
NHibernate recursive query

Hi I would like to build a tree of Organisations. I use the following mapping and class. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"> <class name="Foundation.DomainModels.Organisation, Foundation" table="Organisation" lazy="true"> <id name="Id" column="ID" type="Int32" unsaved-val...

Recursive JPA query?

Does JPA 2 have any mechanism for running recursive queries? Here's my situation: I have an entity E, which contains an integer field x. It also may have children of type E, mapped via @OneToMany. What I'd like to do is find an E by primary key, and get its value of x, along with the x values of all its descendants. Is there any way to ...

recursive inline function

i have this files: //Q2a.h #ifndef Q2A_H #define Q2A_H inline int MyFactorial(int a) { if (a < 2) return 1; return a*MyFactorial(a-1); } int NumPermutations(int b); #endif //Q2a.cpp #include "Q2a.h" int NumPermutations(int b) { return MyFactorial(b); } and file with the main- Q2b.cpp i notice that the compiler usually ig...

Find Parent Recursively using Query

Hello, I am using postgresql. I have the table as like below parent_id child_id ---------------------- 101 102 103 104 104 105 105 106 I want to write a sql query which will give the final parent of input. i.e suppose i pass 106 as input then , its output will be 103. (106 --> 105 --> 104 --> 103) ...

Recursive stored functions in MySQL

I'm trying to make a function that recursively builds a path for a specific category CREATE FUNCTION getPath(inId INT) RETURNS TEXT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE return_path TEXT; DECLARE return_parent_id INT; SELECT CONCAT('/', name) INTO return_path FROM article_categories WHERE id = inId; SELECT parent_id INTO return_pa...

sql recursive function - to find managers

Lets say I have the following table User_ID Manager_ID --------------------- Linda Jacob Mark Linda Kevin Linda Steve Mark John Kevin Basically the requirement is to pull all the managers under the user_id you are searching for. So for instance if I send in 'Linda' then it should retur...

Can you use JOIN in a recursive function PHP/MySQL?

I have the following table. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `omc_schedule` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `trainer_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `course` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `capacity` int(11) NOT NULL, `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `parentid` int(10) NOT NULL, `order` int(11) NOT...

SQL Server recursive query

Hello, I am new to SQL Server development. Most of my experience has been done with Oracle. suppose I have the following table that contains Appointments objects CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Appointments]( [AppointmentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, ....... [AppointmentDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [PersonID] [int] NOT NULL, ...

Is there a reason/setting that would prevent a Coldfusion server from running recursive functions

I am using, shared hosting, and can't seem to get a recursive function to run. ...

Directed graph SQL

I have the following data set, which represents nodes in a directed graph. CREATE TABLE nodes (NODE_FROM VARCHAR2(10), NODE_TO VARCHAR2(10)); INSERT INTO nodes VALUES('GT','TG'); INSERT INTO nodes VALUES('GG','GC'); INSERT INTO nodes VALUES('AT','TG'); INSERT INTO nodes VALUES('TG','GC'); INSERT INTO nodes VALUES('G...

recursive CTE - limited numbers of rows

Hi I'm trying to create a query on a very simple table (organisations) I have the columns Organisation, Manager, Superior_Organisation CEO Leadership Team, David, CEO Production Management, Alex, Leadership Team Production Site 1, Francoise, Production Management Production Site 2, Steve, Production Management Production Site 1 Maint...

Exiting from recursive common table expression once the result set contains some value

Given the following table: create table TreeNode ( ID int not null primary key, ParentID int null foreign key references TreeNode (ID) ) How could I write a common table expression to start at the root (WHERE ParentID IS NULL) and traverse its descendants until the result set contains some target node (e.g., WHERE ID = n)? It's ea...

Recursive query

I have a table which contains the following fields Supervisorid Empid This is just like a referral program. A guy can refer 3 guys under him i.e, 3 is referring three guys namely 4 5 8 similarly 4 is referring 9 10 and 11 likewise 8 is referring 12, 13 it goes like this.. I want a query to get all EmpId under Supervisor 3 ...

SQL Server Recursive query

Some days ago I asked a question on SO regarding help on a recursive query. The problem of that question was "How to get the history of a Person appointments". Now I am having a problem similar to that one but it should answer to a slightly different question: How to get an Appointment history? For example if Appointment with ID = 5...

Transform a parent/child table to a fixed column dimentional table

I've a relational table (id, parentId, name) which I'd like to convert to a flattened dimentional table (id, Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4) I'm ok fixing the depth at 4 deep. I've made progress with a recursive CTE and pivot, but the result set isn't right I get Id Name Level1 Level2 0 Root NULL NULL 1 NULL L1 NUL...

PHP recursive function to get breadcrumb

Spent a few hours on this and need some expert help. I have a table like this: [id] [name] [parent_id] 1 fruits 0 2 orange 1 3 lemon 2 4 steak 0 When I go to lemon, I want the breadcrumb to be like: Home > Fruits > Orange > Lemon And lemon not to be a link but the rest to be a link. Any suggestions? The best I f...