

MVC routing doesn't pickup querystring

Hello all, in my Global.ascx.cs, I have this setting for the routing: routes.MapRoute( "HomeTarget", "{TargetCode}", new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", TargetCode = "" }); routes.MapRoute( "Default", // Route name "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // U...

ASP.NET MVC - Rewritting FormMethod.Get querystring?

Hello all, I have a simple form with just one textbox and one submit button. The form basically sends to a different page with the value in the textbox as querystring. When I click on the submit button, the querystring is in this format, for example: mysite.com/?TargetCode=Test1 I would like it to display in this format: mysite.com/T...

ASP.NET & Ajax: query string parameters using ISO-8859-1 encoding

Hi there, folks Here's another one for you to help me solve: I have an ASP.NET website that uses AJAX (asynchronous) calls to am .ashx handler, passing a query string parameter to get some information from the database. Here's an example of how it works: Client-side (Javascript) code snippet that makes the asynchronous call to the han...

Why is PHP not seeing my query string?

This phpinfo() demonstrates the problem. I'm passing the URL a query string of: ?qwerty=asdfg As a result, I'm expecting it to list these two PHP variables: _REQUEST["qwerty"] asdfg _GET["qwerty"] asdfg And also this query string: _SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] qwerty=asdfg However, it's not working. None of these variables seem to be...

Are visible GUIDs a security risk?

Hi, I'm using ASP.NET and the membership provider for my site. If the user is able to easily see their GUID, would that be considered a security risk? Should I take extra steps to prevent users from easily finding their GUID such as when they confirm their verification process. Although there are ways around this, such as using a seper...

ASP.NET not parsing query strings

I'm working on a web application and instead of using Membership I use the FormsAuthentication directly. The problem is when I do a Form post I'm able to get all of the fields but it is not parsing the query strings. When I look in the debugger the query string is there in the URI but not in the QueryString array. I'm trying to get th...

facebook api query string problem

Hi, I develop a facebook api with asp.net , I have to send query string but this querystring may include special characters like ( ı, ç ö, ş, ğ ). When I send query string with special characters, facebook returns me an error. the error is : The URL http://apps.facebook.com/sportsfanarena/Results.aspx?s=13&amp;co=3&amp;ci=Bal%c4%b1kes...

referencing my facebook application with a querystring

Hi all, I've created a small facebook application that posts a link to the user's profile. I want the link to reference my application with a certain querystring for me to know what data to present him. Is it possible? how can it be done? Thanks! ...

OK to skip slash before query string?

Is it safe to always skip the trailing slash when appending a query string? http://example.com?querystring Instead of... http://example.com/?querystring All webhosts I've used support this but Is it safe to assume that all server environments will support this method, is it standard? ...

In Java/Spring, how do you setup the hashmap to append the query string?

in spring-config/applicationContext-mapping.xml: I have this code fragment: <bean id="unused-url-quick" class="java.util.HashMap"> <constructor-arg> <map> <entry key="/page.html" value="/otherpage.html"/> ... </map> I can an add an entry key to redirect from one page to another. Using this same method...

How can I delete a query string parameter in JavaScript?

Is there better way to delete a parameter from a query string in a URL string in standard JavaScript other than by using a regular expression? Here's what I've come up with so far which seems to work in my tests, but I don't like to reinvent querystring parsing! function RemoveParameterFromUrl( url, parameter ) { if( typeof param...

How to get a querystring when it is URLEncoded or has percent characters in ASP.NET

How to get the actual querystring from the Request object when the querystring is UrlEncoded or has percent characters in ASP.NET? Basicly, if I have a Url like this: Default.aspx?p=%b4, how do I get a string populated with "%b4"? Request.QueryString["p"] returns a non printable character. Request.RawUrl returns Default.aspx?p=%u...

append query string to URL on event (C#)

Hi my client has a website that currently makes requests on a particular event (click, load etc). the website is working well and all but he has a problem with getting the website statistics with Google Analytics, the reason is, because the website never does a re-direct to a different page, it is all within the same page and no matter...