
Detecting syllables in a word containing non-alphabetical characters

I'm implementing readability test and have implemented simple algorithm of detecting sylables. Detecting sequences of vowels I'm counting them in words, for example word "shoud" contains one sequence of vowels which is 'ou'. Before I'm counting them i'm removing suffixes like -les, -e, -ed (for example word "like" contains one syllable b...

Method naming conventions. Should the method be named getX(), if the there's no corresponding setX() ?

Say I got an Employee class that has a hire date data member. This member only get set one time only and it is constant too. So it'll get initialised when the object is created. If I want the class to have a method that returns the hire date, what's better: getHireDate(); Or just: hireDate(); Am I thinking too much :D ? ...

How do I make this code more readable?

I wrote this today and I'm ashamed. What do I need to do to make this chaotic stuff more accurate and readable amongst others? switch ((RequestReportsCalculatingStoredProcedures.RequestReportStoredProcedureType)Enum.Parse(typeof(RequestReportsCalculatingStoredProcedures.RequestReportStoredProcedureType), ihdType.Value)) { ...

C# performance and readability with buttons enabling/disabling

Hey all, I've often found myself in front of that kind of code : if(Something > 0) { btnOne.Enabled = true; btnTwo.Enabled = true; btnThree.Enabled = false: } else { btnOne.Enabled = false; btnTwo.Enabled = false; btnThree.Enabled = true: } And I've always wondered if it was better to let it like that, or put ...

Can a Visual Basic (.NET / 2010) file be split up for readability?

I'm writing a program in Visual Basic 2010. It's a HMI (Human-Machine Interface) and therefore has a whole whack of buttons that just send commands to other devices. As a result, there are a huge pile of event handlers for clicking buttons that can't really be broken down into modules (unless my understanding of modules is wrong). Essen...