
Android: How to change the Size of the RadioButton

Hallo, I have many RadioButtons in mein App. The RadioButtons are too big for me. Is there any way to make it smaller? Thanks a lot ...

CSS: question about radio button

Hi, I have this page. If <input> is and inline element why goes down the second radio button (Chico) ?? Regards Javi ...

Android RadioButton like Behaviour

Greetings, I'm trying to create a single-choice android control, in a horizontal layout, by making use of the RadioGroup behaviour. I can assign the drawable just fine, but i would like to position the label of each RadioButton inside the drawable, is this possible using the standard APIs? <RadioGroup android:id="@+id/switchcontai...

Android AlertDialog not showing radio buttons or message

In my app I bring up a context menu on long click in a ListActivity. One of the options "Priority" pops up an AlertDialog with 3 radio button choices. The problem is, it displays an empty dialog box without my 3 choices, or the message that I set. Here is my code.. protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { AlertDialog dialog; ...

how to conditional display a control in asp wizard based on the radiobutton click in a particular step using jquery?

Hi, I've been stuck with this problem where there are 3 steps in an asp wizard control. The first step has a radiobutton (yes and no) and based on the radio button input chosen by the user, i would need to hide or show a label in the second wizardstep. Example: Step 1: Choose 1 among the two options: Yes No (radStep1) Step 2: if the...

How Can I Create a Bound List of RadioButtions with ToolTips in Xaml?

I want to create a list of logically related RadioButtons. The RadioButtons are bound for MVVM use. There's ToolTips on each RadioButtons. ...

radio button to php

Hello so i have this form: <form action="javascript:DoSCInsert()" method="post"> <textarea onfocus="this.cleared=true;javascript:clearContents(this);" rows="5" cols="40" id="comment" name="comment">...</textarea> Yes: <input type="radio" value="Y" id="SCvoteY" name="vote"></input> No: <input type="radio" id="SCvoteN" value="N" name="vo...

Radiobuttons and jQuery

Hi, I have the following radiobuttons rendered in MVC : <div class="radio" id="ModelViewAd.TypeOfAd"> <input checked="checked" id="ModelViewAd.TypeOfAd_Ad" name="ModelViewAd.TypeOfAd.SelectedValue" type="radio" value="Ad" /> <label for="ModelViewAd.TypeOfAd_Ad">Annons</label><br> <input id="ModelViewAd.TypeOfAd_Auktion" name="Model...

Radio Button text

Trying to create a profile using content provider.I want to add the gender to the table when the radio button corresponding to the male or female is clicked. Any solution? ...

Auto Check Radio Box if it is the only one being displayed

So, I have radio boxes of the form <li><input type="radio" name="names" value="blah"><a>Some text (blah)</a></li> There are 100 plus of these radio buttons. Now, I have a jQuery filter, from here. The filter works well. But, I want to set a jQuery statement that will auto select the radio button if it is, amongst the shown, the onl...

jQueryUI, radio button state, and click events

I have a page with several sets of radio buttons that are used to set options. When one clicks on specific ones, others are selected by default using click event handlers. The functionality works perfectly, but there is an issue with the button's visual state. I'm using jQueryUI's .buttonset() method to improve the aesthetics, and whe...

RadioButtons renderring

Hi! I'm using EditorGridPanel with different editable controls (ComboBox, DateField...). Also I'm using renderer for two radio buttons in an each cell. The problem is next: when I use one of the editable controls, I need to re-render my radios or something.. How can I do this? Thanks a lot! ...

How to pass selected radio button in the next window and show that as selected in WPF?

I have a WPF Window with a datagrid dgSample. it has been bound to a list lstSample like this: dgSample.itemssource=lstSample; this datagrid also has a radio button column wherein i select one row by clicking on the radio button, and then, i can move to the next page after i click on the next button. On the next page, there is again t...

jQuery targeting correct radio button is unresponsive

I have a javascript array containing the name and values of radios I want checked. jQuery(window).load(function(){ var selected_options = new Array(); selected_options['swing_type'] = 'Slide'; var x; for (x in selected_options){ jQuery("#menu input[name="+ x +"][value="+ selected_options[x] +"]").attr('checked', 'check...

How to style a disabled radio button?

I have a set of radio buttons within a table cell. The table cell's background color differs from the page background. Based on another input, I sometimes disable one or more radio buttons. When disabled, the interior of the radio button assumes the table cell's background. The circle coloring grays out a bit. This combines to make ...

Why does binding my radiobuttons to application settings change their behaviour when clicked?

Possible Duplicate: Using ApplicationSettings to store Checked property for WinForms RadioButtons I have three radiobuttons in a groupbox. When they are not bound to application settings, they behave normally. After binding each of their checked properties to application settings, the following happens: I have to click an unc...

Is there any Radio grop button in .net winforms?

There is option called checkedListBox1 for check box group item.. Like that any control for radio button. and how to bind my data(data set) in that. ...

Set radio button 'checked' in jquery based on ID

I have two radio buttons with the same name, one is checked by default. How can you check or uncheck a radio button in jQuery when selecting from id? I've tried: $('#radio1').attr('checked','checked'); $('#radio1').attr('checked', true); Nothing seems to work.. any ideas? Thank you! ...

Good HTML and CSS to use with <input type="radio">?

What's the best way to use <input type="radio"> in HTML? I'm looking for HTML that's semantically good, whose formatting is configurable via CSS. I want to be able to style/render it to look something like: Car: (o) Yes (X) No (o) Maybe Train: (o) Yes (o) No (X) Maybe Address: [An input text...

Safari 5 bug - Radio button's checked="checked" attribute is ignored when loaded via AJAX

Strange bug with Safari happening when a radio button input is loaded via AJAX. The relavent code is <input type="radio" name="team" value="231" style="width:auto;" checked="checked"/>Team 1 <input type="radio" name="team" value="232" style="width:auto;"/>Team 2 When this code is loaded with plain old html, the first radio button ...