
Apache mod_rewrite redirect to internal server

Hi I am not sure if this is the write thing but that's the reason i am asking here for help. I have server one (Apache) and server 2 (IIS). Server one has external access but server 2 does not. I need to host http content on both of them on port 80. Without changing ports on the firewall etc., is it possible for me to redirect a call f...

Video will not redirect in IE

Have produced a short video which redirects to a download page at the end. The redirect works fine in Firefox But for some reason I cannot get the redirect to work in IE. Thanks ...

How to display CSS backgroundImage when the source redirects?

I'm attempting to dynamically set the backgroundImage for a div where the image source url is not the true/final destination url but instead returns a 301 redirect pointing to the actual image url. Using this redirecting url in a standard < img src=" ... tag works normally as the browser transparently follows the redirect. However, it ap...

Managing URL Redirects when you Modify Pretty URLs - Best Practices

What are the standards for managing URL redirects if you base your URL's off properties of the data that might change a few times, like the "title"? I have a website with lots of images and I want to make the urls look like this: Now say a bunch of people bookmark the image, and ...

IIS Redirects and children folders / pages

Silly question that I can't seem to figure out. In II6 I need to set a redirect on a parent folder (using the "redirect to an url" option) but have sub folders (or sub aspx pages) still point to the page in that site (the designated directory. II6 seems to have no problem with setting a different redirect on the child folder/page, but ...

How can I use rails routes for dynamic 301 redirects?

I need to setup 301 redirects for my old URL's which have quiet high PR's. Indexed URL's are in this format:[id]=7-Farming and want to redirect them, using 301, to: In the 1st URL 7 is the id of the farming category, in the 2nd URL "farming" is a permalink....

Track each URL and Parameters sent from Form

Simple question really for anyone who's been through this: I have a form that I'm placing on a site. This form submits some parameters to a site which then sends some parameters using "GET" to another site, which then opens the third site. Now the first 2 sites pass so quickly that I can not see what parameters were passed using the UR...

How to redirects all request to www directory via .htaccess?

Hello, I'm trying to create a .htaccess that would for a subdomain "test" redirects all requests this way: (1) to (2) so that in browser's address bar is still the address (1)? I have Apache 2.0. I'm trying to writ...

why do site redirects appear in Google results? query. If you search "inisturkbeag" (which should people apparently do), you get, which redirects to Is there any way we can remove these from Google? Is it an ISP thing? ...

Do ASP.Net MVC Controller Attributes Execute Before or After the Action?

Consider the following code: [Authenticate(Order = 1)] public ActionResult SomeActionThatRequiresAuthentication() { var model = new SomeViewModel(); // Do something with an authenticated session/user... return View(model); } Does the Authenticate attribute happen before or after the code insid...

Best possible SEO way of forcing the iframe'd page to reload as parent.

<html> <iframe src="iWantToBeTheParent.html" /> </html> I think this is a JavaScript task, it would be nice to handle the redirection with htaccess though since my code will inside an iframe I'm looking for a method that initiates from inside the iframe source which would make the iframe url load as the parent. I only have access t...

Htaccess.. changing the domain name.

Hello, I have a big Joomla website that was moved from .com to .eu domain. The sites are on one web server. On the old website there are a lot of links that point directly to Is there a way with Htaccess file in the old domains folder to redirect from to