
Simplest way to print out the contents of a text field in SQL Server

I need to output the contents of a text field using MS Query Analyzer. I have tried this: select top 1 text from myTable (where text is a text field) and DECLARE @data VarChar(8000) select top 1 @data = text from myTable PRINT @data The first one prints only the first 2000 or so characters and the second only prints the first 800...

SQL Server 2000: Server memory / CPU parameters in Query Analyzer

SQL Server 2000: Is there a way to find out server memory / CPU parameters in Query Analyzer? ...

Would you consider using an alternative to MS SQL Server Management Studio?

At work we recently upgraded from Microsoft SQL Server 7 to SQL 2005. The database engine is a lot more advanced, but the management studio is pretty awful in a number of ways. Most of our developers decided they preferred to stick with the old Query Analyzer tool, even though it had a lot of limitations. In my spare time, I decided t...

tsql query analyzer : how do you reduce "cost"?

I'm running sql analyzer on the following query SELECT bl.Invoice_Number, bl.Date_Invoice, ti.TranNo, bt.Description, CONVERT(decimal(15,2), bl.Invoice_Amount) AS Invoice_Amount, co.Company_ID, co.Account_Nbr, isnull(bl.Reference,' ') as Reference, bl.Billing_Log_RecID AS BillingKey FROM [CONN.domain.NET].cwwebapp.dbo.Billi...

SQL Server: How to abort a series of batches in Query Analyzer?

i have a series of T-SQL statements separated by the special Query Analyzer batch separator keyword: GO If one batch fails, i need Query Analyzer to not try subsequent batches - i want it to stop processing the series of batches. For example: PRINT 'This runs' go SELECT 0/0, 'This causes an error' go PRINT 'This should not run' go...

Problem using Query Analyzer to debug stored procedure

I am attempting to debug a stored procedure using the Debug option is SQL Query Analyzer (Version 8.00). However, the debugger run through the whole stored procedure as soon as I start and if add a break-point and try re-executing the sp, the break-point is ignored. What do I need to do to enable debugging? The server is SQL Server 2000 ...

slow query log analyzers

What kind of tools are available to read & interpret slow queries and missing indexes? I am aware of MySQL Query Analyzer, can you suggest other tools which are simpler to configure and maintain (both open source and commercial) Database environment: MySQL, H2 ...