
NoSql (e.g. RavenDB) for financial time series data?

Hi, I started to look into NoSql and was wondering what others think of the suitability of such solutions for storing and querying financial time series data? For example, in a simple scenario, I would store the stock symbol, open, high, low, close, volume and a timestamp. I would then want to query for that data based on symbol and a ...

Update a document in RavenDB

I am using asp.net MVC2. I have a model defined as public class Department { [ScaffoldColumn(false)] public object Id { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Department Name is required")] [StringLength(25)] [DisplayName("Department Name")] public string Name { get; set; } [...

RavenDB index doesnt show new data

I have a model defined as public class Department { [ScaffoldColumn(false)] public object Id { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Department Name is required")] [StringLength(25)] [DisplayName("Department Name")] public string Name { get; set; } [DefaultValue(true)] ...

RavenDB paging index

I have a Linq query as var mdls = (from mdl in query dbSession.Query<MyModel>("MyIndex") orderby mdl.Name select dept).Skip(page.Value).Take(4); Where "MyIndex" is a simple index defined in RavenDB. I know that while querying an Index in RavenDB it returns "TotalResults". See here How can i get the query r...

RavenDB changes metadata "Raven-Entity-Name"

I noticed that when I add a document to RavenDB and see the "Raven-Entity-Name" metadata it makes it plural. E.g. if my model name was Product it changes it to Products. Why such kind for behavior? If I have create an index I am forced to use docs.Products ...

How to run RavenDb in embedded mode?

Ravendb documentation says to simply set the DataDirectory name before initializing the DocumentStore, but DocumentStore doesn't have a DataDirectory property :( var documentStore = new DocumentStore { DataDirectory = "path/to/database/directory" }; documentStore.Initialize(); The code above doesn't compile :( ...

RavenDB long response time for query, while was processed on server very fast

Raven.Server started and binded to port 8022. I initialize DataStore in the following way: var store = new DocumentStore() { Url = "http://localhost:8022" }; store.Initialize(); Then i'm making such query: using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); ...

How to Select All Documents of a Type in RavenDB

So far, I've tried the following: public class Widget { public int Id; public string Name; } public static class Main { public static void Main() { // Initialize store and preload with widgets... using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { var widgets = session.Load<Widget>(); ...

Can't find RavenDB Dynamic Queries

I just started trying out RavenDB and it seems that the new/easy way to do queries is to use dynamic instead of canned. I downloaded build 191 but Query needs takes a parameter that is the index name. How do I enable dynamic queries? Am I missing a namespace? Do I need a version newer than 191? ...

Problem with RavenDB 'Hello World' tutorial

I am going through the RavenDB tutorial on the RavenDb.net website. It was going fine until I got to the code block for creating an index. This code segment is direct from RavenDB.Net website. store.DatabaseCommands.PutIndex("OrdersContainingProduct", new IndexDefinition<Order> { Map = orders => from order in orders ...