
Linq to XML. Selecting Multiple columns

Dim MyQuery = From c In xdoc.Descendants() _ Where c.Attribute(OriginY) IsNot Nothing _ Order By Val(c.Attribute(OriginY).Value), Val(c.Attribute(OriginX).Value) _ Select c.Attribute(UniStr) Right above you can see my First! linq attempt! And here comes my first question. How can i select more than one column in a linq query in vb.net...

Java Programming - Spring and JDBCTemplate - Use query, queryForList or queryForRowSet?

My Java (JDK6) project uses Spring and JDBCTemplate for all its database access. We recently upgraded from Spring 2.5 to Spring 3 (RC1). The project does not use an ORM like Hibernate nor EJB. If I need to read a bunch of records, and do some internal processing with them, it seems like there are several (overloaded) methods: query, que...

App Engine: What is the fastest way to check if my datastore query returns any result?

I like to check if there is any result for my datastore query in the Google App Engine Datastore. This is my query: users = User.all() users.filter("hash =", current_user_hash) What is the fastest and most elegant way to check if my query returns any result? PS: I know a way to do so, but I'm very unsure if it is very efficient... ...

Is it possible to use the adoquery result as a string?

Im using the ado components to connect to an ms sql database. I know how to show the result of a query in db grid. But i want to store the results as string in an array for example. Is this possible or is there another way to use the query results? ...

Out of a sample of 100 demands what else was asked for?

I am doing some work on an inbound call demand capture system where each call could have one or more than one demands linked to it. There is a CaptureHeader table with CallDate, CallReference and CaptureID and a CaptureDemand table with CaptureID and DemandID. EDIT: I have added some representative data to show what would be expected i...

Many to many tables and querying on the same variable with arrays

SOLVED - see Bish below I've got a list of checkboxes that all dump to $fruitid[], and a many-to-many table1: BoxID FruitID 01 01 01 02 02 01 02 03 02 04 03 02 etc. etc. I want a user to check the box next to each fruit they want, and then query to pull up a list of each box that contains all...

MySQL: What's wrong with this query?

SELECT u.user_id, u.first_name, u.last_name, i.path AS image_path FROM bgy_users u LEFT JOIN bgy_images i ON i.image_id = u.image_id WHERE u.commentary_id = '0' Error: Unknown column 'u.image_id' in 'on clause' When there definitely is a column image_id in table bgy_users What am I doing wrong? Result for DESCRIBE BGY_USERS Re...

how to query on sharepoint database ?

Hi i want to retrive some data from sharepoint database . what i have to do. how can i make query on sharepoint database? ...

C# 30 Days From Todays Date (for the C# datetime gurus)

I need my application to expire 30 days from today, I will store the current date in the application config.How will I check if the application has expired ? I don't mind if the user changed the clock back and the app works (too stupid a user to do that). if (appmode == "Trial") { ???? } ...

C# library for complex queries against in-memory strings

I am looking for something that will take a complex search string and allow me to test it against some text to determine whether the text meets the search criteria. I would like to support query syntax similar to google/twitter (i.e. support for: and, or, not, exact string, wildcards, etc) and would also like it to handle plurals of wor...

Executing Access SQL Query Between Two Databases

I need to execute a SQL Query between two databases. Example: SELECT * from table1 in 'D:\paulo\sdatabases\SCWa.mdb' The problem is that both tables have a password. How can i put the password in a query like this? ...

On-demand eager loading

Hi guys, I make a query: String query = "SELECT DISTINCT a FROM A a FETCH ALL PROPERTIES " + "JOIN a.Bs AS b " + "JOIN b.Cs AS c WHERE c = :c"; Query q = DAO.getSession().createQuery(query); q.setParameter("c", c); return q.list(); Even though I've said FETCH ALL PROPERTIES on a, when I access all the collections that A has...

NHibernate. Is there something like "CreateMultiSQLQuery" for batch SQL Statements

I am using CreateSQLQuery to retrieve some entities with complex criteria and everything works fine with entity retrieval. But I want at the same query to use a Batch of SQL statements having the same result as this HQL Query (Want to make some record Counts) : IList results = s.CreateMultiQuery() .Add("from Item i where i.Id > :id")...

sql query - some kind of select distinct?

Suppose I have a log of Customers who come in on particular Days, like: Cs day -- --- 01 Tue 02 Tue 03 Wed 01 Wed 04 Thu 02 Thu I need a query that returns only the #s of those Customers who were in both on Tue and on Wed. In this case, only Cs # 01. Thank you. ...

Do variables transfer over from one seperate script to another via PHP?

I have a script that has PHP on it, and a link that goes to a new script that alters that PHP. When writing the query and containing variables on the second script, do I need to use the same variables or are the new ones I create completely seperate? or can will the variables from the first script carry over to the second script if used?...

Accessing last record in a sharepoint list via CAML query

hi,i ve some problem in accessing last record from sharepoint list through CAML query,can any one help me in this regrad;i have a sample list called 'MainHeads' which contains the information like HeadID,Category,and headName.... Mehboob Pakistan ...

how to structure an index for group by in Sql Server.

Hi, The following simple query takes a very long time (several minutes) to execute. I have an index: create index IX on [fctWMAUA] (SourceSystemKey, AsAtDateKey) SELECT MAX([t0].[AsAtDateKey]) AS [Date], [t0].[SourceSystemKey] AS [SourceSystem] FROM [fctWMAUA] (NOLOCK) AS [t0] WHERE SourceSystemKey in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) GROUP BY [t0...

Creating reports in Access after the DB is completed

Hi, I have a fully functional DB developed in Access. It was done using a very "interactive" developer-client increment-iterative process as no one really knows what the final DB is to show. All tables were developed (and normalized) as well as forms (and sub-forms), however, now reports must be designed and implemented. The forms of c...

linq aggregation

Say I have classes like: public class ServiceCall { public int ServiceCallID {get; set;} public DateTime ReportedTimestamp {get; set;} public bool IsPaid {get; set;} public decimal LabourNet { get; set;} public decimal LabourVat {get; set;} } public class UsedPart { p...

Nervous Running Queries (SQL Server): What do you think about this?

I'm a frequent SQL Server Management Studio user. Sometimes I'm in situations where I have an update or delete query to run, but I'm afraid some typo or logic error on my part is going to cause me to make undesired, massive changes to a table (like change 1000 rows when I meant to change 2). In the past, I would just clench my fists ...