
Save R plot to web server

I'm trying to create a procedure which extracts data from a MySQL server (using the RODBC package), performs some statistical routines on that data in R, then saves generated plots back to the server such that they can be retrieved in a Web Browser via a little bit of php and web magic. My plan is to save the plot in a MySQL BLOB field ...

R package for estimating probit with ordinal independent variables?

I wish to estimate a regression model where the dependent variable is a dummy (coded 0/1) and I have five or six ordinal independent variables (that I will dummy out), plus a bunch of other stuff. Can anyone recommend a package that will do the dummying-out with a minimum of fuss or otherwise handle the ordinal RHS variables? thanks ...

create size categories without nested ifelse in R

Hi all, Basically I got the problem solved, but I am trying to find a more elegant solution since the code gets a little bit hard to read. Here´s what I got: mydf$size_class = ifelse(mydf$absolute_number <= 5,"1-5",ifelse(mydf$absolute_number > 6 & mydf$absolute_number <= 10,"6-10","x")) Maybe I need rather some formatting help ...

ggplot2 binwidth with factor(variable)?

Dear all, I have simple histogram, but can't adjust the binwidth: qplot(factor(size_class),data=mydf,geom="histogram",binwidth = 0.01) size_class is a categorical variable (char) that groups mydf into groups according to another size variable. All I want to get is a graph like: plot(table(mydf$size_class) using ggplot2. The co...

sort variables my own way in R

Dear all, I'd like to sort a categorical variable my own way. I have grouped my dataset into categories like "1-5","6-10","11-20" .... ">251" and so forth. If plot the variables or display them in a table the sequence of the legend respectively the sequence in the label is "messed up". This is not surprising since R does not know that...

facet label font size

Dear all, is there a way to change to font size of facet labels in ggplot? I google a bit and found that that issue was yet on Hadley's to do list. I wonder if there's a workaround or any news on this issue. Thx for sharing any news… ...

How to install Fortran compiler (gcc42-fortran)

I'm trying to install R and came across this error during installation: http://projects.uabgrid.uab.edu/r-group/wiki/install-R, which is why i need to install the fortran compiler. Every .rpm i have downloaded of the gcc42.fortran has given me this error: libgfortran2 >= 4.2.1_20070724-50.18 is needed by package gcc42-fortran-4.2...

calling gawk from an R script

Hi i am using R on windows XP i have cygwin on my shell path what i want to do is send a command to gawk via R shell command this way: shell("gawk "{print $1}"", m[1],"_", h[i]."_79.7.dat""} i get this error Error: unexpected '{' in "shell("gawk "{" how can i fix this problem? Thank you ...

practically getting started with Sweave

Dear all, my question(s) might be less general than the title suggests. I am running R on Mac OS X with a MySQL database to store the data. I have been working with the Komodo / Sciviews-R for some time. Recently I had the need for auto-generated reports and looked into Sweave. I guess StatET / Eclipse appears to be the "standard" solu...

How to plot a set of densities in 3D using R?

Hi! I need to plot, in 3D, a set of densities associated to a time series. More precisely, I would like to be able in R to build an image close to this example This image is taken from [1]. The transparency plays an important role as let us see the trajectory of the "measures" in the x-y plane. Any help will be greatly appreciated...

splitting space delimited entries into new columns in R

I am coding a survey that outputs a .csv file. Within this csv I have some entries that are space delimited, which represent multi-select questions (e.g. questions with more than one response). In the end I want to parse these space delimited entries into their own columns and create headers for them so i know where they came from. F...

Mapping python tuple and R list with rpy2 ?

Hello guys, I'm having some trouble to understand the mapping with rpy2 object and python object. I have a function(x) which return a tuple object in python, and i want to map this tuple object with R object list or vector. First, i'm trying to do this : # return a python tuple into this r object tlist robjects.r.tlist = get_max_ticks...

Package RCL and Inf

Hi, this will be a difficult question to answer, I contacted the author but still no replies I'll give it a shot here: In the package RCL (http://common-lisp.net/project/rcl/) examples: (in-package :rcl) (r-init) (r "/" 1 5) RCL> 0.2d0 (r "print" (r% "/" 1 5)) RCL> ;R# 1 0.2 0.2d0 The above is ok, but (r "/" 1 0) RCL>> # broken (r ...

R: Creating lapply() type test cases

I've been working on code to create a parallel lapply() type function that uses Amazon's Elastic Map Reduce engine as the 'grid' for processing (yes, it's a mapper with no reducer). After I get the code stable I'll abstract it as a foreach backend. But first I need to build tests to test the code I have. What would be some good test ca...

Running R Scripts with Plots

Hello all, I have a small shell script (bash) which runs a R script which produces a plot as output. Everything works fine but immedietly after the plot is rendered R quits. Is there a way to keep the R session alive until the plot window is closed. The shell script. #!/bin/bash R --slave --vanilla < myscript.r And the R script. da...

R language: how to split a data frame

I want to split a data frame into several smaller ones. This looks like a very trivial question, however I cannot find a solution from web search. Can anyone help? Also, do you have any recommendation for a simple experiment design or survey R package ? many thanks. Leo ...

How to put the results from R into an XML file

In a previous question I asked about reading in an XML file into R and carry out basic statistical analysis such as finding the mean and the standard deviation etc. This question is about the reverse of the reading of the original XML file and creating a new XML file that contains the original data and the results from the statistical a...

stacked barchart with lattice: is my data too big?

I want a graph that looks similar to the example given in the lattice docs: #EXAMPLE GRAPH, not my data > barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, + groups = year, layout = c(1,6), stack = TRUE, + auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "right"), + ylab = "Barley Yield (bushels/acre)...

Cron Job with R and MSSQL

This is probably going to be an underspecified question, as I'm not looking for a specific fix: I want to run a machine learning algorithm on some data in a MSSQL database. I'd like to use R to do the calculations -- which would involve using R to connect to the database, process the data, and write a table of results back to the datab...

sweave and ggplot2: no pdfs generated at all

Dear all, i am trying create a sweave report that contains some graphics done with ggplot2. Though I am looking for some environment for the long run – I just use a simple .Rnw file here that only contains the code and the plot \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \SweaveOpts{echo=FALSE} \usepackage{a4wide} \begin{document} \begi...