
Yet another arc4random problem.

Built an iPhone app that generates a random number to a label when a button is pressed. Simple, just to learn new skills. it works fine, but any value i put doesn't seem to limit the value of the random number generated. it's always 9 digits. -(IBAction)genRandnum:(id)sender { NSNumber *randomNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt: (ar...

how to randomly print 1 to 10 in C

Possible Duplicates: Generate Random numbers uniformly over entire range In C, how do I get a specific range of numbers from rand()? i want to generate random number in C. It has rand() and srand() function in stdlib.h But it gives me very large number. But I want only number b/w 1 to 10. So, is it possible and if yes then h...

Linear congruential generator: How important is setting seed?

I'm learning about linear congruential generator in an algorithms and data structures course. After thinking about RNG implementation we've been using (a=429493445, c=907633385, mod=4294967296, X is _uint32), one thing came to my mind: Program has a function for setting seed. How important would that function be in C and C++? Here's ...

Select cells randomly from NumPy array - without replacement

I'm writing some modelling routines in NumPy that need to select cells randomly from a NumPy array and do some processing on them. All cells must be selected without replacement (as in, once a cell has been selected it can't be selected again, but all cells must be selected by the end). I'm transitioning from IDL where I can find a nice...

change names of all files in a directory to random strings

Purpose: change names of all files in a directory to random strings of the same length list this files in another file (with a possibility to make from it sql query ) I think bash would be great for it, but I have no idea how to do this, can you help me? ...

Cryptographically-secure pseudorandom number generator seed

Do we need to seed a CSPRNG with a truly random number? Examples and documentation use truly random numbers, but no justification is given (that I can find). If we were to seed one with a pseudorandom number, I don't see what the difference would be compared to with a truly random seed. If someone finds either of the seeds, then the e...

The set seed value won't provide the right output of numbers

When I enter 42 for the seed value, it provides a certain sequence of numbers and reproduces the same ones every time the program is used. But the sequence of numbers in my program doesn't match up with the sequence of numbers in another program. I need to figure out how to make both of them provide the same output of random numbers when...

Is it possible to use NBuilder to Build a collection of random strings?

Hi Folks, pretty simple question: can I use NBuilder to create a collection of x number of random strings? I was trying... // NOTE: Tags need to be lowercase. return Builder<string> .CreateListOfSize(10) .WhereAll() .Has(x => x = randomGenerator.Phrase(15)) .WhereTheFirst(1) .Has(x => x = "time") .AndTh...

Random jokes in a skit (activerecord)

I am working on populating my database with test data using populate.rake: Repertoire.includes(:jokes).each do |r| @jokes = r.jokes Skit.populate 8..12 do |skit| skit.joke_id = @jokes[rand(@jokes.count)].id end end This is giving me a RuntimeError: Called id for nil. How can I populate a skit with random jokes? ...

generate a random path in 3 dimension

while I am working at a project that requires simulate the movement of a fish, I put the fish in a 3D environment and I wish it could swim in a path looks like a real fish will do. I am wondering if there is any algorithm that can generate a quasi-random, fish-like path? best wishes,everyone. ...

How to generate a predictable shuffling of a sequence without generating the whole sequence in advance?

The following python code describes exactly what I want to achieve for a sequence of arbitrary size (population): import random fixed_seed = 1 #generate the same sequence every time with a fixed seed population = 1000 sample_count = 5 #demonstration number num_retries = 3 #just enough to show the repeatable behaviour for trynum in xran...

How can I make a random quote generator with ajax?

Basically I have a page with a quote in it. Underneath the quote, I will have a link that will be clicked and the quote will be updated with an ajax call from the database to display the new content. I can do it with a regular php file, but I wanted to add some ajax into the mix so that the entire page isn't refreshed each time. Can som...

Choose For Random Strings In Commodore 64 BASIC

I have this variable declarations on my program: X="MAGENTA" Y="CYAN" Z="TAN" A="KHAKI" Now what I want is to randomly choose one of these and PRINT it. But how to do this? ...

How to return a resource string at random?

ResourceSet rs = Resources.Loading.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, true, true); so far I have that line, which gets me all the loading messages, my problem is the ResourceSet is an IEnumerable. I can't figure out what the best way to return a random string in this enumerable would be. Ideally I'd do somethi...

How can I display a 'random' feed item using this jQuery zRSS plugin code?

Hi, I am running and using the zRSSFeed jQuery plugin (http://www.zazar.net/developers/zrssfeed/) to pull feed items from my WordPress blog and display a single feed item within a seperate XHTML file (outside of the WordPres blog). It works perfectly displaying the latest item in the feed specified. I would like it to display a RANDOM i...

Properly implementing C#'s random number generator

I'm trying to generate two random numbers, one for a row and one for a column. In this exact instance, it is a multidimensional array with 4 rows and 4 columns. Thus, the number generator can use the values 0 to 3 for both row and column. I must also make sure that there are no duplicate points, so if [0,0] is chosen the first time, [0...

Display a random item from an xml list

I've been looking all over, and I can't find a clean solution (that I can make sense of). How can I pull an entry at random from an xml list? My starting point is as follows (which pulls the latest entry): <script type="text/javascript"> var xmlDoc=null; if (window.ActiveXObject) {// code for IE xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsof...

Generating a Random Sequence from a string

I have a function that uses Randomized numbers to generate its output. I'd like to be able to seed these random numbers with a long string; so long as the string is the same, the random number sequence will be the same. This is mainly for test purposes, but also for repeatability. I plan on creating a wrapper class that acts like the ...

Actionscript 3 implementation of Random.Next()

Hi All, I was wondering if there is good implementation of Random.Next in AS-3. Basically want to generate a series of Random numbers given a seed,and at times minumum and maximum limits.. Similar to C# System.Random class. Random random = new Random(); return random.Next(min, max); Thanks All. ...

How do you add a timestamp URI to an image_tag in Rails?

Just like the title says : = image_tag @organization.logo.url(:cropped) I want this to appear as <img src="picture.jpg?23412341234" /> ...