
how can I read a binary file using VBA?

I have a binary file that resulted from a program written in Compaq Visual Fortran. How can I read specific lines and save them in an Excel sheet? ...

How to read integer in Erlang?

I'm trying to read user input of integer. (like cin >> nInput; in C++) I found io:fread bif from, so I write code like this. {ok, X} = io:fread("input : ", "~d"), io:format("~p~n", [X]). but when I input 10, the erlang terminal keep giving me "\n" not 10. I assume fread automatically read 10 ...

Writing an executable function in C#

Hi, I'm really new to all of this. I need to write an exe application in C#. What i need to do is to be able to pass values through the console into a function. But I'm unsure as to how I can store the values that are entered through the console... I know we can use Read() to read what has been entered but, when I'm dealing with multipl...

select * returns CLOB

I have not used oracle before and I was to modify the clob data as it has my home phone number. But when I do select * from table shows CLOB and I cannot see the data. How can I see the data and how to I Update? I need the query. Thanks Jen ...

How to compute accurately the time it takes a Java program to write or read a file ?

How to compute accurately the time it takes a Java program to write or read a number of bytes from/to a file ? It is really important that the time is being measured accurately. (The time should be computed by the program itself). ...

Why did my use of the read command not do what I expected?

I did some havoc on my computer, when I played with the commands suggested by vezult [1]. I expected the one-liner to ask file-names to be removed. However, it immediately removed my files in a folder: > find ./ -type f | while read x; do rm "$x"; done I expected it to wait for my typing of stdin:s [2]. I cannot understand its action....

Uploading a file over HTTP and reading the result in C#

The title of this question should be self explanatory, but basically I have this code (working) progfrm = new progressform(); System.Net.WebClient ahwebclient = new System.Net.WebClient(); progfrm.Show(); ahwebclient.UploadProgressChanged += new System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(ahwebclient_Upl...

Reading Data From $_POST[] in PHP

Hey guys, I'm trying to read POST data in a PHP script. My first instincts led me to the $_POST[] array, but for whatever reason, it's never populated. I'm using HTTP Client for OS X, to send POST requests. I enter the URL of the script, set the method to POST, set the content-type header to text/plain ...

Read memory of Java applet running inside browser

Hi, I use C# to program and use ReadProcessMemory to read the memory of other processes running on the system. However, I'm unsure how to read the memory of a java applet that is running inside a browser? Has anyone tackled this before? Thanks. ...

Read Java Variables

Hi, I am trying to achieve reading variables from a Java applet out of process from my C# program. Apart from reading memory addresses, is there any way I can obtain values of variables from a java applet? This java applet will be running inside a browser. If it is not possible to do this from C#, would it be possible to do it from a dif...

How do I open an already opened file with a .net StreamReader?

I have some .csv files which I'm using as part of a test bench. I can open them and read them without any problems unless I've already got the file open in Excel in which case I get an IOException: System.IO.IOException : The process cannot access the file 'TestData.csv' because it is being used by another process. This is a snippe...

sh read command eats slashes in input?

Perhaps easiest to explain with an example: $ echo '\&|' \&| $ echo '\&|' | while read in; do echo "$in"; done &| It seems that the "read" command is interpreting the slashes in the input as escapes and is removing them. I need to process a file line by line without changing its contents and I'm not sure how to stop read from being s...


I want to read the lines out of STDIN (aka SYSIN) in COBOL. For now I just want to print them out so that I know I've got them. From everything I'm reading it looks like this should work: IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. APP. ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION. FILE-CONTROL. SELECT SYSIN ASSIGN TO DA-S-SYSIN OR...

Python's on Ubuntu

Python's function won't read anything. It always returns '' no matter what's inside the file. What can it be? I know it must be something straightforward, but I can't figure it out. UPD: I tried with 'r' and 'w+' modes. UPD: The code was: >>> file = open('helloworld', 'w+') >>> '' Solution: It jus...

Read lua-like code in php

I got a question... I got code like this, and I want to read it with PHP. NAME { title ( A_STRING ); settings { SetA( 15, 15 ); SetB( "test" ); } desc { Desc ( A_STRING ); Cond ( A_STRING ); } } I want: $arr['NAME']['title'] = "A_STRI...

C# NetworkStream.Read()

I'd like to empty read buffer of the socket so I wrote follow code... byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[1024]; int readCount = 0; while ((readCount = tcpSocket.GetStream().Read(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length)) != 0) { // do with tempBuffer } But Read() method is blocked so I added tcpSocket.ReceiveTimeout = 1;. And it works just like...

how to determine if a parameter has been "posted" or "geted" from java?

in asp there's request.form and request.queryString attributes, but in java it seems like we have only one collection, which can be accessed via request.getParamaterMap, getParametersNames, getParameterValues, etc... is there some way to tell which values have been posted nd which ones have been specified in the url? -- ps: what I'm...

iPhone - SQLite Database Read problem

i trying to do basic application. my files list; DatabaseClass.h and .m, IDRGameAppDelegate.h and .m, scoredb.sqlite, ScoreViewController.h and .m, MainWindow.xib // Main Window ScoreWindow.xib //Show Score Window 1.) my database is ; CREATE TABLE "game" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ,"name" VARCHAR(32),"score" VARCHAR(20)); INSERT INTO ...

Reading binary file in Python

In Python, how do I read a binary file and loop over each byte of that file? ...

Reading and writing a key in/from the registry

Here's the problem. I'm getting the following string as parameter to my function: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyProgram\SomeKey where SomeKey is a REG_DWORD and has a value. I need to read and write to that key (SomeKey) but all the registry functions that I know take HKEY_CURRENT_USER separately from the rest of the key (\Soft...