
What is the need of randomizing memory addresses for loading libraries?

ldd displays the memory addresses where the shared libraries are linked at runtime $ cat one.c #include<stdio.h> int main() { printf ("%d", 45); } $ gcc one.c -o one -O3 $ ldd one linux-gate.so.1 => (0x00331000) libc.so.6 => /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 (0x00bc2000) /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x006dc000) $ From this answer...

What is the most elegant way to randomly set a page background color between two choices?

So I run this site: http://sometimesredsometimesblue.com And more or less out of curiosity I was wondering if there was a more concise/elegant/interesting manner of how to code the... "functionality". var redOrBlue=new Array("#0000FF", "#FF0000") document.bgColor=redOrBlue[Math.floor(Math.random()*redOrBlue.length)] There's nothing ...

Random generate DOB

I'm trying to generate a random DOB for People in my database. In a java program, can some one help me? ...

Calculating a Random for C++

This is probably a super easy question, but I just wanted to make 10000% sure before I did it. Basically Im doing a formula for a program, it takes some certain values and does things when them.....etc.. Anyways Lets say I have some values called: N Links_Retrieved True_Links True_Retrieved. I also have a % "scalar" ill call it, for ...

Generate a random number with specific format

I want to generate a 10 digit number, and non of its digit occur more than 3 times. ...

True random number generation

How is exactly that we talk about "true random" numbers when we are actually measuring something. I mean, isn't measuring almost the opposite of randomness. Som articles says that, for example, throwing a dice is "true random". Of course it isn't Pseudo-random, but is it even random?? If you could have a machine that throw dices from de...

How do I perform a random event in Python by picking a random variable?

Let's say I have to variables, dog and cat. Dog = 5, and cat = 3. How would I tell Python to pick one of these variables by random and print it to the screen? ...

Selecting Randomly Lowest Weighted

There are plenty of SO questions on weighted random, but all of them rely on the the bias going to the highest number. I want to bias towards the lowest. My algorithm at the moment, is the randomly weighted with a bias towards the higher values. double weights[2] = {1,2}; double sum = 0; for (int i=0;i<2;i++) { sum += weights[i]; } d...

Select random images using Linq/C#?

I am trying to select existing images from a directory. The image files are being renamed dynamically when they are created but the format they currently have cannot be changed. This is an example. client_2010_10_23_001.jpg Essentially, the images are names according to upload time and incremented. Perhaps split the file name into ...

Randomness vs Uniqueness ?

In a web application if a user check the Remember Me box I'm gonna create a cookie and save it in database and assign it to user (long-life cookie). On any page request (page_load) I check this cookie (if session is null) and ask DAL for user object. If I use GUID it would be unique but the question is if a user can guess the pattern may...

How to get make stats in constant memory

I have a function, which creates some random numerical results. I know, that the result will be an integer in a (small, a - b approx 50) range a, b. I want to create a function which execute the above function let's say 1000000 times and calculates, how often the each result appears. (The function takes a random generator to produce the ...

dealing with random numbers in php?

i want a little php function to choose a number between 0 to 5, with 50% percent chance that it will be zero, and also choose between two strings at the same time randomly: the algorithm: choose number between 0,1,2,3,4,5 randomly (50% chance for zero, 50% chance for 1,2,3,4,5) and choose string blue, yellow randomly return(number, ...

How to genenerate 24 random numbers between 1 and 24 in PHP?

For this Wordpress site, I need to generate 24 variables each of which contains a number between 1 and 24. The problem is that two variables cannot have the same value. So I basically need to generate 24 variables each of which contains a number between 1 and 24. Here's the code that I am using to generate a random number. $mirza = ran...

(Random) in Common Lisp Not So Random?

Okay, final question and I'll have finished my number guessing game in Common Lisp! :D Whenever the game starts (or a new game begins after the first game), the following function is called. ;;; Play the game (defun play () ;; If it's their first time playing this session, ;; make sure to greet the user. (unless (> *number-o...

Java Creating Random Numbers with No Duplicates

In this case, the MAX is only 5, so I could check the duplicates one by one, but how could I do this in a simpler way? For example, what if the MAX has a value of 20? Thanks. int MAX = 5; for (i = 1 , i <= MAX; i++) { drawNum[1] = (int)(Math.random()*MAX)+1; while (drawNum[2] == drawNum[1]) { d...

Gas Station Simulation: How to simulate Cars coming at random intervals?

The assignment is as follows: The gas station consists of 2 pumps. Each pump has a certain amount of fuel it can distribute. Cars arrive at random intervals and attempt to use one of two pumps: - If a pump is available and has fuel, the car is immediately allowed to use it. Each car requires a certain amount of fuel (random numbe...


hi guys, I wonder if anyone used the library "WebCab.Libraries.StatisticsDemo.dll" before As i want to create an exponential random variable and i don't have any documentation for the library thanks in advance ...

Random enumeration of a hash table in OCaml

Hi, Sorry for the long question. I decided to explain the context of the problem first as maybe there are other solutions to my problem. If you're in a hurry, just read THE QUESTION below. (EDITED -- In the mean time I added some attempts to solve the problem. The fourth one has my final conclusion, you can jump straight to it.) THE C...

An Efficient way of randomizing an array - Shuffle code

Hi, I was asked this question in an interview and I gave various solutions but the interviewer was not convinced. I am interested to find a solution. Please throw in your views : Q: Write an efficient data structure to implement the shuffle in an ipod. It must play all the songs, each time in different random order, the same song shou...

Ineffective Array Shuffler

I am attempting to shuffle an array, but the way I am doing it only works about every fifth time. I would greatly appreciate if someone could explain why it is not working properly and perhaps propose a tweak. private Button[] scrambleBoard(Button[] buttons) { for (int x = 100 * buttons.Count(); x > 0; x--) { Random rand...