Computing pseudo-inverse of a matrix in C++
I'm looking to compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of a matrix in C++, can someone point me to a library implementation or a numerical recipe? Thanks! ...
I'm looking to compute the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of a matrix in C++, can someone point me to a library implementation or a numerical recipe? Thanks! ...
I'm having a hard time finding py2exe recipes, especially for cases that require c extensions. The following recipe works fine without the "ext_modules" part. With it I get "NameError: name 'Extension' is not defined. from distutils.core import setup import py2exe import matplotlib import os s = os.popen('svnversion') version = s.r...
I'm trying to get zc.buildout to install Gunicorn from source. Using the following configuration: [gunicorn] recipe = collective.recipe.distutils url = results in the following error: SystemError: ('Failed', '"/usr/bin/python" -q install --install- purelib="/mnt/hgfs/Project...
I wonder if anyone can help? After Google announced that it will take note of RDFa / Microformats for online recipes, I've been looking into this for a couple of recipe based sites I run. However we simply don't have all the required data to fulfill any of the standards. Does this matter? Will search engine crawlers still make the most...
I am trying to find tutorials on how to write buildout recipes. I haven't found any, except the one on buildout site. But it is very rudimentary. Is there a good tutorial for writing buildout recipes? ...
I'm new to Python. I'm currently on Py3k (Win). I'm having trouble installing a .py file. Basically, i want to use the recipes provided at the bottom of this page. So i want to put them inside a .py and import them in any of my source codes. So i copied all the recipes into a file and copied them to C:\Python3k\Lib\site-pack...
There are a variety of web sites that purport to offer reusable code in some fashion (Krugle, Koders, byteMyCode, et al). These are great for browsing and for learning by reading other people's code, though I find it challenging to actually find something specific. With O'Reilly's cookbook series (Perl Cookbook, Ruby Cookbook, C# Cookbo...
I am trying to deploy my existing django project via buildout, following loosely the instructions here. my buildout.cfg file is: [buildout] parts = django python develop = . eggs = myproject [django] recipe = djangorecipe version = 1.2.3 project = myproject projectegg = mypr...
As short as possible, I have: class X { int p1; int p2; int p3; string p4; } class Y { int a1; int a2; string a3; string a4; } list<X> XLIST; list<Y> YLIST; and I want to shorten this: foreach (X x in XLIST) { Y y=new Y(); // arbitrary conversion y.a1=x.p1; y.a2=x.p2-x.p1; ...