
WPF usercontrols on separate tabs: why is radiobutton groupname shared between tabs?

I am using a WPF tab control to present separate repeated instances of a user control. i.e. Tab1 for Item1 settings, Tab2 for Item2 settings, and so on. It appears that the radio button group names are being shared between tabs. What is going on? Simple example: A window contains tabs. Each tab contains a user control. <Window x:Clas...

WPF Radio button does not show in toolbar

Is there any way to force a radio button or check box to show properly in a toolbar? The circle/check box always disappears once its placed inside a toolbar. ...

Jquery-ajax parse xml and set radiobutton

hi everybody, I've a form with some radio button like this: <input type="radio" name="leva" value="a"><input type="radio" name="leva" value="b"> with ajax post method I receive value of the radio. The question is how can I set correct radio value to checked? thanks in advance ciao h. ...

Why does my jQuery animation require an extra click in IE8 to finish?

I am pretty new to jQuery in general, however the following code works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox, but not in IE8. In IE8, I have to click anywhere on the page to start the animation after selecting a radio button. Here is the code: $("input[name=method]").change(function() { if($("input:radio[name=method]:checked").val() == 'i...

How to check the correct radio button.

I have a Table containing some information that I need. All these rows also contains a column with a radio button in it so that the user is suppose to be able to check one of the rows as default. When I'm bringing the data back from the DB and want to select the one that's currentlly the default one. <% foreach (var item in (IEnumerab...

Selections and radioing - JavaScript

I have a list like this: <ul> <li id="adm-thumb" onclick="javascript:addBanner('bowling.jpg');"> <div class="adm-tick"></div> <img src="img/banners/bowling.jpg" /></li> <li id="adm-thumb" onclick="javascript:addBanner('kcc.jpg');"> <div class="adm-tick"></div> <img src="img/banners/kcc.jpg" /></li> ...

How to Check the First RadioButton in a ToolBar

I have a ToolBar that is bound to an asynchronously populated ObservableCollection. For the ToolBar's ItemTemplate I use a DataTemplate to wrap my bound items in RadioButtons. What I want to do is programmatically check the first RadioButton in the ToolBar. I have tried using the ToolBar's ItemContainerGenerator but the relevant metho...

IE Radio Button Alignment Issue

I have an ASP.Net-MVC application that is mostly complete. However, I have one page that contains radio buttons. When that page is displayed in Firefox or Chrome, the radio buttons are displayed in a horizontal row (which is what I want). But when the page loads in IE, the radio buttons show up in a column. I am using the Html.RadioButto...

Adding Radio button to Calendar in Flex 3

I'm trying to make a Calendar which can have radio buttons embedded in specific dates, which will be chosen by making a service call, but that's not a problem. I have had two approaches to it so far, one could be taking a datagrid, and making it a calendar, and then placing the radio button inside the cell using an item renderer. The sec...

How to get a asp:radiobutton text in javascript?

How to get a asp:radiobutton text in javascript? I use this RbDriver1.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[5].ToString(); RbDriver2.Text = dt.Rows[0].ItemArray[6].ToString() ; and my javascript function is function getDriverwireless() { alert(document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_RbDriver1")); alert(document.getElementById("c...

Android: How to make RadioGroup work correctly in a ListView?

Hello! I have a ListView, which has a TextView and a RadioGroup with 4 RadioButtons as Children in each row. Now i can select a RadioButton in each row. But if i scroll the ListView, my Selection is gone or it does not show correctly. For example, i choose the RadioButton A in the first row, if i scroll through the ListView and then go ...

IE6 transparency+radio button can't be clicked

IE6: when I place a partially transparent image in a div, the radio buttons in that div that overlap the non-transparent pixels of the image become unclickable. Example: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en...

Accessing controls created dynamically (c#)

In my code behind (c#) I dynamically created some RadioButtonLists with more RadioButtons in each of them. I put all controls to a specific Panel. What I need to know is how to access those controls later as they are not created in .aspx file (with drag and drop from toolbox)? I tried this: foreach (Control child in panel.Controls)...

Question about Radio button/PHP/MySQL

Hi, I'm an engineering student and I'm developing a simple software based on HTML, PHP and mysql. I learned this topics on w3schools. I know only the basics. I tried to search about this in this website but I found questions about PHP, MySQL and HTML radio buttons which were much more complex than I need and that I could understand. Sorr...

radio input replacement using jquery

It may seem a bit odd to ask this since there are several solutions out there but the fact is that all of them look pretty and none of what i've seem save the input value for form submission the right way. I'm looking for something that will replace all radio inputs with divs that get special classes when they are hovered or clicked, an...

jquery radio buttons don't work in Safari (fine in Firefox)

check out this page in firefox and safari: the radio buttons example looks great in firefox, but comes up as regular radio buttons in safari (in fact none of the examples on that page work). any idea what the bug is in safari and how to fix it? or is it just my computer? javascript is enabled. th...

How do I toggle two images using jQuery and radio buttons?

This isn't pretty, but I think you'll get what I'm trying to do. <label><input name="jpgSel" type="radio" value="0">jpg 1</label><br /> <label><input name="jpgSel" type="radio" value="1">jpg 2</label><br /> <div id="showjpg"></div> and $(document).ready(function() { $("select").change(function () { if ($("jpgSel:checke...

C# Help For Adding Radio Button For MenuStrip.

Im a beginner for C# language.So i need a help from who genius from this scheme.i need to add a radio button for menu strip. i already change "clickonclick" property to "true".but i need a option like radio button selection. you can see it from windows calculator menu bar.(click View) how can i get to it via using menustrip peoperty. ...

Get table row based on radio button using prototype/javascript

I have an html table that has a name and a radio button like so: <table id="cars"> <thead> <tr> <th>Car Name</th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="car">Ford Focus</td> <td><input type="radio" id="selectedCar" name="selectedCar" value="8398"></td> </tr> <tr> <td cl...

If/Then with RadioButton

In my VBA code, I query a SQL table. I want to add an if/then statement so if one radio button is selected it pulls a certain value, and if the other radio button is selected, it pulls a different value. My if is radiobutton1, and my else is radiobutton2, although the else can just be to take the other value. Here's the specific part of...