
RDLC Expression Extension Methods

Is it possible to write extension methods for expressions behind RDLC fields? For example, let's say that I have a DateTime field in my datasource that may either have a valid value or may be null. I drag and drop a TextBox onto my RDLC and format its value using the ToShortDateString() method. This works fine for populated DateTime v...

how to programatically add rows to rdlc report table in wpf(C#)

how i can add rows to wpf hosted rdlc report programmatically from c#. or is there any way to format table data column-wise as VS2010 report supports in VS2008. ...

how to divide data in multiple columns in tsql

i have around 1000 of rows in database which i want to divide in column group wise. i mean in following format SlNo. Name Price SlNo. Name Price SlNo. Name Price how i can write query to show data in above format as in rdlc report vs 2008 i am unable to show data in this format. Any help would be appreciate...

Formating a line chart

I have a line chart in a report (rdlc), that I cannot get formatted correctly. There are 2 main things I am trying to accomplish. 1) The x-axis is a date, right now it is being displayed as the full date with time, and I want it to be displayed as mm/dd/yyyy. I have attempted to change this by using =FormateDateTime(Fields!EndDate.Val...

How to change the background color of cell containing subreport in RDLC report

I have an rdlc report containing two sub-reports in the same row (side by side). I am using alternating color for rows (setting background-color to "=iif(RowNumber(Nothing) mod 2, "Gainsboro", "White")") but when the one report is shorter than the other (a common occurrence), the background color of the cell containing the sub-report ha...

RDLC Grid Lines in VS2010

I'm using the RDLC Report Designer in VS2010 10.0.3 RTM release. I'm trying to turn on the gridlines in RDLC design view. I can turn on the rulers, but I can't seem to find the option to turn on grid lines. Anyone know how to do this? Thanks! ...

Save and re-load the saved rdlc report.

Hi, I am developing an application in WPF in which I need to generate and show reports. I am using RDLC for generating and showing reports. The requirement for reports are Should generate and show report. The user should be able to save the report (they havent specified the format to save the report.) The user should be able to load a...

how to show price changes in sales report using t-sql

I have two tables Products and SalesLog, SalesLog Table CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SalesLog]( [SalesID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [MemoNo] [int] NULL, [ProductCode] [int] NULL, [Quantity] [int] NULL, [Price] [decimal](10, 2) NULL, [pGroup] [int] NULL, [pName] [nvarchar](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [pSize] [int] NULL, [B...

In an rdlc report, can I programmatically choose one of many possible sub reports in the subreporteventhandler?

Hi, I have a main report, with a space for a sub report. Depending on one of the main report parameters, I want to load one of many different possible sub reports. I got kind of excited when I saw a report path parameter in the subreportprocessingeventargs, but that turned out to be READ ONLY! So, can someone please tell me it's possib...

How to Use WCF objects to create a Report?

In Visual Studio 2010, how do you create a report using a List returned from a WCF call? ...

how to show sales summary in rdlc from four sql table using sql

hello guys, I am having bad times to generate a rdlc report to show report in predefined format given by my client. Client given format As you can notice RED background is my problem area, Item "A" price has been changed thrice. And accordingly their sales, breakages and refund quantity is shown. I have 4 tables Products, SalesLog, Br...

How do you hide subreports (no whitespace) if they are in a reportviewer table row?

Hi, I've got myself a situation where I've got a bunch of different objects that all share some data fields in common. I want to have different subreports show the different details of these objects and a main table row showing the common stuff. I've found that I can't load different subreports programmatically, so I have to place every...

Generating .rdlc files - Add a UserSort tag to allow interactive sorting

The application I am working on is generating .rdlc files that will end up being interpreted by Microsoft's WinForms ReportViewer control (not the ASP.NET one). I have only been partially successful with adding the interactive 'sort direction' controls on to these reports. The controls appear on each column and row in the report, when y...

VS2010 ReportViewer Local RDLC Export To Excel Has Extra Emtpy Row on Bottom

When I export a Local RDLC from the ReportViewer to Excel there is an empty extra row appended to the bottom. So that when a user saves as CSV there is a row of commas on the bottom of the resulting csv. How do I keep the export from having the extra row on the bottom? ...

VBScript in Reports Expression Editor, filtering out certain values

I have a report that need null values replaced with N/A. It works for x amount of rows until the null value is hit then the rest of the data needing to be displayed just goes away. Here is my expression =iif(Fields!PastBaseline.Value is nothing, "N/A", Round(Fields!PastBaseline.Value)) Anyone know what I am doing wrong? ...

Need to add additional DataTables to RDLC

I need to add a second DataTable from our app's main DataSet into a report, but not having much luck. We have several simple local reports in RDLC files, each with a single DataTable based on a view in our application DB. I need to improve one of the reports to add information from another table. This other table is defined in the same ...

Where can I find documentation for RDLC xml?

I'm trying to find documentation on RDLC. Specifically I'm looking for the different Actions in a TextBox element. ...

Visual Studio loads report design view (RDLC) veeery slow

Opening a report design view with my local VS 2008 Pro is very slow, it sometimes loads 30 seconds and since I have many reports in my solution, it really starts getting on my nerves. Is there a trick to avoid that and load the rdlc files faster? Thanks ...

Show the "Report loading" message programmatically in a web app?

Can I do that somehow from for example a codebehind file? Thanks :-) ...

The definition of the report 'Main Report' is invalid

I'm installing a service on a machine that will call a method from another WCF service and email a rdlc report. I have the report being copied to the compile directory and I reference it so it seems to be finding it. LocalReport report = new LocalReport(); report.ReportPath = @"C:\Services\Exp...