
Zend_Form: Add elements to radio buttons

Hi, I'm trying to add Zend_Form_Elements following the radio buttons in my form, but so far I have been unable to do so. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. Form needs to be rendered as shown below: (*) [____]% ( ) [____]€ ( ) [___] for [___] ...

Radio buttons - show DIV based on checked button with jQuery

Hello I am trying to achieve the following - from a list of questions each with 4 multiple choice answers I need to show whether the user has answered correctly (immediately) by showing whether it was correct or incorrect once a radio button has been pressed. Here is an example of a question: <ol> <li id="question_one"> <p><input type...

Classic asp radiobutton groups get values

Is there a way to iterate radio groups on a form post to do something with each radio button group? I have a varying number of radio button sets and need to get values and id's out of each of them on a postback. ...

jQuery equivalent of radio button "checked" for drop down menu

Hey guys, Probably a simple one, but I need some help. I had some radio buttons and was using the following jQuery to see which was checked: var desc1 = ($('input[name=area]:checked').val()); That worked fine, but I now need to use a drop down menu instead of the radio buttons. I tried the same jQuery and also with "selected" instead...

GtkRadioButton set active and deactive

Hello, I have 4 gtkradiobuttons in my C/gtk+ application. But all of them are active. My code: radio_button1 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(radio_list, "radio1"); radio_button2 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(radio_list, "radio2"); radio_button3 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(radio_list, "radio3"); radio_button4 = gtk_ra...

how to validate radio buttons in javascript?

my html code- <form method="post" name="editorform" id="editorform" onsubmit="return validate_editorform(this)" action="#"> <ol><li> <label for="qtitle"><b>Title</b></label> <input id="qtitle" name="qtitle" class="text"></textarea> </li><li> <label for="tag"><b>Tag</b></label> <table bord...

Android: How to design to achive the "RadioGroup" effect?

Hi guys, I'm trying to design an Android layout that would look like the following: Entity1 option1 for Entity1 option2 ... optionN Entity2 option1 for Entity2 ... optionN Entity3 ... With the requirement that for each entity, one and only one option is allowed. And I decided to use radio button with the intention of using RadioGr...

keeping radio button value after post

HI i'm using a php page and i need to keep the value of and check box and radio button (checked or not checked) after post page. how could i make it? thanks ...

ASP.Net RadioButton control inherits CheckBox

I've just encountered a "bug" with the following code. foreach(Control control in controls) { if(control is TextBox) { //Do textbox stuff } if(control is CheckBox) { //Do checkbox stuff } if(control is RadioButton) { //Do radiobutton stuff } } The bug was that the "radiobutto...

How to move Radio buttons click events in Behind code to XAML

Hi all: C# vs2010 XAML How can I move the code behind to the xaml window code? and also like to bind them to a property defined in a persistent class as Public class MyClass { public Myenum RadioBtns {get; set;} Thanks I have 4 radio buttons on a XAML window ...

how to change radiobutton size and label size in actionscript.?

Hi guys... I am trying to change my radiobutton size and label size in pure as3... searchRB = new RadioButton(); = "search"; = rbg; searchRB.label="Search"; searchRB.labelPlacement=ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM; searchRB.selected = true; searchRB.move(0, (searchInput.y + searchInput....

Checking a radio button with jQuery when radio button is runat="server"?

Using jQuery I want to be able to click an element which will also checks it's related radio button. I had this working fine until we had to add runat="server" to the radio buttons. When I apply this it prevents my jQuery function from working and I cant figure out how to get round it, heres a simplified version of the code: HTML <inp...

SWT Radio button rollback selection change

Hi, I have some problem with button withs flag SWT.RADIO; What i want to is to prevent the change of some button in some circumstances case scenario We have three buttons, on selection change the system verifies that this is allowed. if not then we don want to set new selection. So what the real problem, i am operating on selec...

Should One HTML Radio Button In a Radio Group Always Be Checked?

Are there any standards (HTML, UI, accessibility, and such like) that stipulate that one of the radio buttons in a given group of radio buttons should be selected at all times? I have encountered a business requirement whereby I have been asked that both radio buttons in a group be left unchecked, and then to have logic forcing the user...

Get Value of Radio button group

Hi, I'm trying to get the value of two radio button groups using the JQuery sytax you see below. When the code below is run i get the value selected from the first radio button group twice.. instead of getting the value of each individual group. Am I doing something obviously wrong here? Thanks for any help :) <a href='#' id='check_va...

Python/Django BooleanField model with RadioSelect form default to empty

Hello all, I'm using a Django ModelForm where my model contains a BooleanField and the form widget associated with that BooleanField is a RadioSelect widget. I'd like the the RadioSelect widget that renders to have no options selected so the user has to explicitly make a choice, but the form validation to fail if they make no selection...

Changing Radio Buttons image, help.

Hey guys. I'm not much of a programmer, but still need to do some coding. Now I have a problem with changing Radio Button Image with jQuery. I've got this code of the web but it still doesn't work. It changes the Radio button images, but when I try to select, it changes only the picture of the first radio box.(every time) Here's my HTM...

Java swing progress bar from EDT problem

This is for the swing experts out there. I have spent considerable time on this problem, so it is going to take me a few lines to explain the problem. I have a standalone java swing application (java 6). In my application, I have a frame with a radio button group. I have a single action linked to all the buttons in the group. The action...

How to loop through a radio buttons group without a form?

How do I loop through a radio buttons group without a form in JavaScript or jQuery? ...

Javascript: Get selected radio and paste it on a label tag with jQuery

I have a gender selection radio: <div class="label-inputs" name="userFieldDiv" id="genderUserFieldDiv"> <label class="required">Sexo</label> <input type="radio" class="check" value="F" name="userDto.gender" id="userDto.gender0"> <label for="userDto.gender0">Femenino</label> <input type="radio" class...